What the fuck just happened?

What the fuck just happened?

you and the rest of us wasted 18 hours.

We live inside a dream

Lynch was too obsessed with CUTE and hurt his brain


I'm glad Lynch didn't go down the obvious route, leaving ambiguity everywhere ensures people can draw their own conclusions. If he ever does a fourth season that will have to go back to Twin Peaks proper to tie it all together.

>still getting LYNCHED after 25 years

I've been rewatching Twin Peaks this past week and going back to the initial run it's kind of shocking how much of what you see in Season 3 is subtly included in even season 1.

On S2E10 right now and I can't wait to watch The Return again.


more like spent 18 GOAT hours
I wish I could go back and watch it all again for the first time.

It was pretty good I think. The only thing weird about it were those amateurish looking CGI and animations here and there. