This wasn't supposed to be a documentary, guys... How did you let this happen to you?

This wasn't supposed to be a documentary, guys... How did you let this happen to you?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fun fact: Idiocracy is literally about Obama's election and presidency.

Here is Mike Judge talking about it with Alex Jones.

>has a problem with Obama
>but not Trump
There's an irony that's lost on him.

2007 was a mistake


Is there anything more cancerous and insufferable than the idiocracy fanbase?

>a movie released in 2006 is about the obama presidency

Yes, you

I have a feeling that video actually says nothing of the sort and he just expected us to believe it because no way are we sitting through a 40 minute InfoWars video.

>aboveitall the movie

Sure buddy, go back to circlejeriking about how mike judge's weakest effort is "realy a documentary!" Everyone but you is an idiot, right? Kill yourself you fedora tipping trash.

Well said

Go back please

>literally just replies "this"
>tells other people to go back

Is that irony the fact that he disagrees with your political views? Hot damn. How could that happen?

>Idiocracy fan
>doesn't go back

He doesn't though.
>“I mean, in a way Idiocracy kind of looks optimistic right now,” Mike Judge tells The Daily Beast by phone from his Los Angeles office.
>“Camacho almost seems like a more pleasant person,” Judge says, comparing his fictional president to Trump. He may not have a very big vocabulary and is prone to spewing profanity, but at least we never see President Camacho pander to neo-Nazis and white supremacists.

Oh what's wrong, are you going to turn around and dislike him now that he's not "your guy", even though you just reprimanded me for the same thing? The irony.

I think the irony in his irony is that it shows people swallowing media and being fully retarded which is actually a liberal thing to do. He’s laughing at the president joke in the movie while ignoring the rest of it.

Videos of people getting hit in the balls get millions of views and the president is a WWE hall of famer, how is it not a documentary

I honestly don't give a shit about the guy or his views, you just talk like an annoying sanctimonious fag.

As seen here

>”president trump only supports nazis and white supremecists!”
>meanwhile he’s talking about this entire website

>I honestly don't give a shit, he said as he rushed to Trump's defense
Why do Sup Forumstards even pretend? No one is falling for it.

>people swallowing media and being fully retarded which is actually a liberal thing to do.
Really, because conservatives swallow literally everything told to them by Fox News while liberals spread out their news consumption and don't trust it as objective.

>idiocracy (2006)

>strawmanning this hard
imagine my shock

Trump is exact opposite of Obama on like every front.

Okay, so you agree that Trump is an idiot? Answer honestly.

True. While Obama was competent, respectful, and intelligent, Trump is incompetent, disrespectful, and stupid.

Considering they’re polar opposites, I don’t see the conflict in logic.

He's also a successful billionaire

sure he is buddy

True. While Obama was competent, respectful, and intelligent, Trump is incompetent, disrespectful, and stupid.

>True. While Obama was competent, respectful, and intelligent, Trump is incompetent, disrespectful, and stupid.

You don't understand policy so you speak in platitudes, which is expected from most americans. But you're part of the idiocracy

every one of those liberal news outlets have the exact same opinion, and liberals believe every single story put out.

I guess you don't know what successful or billionaire means

>t. brainlets

Both are neoliberals hacks sucking Wall Street dick.

>"muh liberal news outlet boogeyman" literally plays a video of Trump saying some stupid shit

>Obama was respectful

Stop applying logic, it offends the Drumpfies

Trump is actually anti-establishment


Oh must have missed the “leaked” Trump pee pee story. Just because (You) see it as objective doesn’t mean the rest of them do. I’m sure you laughed it off as “haha but I mean it’s so crazy it COULD be real!” Open you’re eyes ffs

>liberals use logic and dont believe the media
Mental gymnastics at its finest

The average IQ for the planet is genuinely falling. It's to go to 85 in a couple decades.

don't worry guys. to counter the reality TV Star president, you can now just vote in another black reality TV Star president


Shit movie user

>the absolute state of American politics
between this, Oprah, Kid Rock and Trump
the 2020 elections are sounding like the next season of Idols

>The average IQ for the planet is genuinely falling. It's to go to 85 in a couple decades.
IQ has actually been rising ever since.

>don't trust it as objective

strawmans aren't logic btw

He has more money than everyone on this board combined and is currently the most powerful man on the planet so no I'm not going to call someone like that an idiot.

>Obama was competent, respectful, and intelligent
Obama didn't stop spying
Obama didn't close gitmo
Obama managed to alienate some countries like the Philippines which made them go for closer ties with China
Obama left that big black hole that is Libya, further alienating ME countries and getting the Nobel Peace prize anyway

Oprah said she's not running.

>I'm totally not a Sup Forumstard, just a passing guy! But hey let me obsessively defend Trump like he's my dad or something.
I knew you were a Sup Forumstard. That's the worst thing about you Sup Forumstards, you actually try to pretend you aren't. And then you immediately admit that you are.

I like it when anons go spewing
>that fags a Sup Forumstard!
instead of directly refuting the post's point

>Obama managed to alienate some countries like the Philippines
Now make a list of the countries Trump has alienated.

Oh, I easily could have pointed out what a bald-faced lie it is to call Trump "the most powerful man on the planet" but it's more important to call out lying Sup Forumstards.

>Obama wanted to be world police from the get go.
>Alienating countries isn't what he wants

>Trump wants to stop illegal immigration
>Alienating countries is actually a plus for his platform

Yes? and?

Are you really this simple minded?

Why not explain then, instead of wasting a post just to throw insults, faggot?

It's just weird how you consider alienating the flips is worse than damaging relations to your closest allies.
I don't see how alienating European allies will in any way help stop illegal immigration.

That's from 2 different presidents already.
Obama alienated the Philippines, not Trump, Trump is actually more friendly with Duterte compared to Obama.

Anyway, in relation to Asia, America wants to keep an influence in Asia. That's why it keeps very close ties with Japan, South Korea and the Philippines. With influence, America is able to dominate via trade, security, etc.
When Obama urged the Philippines to lessen the killings in its' war against drugs, Duterte cursed at him for interfering with their shit.. and Obama did nothing like a soyboy.

Trump, is not so predictable, BUT he has his America first policies.
So alienating those 'shithole' countries only makes the people from those countries not want to go.
As for Europe in general, it's not so much 'alienating' them as it is alienating the liberals from Europe.
Remember, there's a big surge in right wign movements all over Europe, so there isn't really a: Trump alienating all of Europe.

Only Poland and Hungary and Czech Republic would support him,the rest are governed by jews who want to replace the local population with mudslimes

You spend way too much time on Sup Forums.

Good luck with BASED Duterte.

so only the shitholes support him?
quite ironic

>thinking Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic are shitholes
The absolute state of American education..

The tiniest fucking village in either of those countries have at least ten times more culture than whatever cunt town in North America you're from.