How far could you run, Sup Forums ?

How far could you run, Sup Forums ?

10 metres maybe then i'd pass out and cry

I would zig and zag then once I am out of site get down low and hide after 25 metres or so of running, why does everyone in the movies always just carry on running, better to trick the baddie and let them run past.

I would get naked and put a finger in my anus for the surprise factor and then I would probably get shot

Have fun freezing to death, then

all the way to your mums house and stretch out her ass

wouldn't even bother, I'd try to get the gun off him

thank you i will

Is that thing with the lung freezing thing true? That sounds scary as fuck.

Why? Im not going to stay there for hours I just wait for him to be gone then sneak off, why am I not wearing a thick coat? Do I have to be naked? Why am I naked?

1 feet for every win by drumpf so far

so i guess i'd drop dead isntantly

Is Renner the eternal sniper?


Only if you're like running for your life, jogging is ok


throw snowballs at him haha

>main character is a tough FBI chick
>gets BTFO by men every time she turns a corner
What did Taylor Sheridan mean by this?

She shoots the native guy though

Left handed shooters are so weird to see

he was a spotter in the hurt locker too

she was green as fuck, they make it clear the FBI sent a shitter down because they didn't really care too much about what happened on reservations

I mean when you know youre going to die, why not goof around a bit ay?

OK I NEED someone from /k/ to tell me which of these sniper rifles is the most powerful?

this one

I guess I should have added this picture

same thing there, the gender of the character was irrelevant but it was crucial to the themes of the movie that they had someone who was out of their depth as the protagonist

if you rewatch the debriefing scene right at the start you'll notice that they only take on her because she's never worked cases and wouldn't be able to pick up on the illegal shit they're doing. the black guy was a lawyer before joining the FBI and they straight up say they don't want him for that reason, even though he had more combat experience than her

It is not the caliber that makes the rifle powerful, but the shooter.

In the hands of a skilled sniper even a little .22 can become a weapon of mass destruction.

here is a list

>Marlin Model 1895 Lever Action 45-70 Govt
More suited for elk hunting than combat.

>7.62x51 M14 rifle

>308 win Nemesis Vanquish
stupid exepensive $4.500 base price without scope.

>Very large McMillan M88 .50 BMG

I would run towards you, dark souls style

This. You run from a knife but you run at the gun.

Dumb frog poster.