one shitty actor surrounded by great actors

> one shitty actor surrounded by great actors




Report to ICE

he was distracted because he also had to coach the pittsburgh steelers

Wrong guy, OP is Omar Epps.

Omar eps is great



decent actor with a very very poorly written character.


negro house was cool.

Did you forget about pic related?

a shame she aged like milk in a sunny day.

I think he was not that bad

Someone post that House meme that lays out the formula of every episode.


>This vexes me
>Mouse bite serum

I love this, House is still one of my favorite series. Especially the episodes "House's Head " and "Wilson's Heart" are some of the best episodes of a serie I have ever seen.

Anyone know why he was always angry?

Agreed. The episode where house is in a coma is pure kino.

he wanted to be house but wasn't smart enough

He's black.

This vexes me.

You didn't know he was black?

Kek, the one time I watched this show I believe it was cat poops instead of mouse bites.

I unironically enjoy house
to this day, every sunday I still watch it with my family after I get back from the church
