Why can't people admit some movies are just boring?

Why can't people admit some movies are just boring?

"Boring" is not a valid argument, it only says what your mood was while watching the film.
Same as saying "it was fun", that does not indicate anything about the actual quality of the film whatsoever.

What you find boring others can find riveting and vice versa. Some people are immensely bored by Marvel flicks, some of them think they are just pure fun.
Get better arguments

Stick to the Fast and Furious films. Epic explosions, cool and fast diverse cast, and hot babez. Dumb cunt.

>villain is a goat

totally, people who shill Witch are fucking dullards.

"boring" comes from your own unmet expectations
you were probably hoping for The Conjuring 5: Medieval Witchcraft and got something you couldn't and wouldn't handle
it's like in literature as well, if your reading habits consist of Harry Potter and comic books you may find it hard to read something of substance

Post objectively boring movies

I was heavily entertained by that film, many fun had

You can find something boring while understanding it completely.
The witch is actually a very shallow straight forward movie.

That's what a dolt marvelbaby would think.

>You can find something boring while understanding it completely.
well if that's true then it must mean the people who made the movie aimed to make a boring movie willingly
do you think that was the case user?

>That's what a dolt marvelbaby would think.
Not really, the witch has no substance. If you actually found it deep by any means you should watch more movies

They sure as hell didn't want to make it engaging or entertaining

not him but the witch was anything but boring

the atmosphere is on point and its so thick you could have cut it with a knife

maybe stop pausing every 5 mins to shit post

>This fucking post again

If a movie is boring, it's gonna be boring no matter what kind of mood I'm in. Also, I love how this board pushes the "boring is not a valid argument" argument, but it's okay to use it for Star Wars and capeshit.

Yes bleak footage of people doing farm shit. Woah so thick

>If a movie is boring, it's gonna be boring no matter what kind of mood I'm in.
No one is saying that you weren't bored, but others were extremely entertained by the same film so yeah it's not a valid argument to use for assessment of quality.

>but it's okay to use it for Star Wars and capeshit.
Yeah people use it but it's still not an argument of quality, just like saying that Star Wars and capeshit is "fun" is not an argument of quality.

While he may truly find the film boring, I sincerely doubt he doesn't realize that his is a subjective opinion. You've been baited.

t. brainlet

do you need flashing lights and quips every 5 mins?

or maybe cheao jumpscares instead of letting the tension build up like a vice


'building tension' is an excuse for bad film making.
No 'u Like capeshit' isn't an argument
Let's show a guy making his taxes for 3 hours to build tension, if you get bored you need to go back to capeshit Lmao

>'building tension' is an excuse for bad film making.
Spoken like a true mental midget

>Let's show a guy making his taxes for 3 hours to build tension
Could be good if executed right, the bare plot is not what matters, the execution is.

>If you don't like this slow and uneventful movie you must only like capeshit and Transformers and there must be an explosion or jumpscare every three minutes

Never change, Sup Forums

>mm.. Ur dumb!
I accept your concession

>, the execution is.

learn to read

this post will never stop being correct
to me there's nothing more boring than senseless action with no real tension present in capeshit

Yes people doing farm shit for two hours is so tense

>farm shit for two hours

the farming scenes dont even add up to 30 mins.

>boring is bad

fucking PLEBS

>boring is good

it builds up yeah

take The Nice Guys, for example, the protagonist escapes so many dangerous situations unharmed that by the middle of the film all immersion is lost.


Epic comment, end the thread now. The designated '/thread' inbred is here

>if you aren't a nazi you MUST be a leftist
fucking Sup Forums mentality

you can argue that 2001: a space odyssey is boring and dry but its also one of the most important and impactful films ever made

you're the kind of pea-brain that would pick up a book written by Plato and drop it after the 1st paragraph

>If a movie is boring, it's gonna be boring no matter what kind of mood I'm in

Wtf? Mate you can't just make the assumption your taste in movies is objective and anyone who thinks your favorites are boring are just wrong.

Some people find tension, slow pace, psychological thrillers exciting while finding fast, action-packed films boring as shit.


It was the left who made everyone who wasn't a complete SJW (pardon the dated phrase) a "Nazi".

looks like the pleb filter is still working perfectly

I saw this in a theater and left just before the end so I'd be able to get my money back. I was baffled by all the dicksucking it received and still am.

I liked it solid 7.5-8/10.
It was really tense and I liked the portrayal of the time period and the characters from it.

