What will happen

What will happen

show vagene your so beaty full

it's gonna have rey getting captured by the first order and paraded around nude in public.

JJ will retcon Rian's retcons.

CGI Leia. No matter how much they deny it, I really don't think they can resist

>paraded around nude in public
Are they trying to torture her or the onlookers?

it's left ambiguous

Another Death Star.

Leia will die and Kylo Ren will say,
>-"Out with the old, in with the new"
then proceed to fuck Rey in the asshole whose gaping after the it's volcanic enema eruption.

Rey vs The Knights of Ren

Rey + Kylo*

Everyone dies

The subversion of your expectations will be subverted.

Space China will save the republic.

Another super weapon.

Vice Admiral Gender Studies resurrects as a zombie because vagina power and then spends several hours castrating the last white men in the galaxy with a rusty knife while masturbating furiously.

237% on rotten tomatoes

Um no sweetie. You are implying that she ever died. She is now floating through the space, and the projection of Skywalker was her own doing, because even though very problematic, she knew that it would anger Relo Kyle and give rebesistance chance to strategically retreat.

Scenes of Skywalker meditating on the Ireland planet are completely unrelated to the final battle, he just came to peace with his own whiteness and dropped dead.

3 full length BLACKED videos played back to back to back

You heard it here first.
>Star Wars Episode IX: Part I & II
It won't be officially announced to be a 2 part movie until the final trailer before release where they will add the "Part I" subtitle. Screencap this. They literally cannot wrap up the story as it stands now in one film. Part I will introduce a new threat and redeem Kylo and Part II will be Kylo & Rey against the new bad guy. Disney has turned Rian's mistakes into pure profit.

JJ needs to fix this shit. Which is something I never thought I'd say.

Bring back and expand on the Knights of Ren.

Expand on Snoke's history and how he was connected to Ben, Luke, Han, and Leia.

Make Luke a force ghost and pretend that force projection shit in TLJ never happened.

Give Leia a proper send off and pretend her force Superman never happened.

More disappointment but at least we'll be done with this shit trilogy.

finn fucking dies

Rey's anus pulsating and sweating against the camera lens for three hours straight without breaks and filmed in one take

Friendly reminder of Disney's """"choreography""""

I think they are just going to go with a two and a half hour PowerPoint presentation by Anita Sarkeesian about interesectuonal feminism and toxic masculinity.

And then at the end they bring out the guy who played Wedge Antilles in an orange jumpsuit and Anita beheads him with a knife shaped like a womb while Beyoncé plays in the background.

The audience will be thoroughly disappointed.

It will reek of cash grab. Audiences won't respond. As it is they are already at risk of a serious drop in audience numbers. Last Jedi essentially lost 1/3rd of the the audience from Force Awakens. God knows how much this will lose.

>Anita beheads him with a knife shaped like a womb while Beyoncé plays in the background

This seems the only way out. JJ needs to set up a story to have a pay off. At the moment, they have nothing. Kylo vs Rey, where she beat him twice already?

Part one will fix all the shit people hate about TLJ, and Luke will somehow come back. It will continue the mysteries of TFA and the second film will pay off 80% of them, leaving further films and TV series possible.

It will be a shameless move, but one that will ultimately salvage whatever they have left. JJ will make a fortune.

JJ has never cared about stories with pay-offs.

More diversity. Women in more preponderant roles. Leia was the real chosen one, Poe will be killed, Finn will become a jedi, new black girl character, a neutral-gender character with hir own subplot, etc.

Rey will get a girlfriend and settle down on Coruscant.
Kylo will recruit the broomboy and they'll go camping on Kashyyk.
Chewee wins a fortune in the casino rolling the dice and opens up a shop selling porgs.
Leia is now a force ghost and kills Poo with lightning because he is a hothead.
Fin and his gf have broken up offscreen.
Cpt. Phasma is defeated by Qui-Gon Jinn.

I can guarantee at least one sequence with our protagonists disguising themselves as the enemy to infiltrate something/someplace.

>Kylo will recruit the broomboy and they'll go camping on Kashyyk.

Call Me By Your Space Name?

It will win all the oscars!

*saves your movie*

Luke is reincarnated as Leslie Jones.



i won't see it. no idea.

Everyone will sit down have a chat and sort everything out.

>Rey will get a girlfriend and settle down on Coruscant
They'll go full on "Legend of Korra" if they do that.

Why when Kylo was Vader fanboy force ghost Anakin didn't come to him to say what he went full retard?

Bendu Order

Rey and Kylo both die.