What are the essential mumblecore films?

What are the essential mumblecore films?

Other urls found in this thread:


Manchester By The Sea hehe

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford and his Retarded Older Brother Who Came to Resent Him for it But Should Have Thought of That Before His Kid Brother Shot The Man

The Revenant


Until Armageddon No Shalom, No Shalom Then The Father Hen Will Call His Chickens Home The Wise Man Will Bow Down Before The Throne And At His Feet They'll Cast Their Golden Crowns When The Man Comes Around

The 2015 Macbeth

You guys do know what mumblecore means, right?


>Mum tells me I'm mumbling
>kick the sofa and run into my room

Lost in Translation

Drama films with loads of dialogue? A lot of which is mumbled.

Ghost story being the opposite of mumblecore manchester by the sea?

Mmm nootka

No, that is incorrect. Look it up.

words can have multiple meanings, hipster faggot

Good luck finding any instance of being the meaning of mumblecore, actual faggot.

unironically no. is brick mumblecore because I found it insufferable

Luke, did I ever tell you about mumblecore? Mumblecore is a subgenre of independent film[1][2] characterized by naturalistic acting and dialogue (often improvised), low-budget film production, an emphasis on dialogue over plot, and a focus on the personal relationships of people in their 20s and 30s. Filmmakers associated with the genre include Andrew Bujalski, Lynn Shelton, Mark Duplass, Jay Duplass, Aaron Katz, Joe Swanberg,[1][3][4] and Ry Russo-Young; in many cases, though, these directors reject the term.[5]

The genre is a mostly American phenomenon, but Indian and German mumblecore films have also been produced.

The term mumblegore has been used for films mixing the mumblecore and horror genres. And it was a good genre. For you.

Actually the wikipedia article for mumblecore literally has a list of mumblecore films. So have a gander at this.


my top 3:

1. marriage material
2. the puffy chair
3. computer chess

u r forgetting Tiny Furniture, the truest expression of mumblecore ever produced

Is Tree of Life mumblecore? or is that whispercore?

Every Seagal film since 2001

>brainlets actually think mumblecore means "a film where people mumble"

thats the meme IDIOT

everyone here knows what mumblecore is its just the

>look at me im so smart

posters expose themselves by explaining what it is .. we call it

>stating the obvious

autists like you ruin every fun thread

Not a film, but mhmmm is this pinnacle of mumblecore.


Wow bro, you sure showed us some prime white "intelligence" with that post.

Funny how it's the same way every time Sup Forumstrash like you open your mouths - you immediately prove nothing other than that high school was more than your brains could handle.

english is not even my first language and i typed this at 100 wpm tbqh. Kill yourself.

and they say veganism is healthy

this soycuck barely has the strength to speak, he looks and sounds like a dog that survived getting run over by a train

t. 300 pound American who has to take breaths in the middle of his sentences

im a 70kg slav

Oh you thin little fucker, that's even worse. I could pick you up with one hand and throw you into a wall.

fucking vegan stop bullying me reeee


That was so bad

>No Shalom, No Shalom
go read the lyrics and try again, sweetie.

I literally copied the text from genius, tell me what the mistake is.

Damn Sup Forums is fuckin dumb.

all films with Jeff Bridges

Have just seen Blue Valentine, which fits the specifications. Some have called it kino around these parts. Don't think I could have made it through the thing, though, were it not for Gosling's excellent performance.

The dialogue is so unbearable they had to paste a crap voice over

I mean, Robert also cam to regret his decision.

>ctrl f
>no mention of 'greta gerwig'

god you guys are fucking stupid.


canything by cassavettes is ok
trash humpers is ok

blue valentine

nights and weekends is mediocre
baghead is mediocre
hannah takes the stairs is decent

i don't think i've seen any of her other mumblecore films

Why do they call it mumblecore though?

How do you figure?

'Mediocre' is just you being nice. I never meant to imply she was good at anything or worth a watch, just that she was essential mumblecore.

Bitch, she's about to win an Oscar.

>hasn't paid attention to what has become of the Oscars

They literally tell you?

>He was ashamed of his persiflage, his boasting, his pretensions of courage and ruthlessness; he was sorry about his cold-bloodedness, his dispassion, his inability to express what he now believed was the case- that he truly regretted killing Jesse, that he missed the man as much as anybody and wished his murder hadn't been necessary.
ffs user



Didn't the Twilight movies popularize this term? Because of fucking K-Stew muttering all her lines?

Popeye or my left foot