White Masculinity?

>pic related

I don't understand Sup Forums pls explain this review...


White men are the vessels by which all evil enters the world.

They are Pale Portals of Peril. Each and every one a Hellmans Hellmouth.

Cant handle how /k/ the movie is

Its just a buzzword review to appeal to a certain demand. He probably is just focusing his views on the oil security guys (rapists/murderers).

I think that even a trash website like RT cannot deny the quality of Wind River's writing.

""""""""""""""""""""""""top critic""""""""""""""""""""""""""

>Are you flanking me boy?

Progressives are genuinely genocidal racists who won't rest until they have ethnically cleansed the world of people of European ancestry.

Any white person who isn't scared by them hasn't been paying attention.

Pretty sure "Josephine" is a triggered woman

Did you just assume xer gender?

He's saying the hero of the film is a competet white man.

This is offensive to liberals and leftists.

>people still take critics seriously

Jeremy rener isn't white though, he's an amerimutt at best.

ok chaim

I googled this review.

>The disturbing new film shows how Hollywood uses white women to generate empathy for the police.

>But, seen alongside each other, Clarice Starling and Jane Banner reveal American movie-making’s interest in the interiority of law enforcement personnel—especially pretty young white women. These movies watch their heroines suffer, fear, and bury it all under a calm surface of professional resolve, often in the face of horrendous violence and mortal danger.

Basically she dislikes it because;

>There is a competent, well intentioned white man in the movie

>The female lead isn't a mary sue dedicated to ending white supreamcy

>There are cops in it who aren't the bad guys

The woman is a mentally deranged, intellectually stunted leftist. Profoundly dishonest in her writing, too.

>True abjection cannot be experienced by white male characters in cinema. Even when robbed of their weapons or jobs or status, white men are still in possession of a metanarrative of power—they’re not the right candidate for catharsis. This metanarrative is made up of a constellation of details. The movie’s structure probably does not require that the man experience sexual violence, as if often requires of its women protagonists. The movie itself has a 96 percent chance of being directed by a man. One reason why we never see men gripped by fear in our popular narratives is that men like to feel powerful, and most of the time, they’re the ones telling the stories.

The vasty majority of the review doesn't even concern the film, it just discusses feminist depictions in horror movies and BLM.

This is juvenile level of writing and criticism affirmative action has wrought.

But this is the brand of masculinity that almost all major religions, cultures and races admire. It's not just whiteys.


Is there any way in which you're *not* a fucking idiot, user?

Oh no. A typo.

Surely the end of the world.

leftism is l i t e r a l l y a fucking mental disorder full stop

Is xer a tranny?

>that haircut
>those glasses

Every fucking time

That's intersectionality for you.

So is it a good movie? Should I watch it right now?


Every fucking time.

>I still cant believe that this whole CIS white male opression triggered LGBTQPVLDCCTWRX+++ mind my pronouns agender xe / xem /phi trans ableist thing is not an elaborate joke started by Sup Forums.

>Film blogger

>Multiple articles whining about Brexit

>Not even tangentially related to film or television

Wise investment by her editors. She's a real winner.

It's breddy good. It's like lesser Sicario.

There ARE white people in it though, so if that's a trigger, steer clear.

>film is about how two opposing cultures have come together because there's no place in the modern world for them
>reviewer decides to miss the point, and go on about how divisive the film should be

the movie is actually offensively white

This is truly embarassing. It's genuinely like reading the english assignments of an edgy 14 year old girl.

>Manhunter is about Masculinity becaues...there are men in it

>Serial killers kill more than one victim
>TV shows have more than one episode

>Woah, deep

It's like some kind of joke. I just can't even picture this person existing, that they wrote of all that in earnest. How do they not collapse under the weight of their own absurd convictions? These people are not healthy.

and just think about it, these people aren't called out for what they are, in fact they are given space in the media, academia and politics to spread their venomous psychopathic ideology

>These people are not healthy.
You could say they're..............................................................................................................toxic

He is actually part black but honestly doesn't look it.

dont forget that smug but void of any intelligence look on its face

these things are parasites
they barrow deep and kill of anything that matters, anything thats is good and decent.
they cant create anything only destroy
video games
the list goes on

Literal personification of penis envy

is she molded by a bad sex life? Is that what her problem is? she makes herself up to look objectively unattractive, destroys her hair with bleach and cuts it asymmetrically. She dresses like a man even tho she hates men. maybe honestly she needs a good dicking and man who spoils her. All that hatred and rage masquerading as empathy for the dispossessed has to be coming from somewhere and I think it is coming from a bad sex life and weak partners.

Ironically she is right though. Her conclusions and her retarded "logic" are absurd, BUT her premise is correct in a way.

The pathology of psychopathy for men is an expression of extreme "masculine" traits. Such as violence, sexual dominance and even rape.

Feminine dark triad aspects express themselves more in social and psychological manipulation, which is why there aren't really any female serial killlers.

Male serial killers cannot be all generalized, BUT the serial killers mentioned in "Mindhunters" did have some things in common:

>emotionally stunted, due to some external or internal factor
>sexual frustration due to some external or internal factor
>extreme anger/rage towards specific "profiles" of victims, for example killing women that look like your mother, or having a type (brunette)
>high impact sexual violence

These are all male exclusive traits.

Again, that dumb bitch has no idea what she's talking about, but she is right about male physiology and biology expressing themselves in violent ways.

This is why they made Luke Skywalker weak and pathetic, but if you say that people will claim there was no politics involved.