Congrats, you're just like them now. Horseshoe theory was right I guess.

this is what the "horror genre" in its purest form is supposed to be before it was ruined by shitty 90-00s american slasher flicks and cheapo jump scares with girls in skimpy nightgowns

sorry but your taste is just poo poo

>this is what an adult believes

I don't like those movies either.

Don't sell yourself short, user. You're just as ridiculous and alienating to moderate (and even some conservative) interests.

Prove me wrong. Jordon Peterson went against a law that would have you jailed for misgenedring someone, got slandered and called a Nazi. Trump never showed any sign of being an actual Nazi, still got called a Nazi. Everyone at free speech rallies: Nazis. You associate with a right-winger? Nazi.

They don't even know what a Nazi is, they just call anyone who doesn't fall in line a Nazi in hopes it'll ruin their career.

Its fucking disgraceful, and you're a part of that.

Yeah man you are so frigging superior for being able to stomach certain media, even if said media is as shallow as the average capeshit but ten times as boring

Caleb's acting in that one particular scene is seriously GOTY material. (you know which one)
I actually got very uncomfortable by it

>slashed are an 90/00s thing

i meant to say GOAT, not GOTY

it is that good

Woah people who like the witch are from Sup Forums, who would have thought

>post that says boring is not a valid argument is correct
>for example, super hero movies are boring


Umm uhh you are a pleb!!!

>hahahahaha vidya cant be art ahahaha---
>watches soywars and capeshit
>cant appreciate a slow burning atmospheric horror that is 100% faithful to its material and the craft

Thats soy horror. Garbage first tear of film school drama marketed as horror.
You can find something boring while understanding it completely

why can't some people admit that they are plebs?

have fun with your jumpscare shitfests.

You can find something boring while understanding it completely.

>im so 2deep4u
recommend me a good horror movie then.

a western one.

Not enough explosions?

being a pleb has nothing to do with understanding a movie or not, it has to do with taste or lack thereof.

Yeah bro your taste is frigging superior.

i never made any pronouncements about my own taste, just that if you think the witch is boring, yo'ure a pleb.

if i'm wrong let's see, what are your top 5 horror films then?

We are not discussing Le taste here so I'll pass, stop moving goal posts

lol, what a shock. let me guess conjuring 1 & 2 and happy death day.

by the way asking you what horror movies you find to be good if you think the witch is boring is not at all moving the goalposts and a completely valid question. if you're afraid to answer i assume you have a reason why.

Not an argument

No. It has nothing to do with the subject, you are trying to discredit the person asking the question instead of addressing it

For you.
Are you some kind of human-cat hybrid that needs a shinny laser pointer dot to move all the time for you to be happy?

there is no question to be answered. he literally said why can't people admit this is boring which is his own subjective opinion. asking him what horror movies he doesn't think is boring is a completely valid question. i'm not looking to discredit him, i'm just curious. if the movies he picks are decent i'll gladly admit it.

More like villain is GOAT

this movie was like a good Witcher 3 sidequest. I liked it 8.5/10

Only boring people get bored. What is it about you fags getting triggered by this movie in particular?

Yeah exciting people are always excited no matter what torturous chore they're doing right, oh wait that's not true and you are retarded

>2 hrs later and no troll can answer this

>not liking the kino Fast and the Furious franchise which is patrician 2000s action

Nobody wants to sooonfeed retards

>heheheheh this movie sucks
"O rly? why dont you recommend a better movie then?"
>oh heheheheheheh no spoonfeeding, trust me this movie sucks


One of the best films in years. You're probably 19.


I was about to recommend you a much better movie but you spergerd out on me. You just lost your chance kid

being this fucking stupid


Agreed, the first Godfather seems boring to me.
Part II on the other hand is pure KINO.

Solid argument

no, it's a post that says boring is subjective

So why is it VVitch instead of Witch

boring movies 1/?




This movie is dogshit, where are the jumpscares? Where is the gore? Where are the white eyes? And the big mouths? Shit movie.

>if you don't like uneventful movies you must like jumpscares
Pitiful argument

Wouldst thou like to live deciduously

shit tier bait


boring is a state of mind, a movie can't be boring because its not a sentient being

You're boring.

why did i cuckle

fuck you

maybe you should acknowledge the fact that you're not very smart.

How the fuck are you bored by this film? They literally smash an infant into goo in the first 20 minutes and spend the rest of the film going insane, are you not entertained??