What Are Jazz's Options For Gender Surgery?

>What Are Jazz's Options For Gender Surgery?


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>Gender Surgery
I thought gender was the social part. Shouldn't it be sex surgery?
The radical left really needs to keep its pseudoscience terms in order.


el goblino americano

Gender is a social construct. He's already female. There's no need for surgery.

I feel every producer for TLC is going to hell.

>Trans Activist Jazz Jennings' Message for Straight Guys | Glamour



Turn her ass into a pussy or turn her scrotum into a pussy. Hopefully she goes with the ass option, so you can fuck her in her ass while you're fucking her pussy.

>Jazz's genetalia is very interesting

How old is Jazz

>Turn her ass into a pussy


la creatura...

Why is Jazz so fucking dark?

Why doesn't she just keep the tiny dick and take it in the can

17 I'm sure. Say it often so the mods know too


Looks like a girl so I'm fine with calling him a her

>I am just like any other girl
Yup, all girls need to have a vagina made out of their colon because their feminine penis is too small to butcher

She just wants to be a little girl ( ._.)

>Looks like a girl
no it doesn't

WTF I love trans girls now

You guys need to realize that Jazz is only the beginning.

Kids today are being put on hormones from two years old.

Imagine the quality of buttpussy we're going to have in the next ten years.

>LGBTQ Center for Wellness,Gender and Sexual health


>not allowed to vote
>not allowed to drink
>not allowed to smoke
>not allowed to be left in the home alone
>Not allowed to watch 18+ movies
>Allowed to decide your sexuality and take drugs to permanently alter your entire life at age 2

getting definite Kurosawa vibes from this one.

which bathroom does jazz use?

gotta start somewhere

the one with the shorter line
female privilege

>Father and son.jpg

dang i gotta get me one of those penis inversion surgeries.

It will an hero when it’s colon vagina smells like poop

No need just slap on a pair of titties brah

The actual "Trans"-trend will die like disco, grunge or the emos.
The transkids will become broken adults and will massively commit suicide in a few years.
The 70's had children raised in cults, the 10's have transpeople.

thanks famalam

El transgénero irreparable...

An hero

>How to destroy your knees

There are lots of ugly women in the world

It's basically it's own cult at this stage, with all it's own terminology, victim narrative and measures to distances yourself from a "corrupt" outside world.

No kidding, fatty jumping rope on concrete with terrible form? Put her on the elliptical ffs.

>you can fuck an ass, a penis and a pussy all in one hole

what's not to like?



No surprise there.

I fucking hate how this thing walks like a grandma

someone post it

How do you perform surgery on a refrigerator?

>Taking the bait every time

>your penile skin is only two inches
What did he mean by this?

Do you mean you wanna lynch them? Because I want to.

>>unironically lynchian

Yes, my Jewish overlords. I must do as you program me to do.

>literally LA CREATURA
Why the fuck aren't we memeing about free energy or some other worthy cause for humanity so we can make that real too?

She has very interesting genitalia, the options are interesting too, but perhaps limited?

>a two inch phallus with a one and a half inch circumference

could someone PLEASE translate what the FUCK the doctor could POSSIBLY mean by this?

However, to add to that, I truly believe putting her on puberty blockers at such an early age was wrong.

But wouldn't raising her Testosterone temporarily make her dick grow? That might be the solution.

He's a dicklet

Those are pretty much the exact dimensions of a AA battery. Not sure what he means without context though.

what the FUCK are they talking about? Dildos?

It means he's the perfect size to be a cute femboy sissy but instead chose to become a fat trannie

if s(he) wasn't circumcised she would have another half inch

>waddles out

short and stubby, what dont you get?

I'd recommend taking the lead pill and reeducation for the family.

>jazz has started to become interested in football

Why do traps ruin themselves with a fake vagina anyway?

Not only is it an open wound they need to stick a dildo in every day so it doesn't close up, their sex drive goes through the floor when they chop their nuts off.

The year is 2018. We are so far gone as a society and a culture that parents are encouraging their children to play lifelong pretend regrading their gender, and openly discuss the size of penis their asshole's can accommodate.

I just don't know anymore.

>tfw you disover skylar already chopped her dick off

If only.

>why do mentally ill people do crazy things?

El atrocidad has disgusting genitalia with disgusting option*

She still has a prostate so she can feel pleasure. A baby dick is better than a mutant vagina.

Jazz thought he got on the bus for Trap City but it was actually Snap City

>if s(he) wasn't circumcised she would have another half inch

Cucked by the rabbi into a front ass dick replacement.

jazz has a micro penis that they can only make into a micro vagina


>jazz might get a loli cunny
praise the lord!

You're joking, right user? haha she would never remove her delicate and feminine penis.

>colon vaginoplasty
Thats even fucking worse than the penile skin inversion. They stopped doing the colon vaginoplasty for a reason.

At this point I think even they themselves are confused.

dios mio...

>If you're attracted to me or any other transgirl than pursue that relationship
s(he) really is oblivious to reality

those are some massive legs desu

>Imagine the quality of buttpussy we're going to have in the next ten years.
boypussy is only fun when there is a big meaty erect cock flopping up and down while you are ramming the boypussy.

otherwise I would just fuck a woman

>her delicate and feminine penis
something tells me skylar was rocking an 8 incher in building at the bare minimum

>"colon vaginoplasty requires no lubrication"
But where does the lubrication come from?
>"There's mucus discharge"
Oh god

That would have been nice too, I like my girls with all kinds of dicks desu, big and small are both neat. Its a shame either way she had it chopped off.

this to be fucking frank famiglione

the entire fun of boipucci is that it's the only orifice back there

>colon vaginoplasty

So she'll literally have an ass pussy?

Yes but dont worry
The smells tents to "not be an issue" after about 8 months

>liking masculine cock
lmao, get a load of this faggot

it's only straight if (s)he has a feminine penis

Its a girly cock just big and juicy.
Imagine the most feminine cock you can and add 5 inches to it.
There is certain appeal to fucking a boy with a big dick, like domination or something.


>The smells tents to "not be an issue" after about 8 months

One of the "upsides" of this surgery is that you'll have natural lubricant. This natural lubricant is the same mucus the tissue would normally produce, in your ass.

>Who cares what your friends think?
Why would I consider them my friends if I didn't care about what they think?

It's girl poop so it doesn't smell anyway.

na, she moved on to a different doctor

His 2 inch phone charger was measured erected r-r-right? asking for a friend


>Jazz Jennings (born October 6, 2000)[1] is an American YouTube personality, spokesmodel, television personality, and LGBTQ rights activist.

10 months, fellas. 10 months till she does porn. can't wait.