What are some kinos in which the hero loses to the bad guy?

What are some kinos in which the hero loses to the bad guy?


wait what
hillary's no prize pig either

its my 100th time watching that webm and i still can't finish it.ยจ

was it autism?

Star Wars: TLJ

Hope he at least got a kiss for this

Kickass 2


We're all crazy akward at 14.
You become a Chad and you got the sweetest childhood story ever.
Guaranteed it gonna get you laid

>What are some kinos in which the hero loses to the bad guy?

Karate Kid
Return of the Jedi

I'm glad western civilization is practically dead.

That kid is gonna wake up in cold sweats in his 40s reliving that memory. That type of embarrassment never goes away.

Reminder that Garret became a normie

They have a kid together now

>you become a Chad
He's still getting friend zoned

that fucking point at the beginning

Arlington Road
The Great Silence
Parallax View

All WW2 films

>not knowing that incest is in right now
She clearly wants his dick

Chaudism. Chad autism.


Event Horizon.


I have a lot of this.

Someone post the follow-up this kid is confirmed Chad drowning in pussy, a sign we can all make it.

you are chad or you aren't
it's a life sentence

>we all can make it
nah i wouldn't have the balls to embarass me and all my relatives infront of potentially millions of TV viewers

Stop making up lies Garrett

She became a full blown Stacie who gets fucked by Chads. Garret just became a maybe slightly dorky normie teenager that goes to house parties and has a 6/10 gf.

Top kek, hi Garret

No Country For Old Men

You mean an incredibly dorky teenager who goes to house "parties" with his friends "the nerd herders" and is friendzoned by a 6/10 girl

He only lost the popular vote.


There are things I've done which aren't a modicum as bad as this which make me want to kill myself when I think about them.