Those glasses are some They Live shit. They put those fuckers on and see the world in some way or form we can't even begin to comprihend.

One time while drunk I had the idea of a website hosting reviews of reviews.
You would be my top reviewer.



That’s a dude, my dude

Bruh look at this dood

You guys always - always - try too hard and end up looking even worse than whatever you think you're complaining about.

>This is juvenile level of writing and criticism affirmative action has wrought.

so...what's your excuse user?

It's a joke until that woman becomes head of Lucasfilm.

>This is truly embarassing.

"Embarrassing", user. Which is true, just not in quite the way you'd like to think.

is there any genuine reason to believe that's going to happen or are you poor slobs just squeezing away to intensify the frisson?

I blame it on the Department of Education and modern university lowering academic standards. If a girl wrote that paper in college, she would get a 100%. “A for effort” is how our modern educational system is structured.

>Even when robbed of their weapons or jobs or status, white men are still in possession of a metanarrative of power—
The end point of this sort of thinking is actually horrifying. Even when you don't have power, you can be treated as if you're a powerful oppressor.

kill yourself

>why are you flanking me?

Dumb goys are too stupid to get it

There is a reason they are called cattle

White men stand in the way of the ambitions of women and people of color.

Oy vey goyim we need to deconstruct and expose the meta narratives of white supremacy!!!!

I'm not hired by a major media outlet to be a cutlural critic? I'm some fag on an imageboard?

#Time'sUp for white masculinity

>...and that's a good thing; here's why.

No. It really is embarrassing.

>Dude check it out, serial killers commit murders in a series...you know what else is a series? This show about serial killers

mind. blown.


>we never see men gripped by fear
Did she... actually watch movies

Rotten Tomatoes includes these """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" in their critic score


Name a single movie in which you have seen a White Male Protagonist demonstrate fear.

You can't include war movies, crime films, thrillers, horror, or action pictures.

Or dramas.

Go on, I'll wait.

>tfw sharia doesn't look so bad after all


Christ women ruin everything.

i wouldn't let my kid anywhere near that thing.

i'm pretty fucking sure it's a male, too.

Alright, then western instead. Gary Cooper in High Noon very famously has a moment of weakness before he regathers his strength and courage, kills the bad guys with the help of Grace Kelly, rescues her before riding with her into the sunset.

That child deserves so much better

American women in particular. To be precise: female white American millenials, the least desirable group of human females on this globe.

>Name a single movie in which you have seen a White Male Protagonist demonstrate fear.
>but don't include movies that have fear as a device or theme, or lots of feaful white males in them! That would hurt ny argument haha.
Taje your puck of any capeshit movie. The hero must overcome various fears to triumph. In The Dark Knight, Batman overcomes the fear of losing his parents, the fear of endangering those close to him, or harming bystanders with his vigilantism, he fears the Joker, he fears for his life, so on so forth.
Drama movies are often based on fear. Fear of dying to a disease or losing a loved one to a disease is a common one.
Unironically kill yourself.

Yes. The only way to end white oppression is to end whiteness.

Sleep well, goyim.

She just needs a good dicking. She's practically begging for it. She's the female equivalent of guys around here that spend all day shitting on women because they won't fuck them. It's a desperate cry for sex.

1. Batman is Action and Crime.

2. He doesn't cry in fear. He doesn't even scream.

Also he overcomes his fear, which is a White Male Power Fantasy.

Admit it, Nazi, you can't do it.

The child knows.

>Admit it, Nazi, you can't do it.
A Clear and Present Bait

Un-American trash.


Like what di they want

so THIS is what progressives have "progressed" to... whoa..... ....

You would never find women like her in Arab countries, or patriarchal societies. White men fucked up big time by giving women equal treatment.

Sup Forums is ALWAYS right

>female white American millenials
Naw, it’s mostly mystery meat women with halfro’s. The kind of girl(?) that is in the new Apple computah ad. White women voted for Drumpf.

>come on down to your local library, where a man dressed up as a female demon can read to your child!
What the fuck. I wouldn't let my kid see this solely for the weird demon shit, never mind being a faggot.

Really makes me think.

Also I guarantee Julie James is a single mother.

I imagine this would simply kick-start a child's fear of lgbtq.


>name a single movie
>except for all these types of movies
>protip: YOU CAN-

This explains the Star Wars review score mystery better than any russian alt-right plot

>True abjection cannot be experienced by white male characters in cinema. Even when robbed of their weapons or jobs or status, white men are still in possession of a metanarrative of power—they’re not the right candidate for catharsis. This metanarrative is made up of a constellation of details. The movie’s structure probably does not require that the man experience sexual violence, as if often requires of its women protagonists. The movie itself has a 96 percent chance of being directed by a man. One reason why we never see men gripped by fear in our popular narratives is that men like to feel powerful, and most of the time, they’re the ones telling the stories.

This is what constitutes academic inquiry in 2018, critical theory was a mistake.

>The end point of this sort of thinking is actually horrifying. Even when you don't have power, you can be treated as if you're a powerful oppressor.

It is honestly despicable, it is literally prejudice of the most horrendous kind but directed at white people or men so it's absolutely fine.


couldn't understand a word anyone was saying in this movie. does the prick who directed know what a boom mic is?

>liberal white woman worshiping a herald of Slaanesh

imagine my shock

Side note. How does one become a 'Top Critic'? Whats the criteria?


>when Sup Forums actually is right
Jesus fucking Christ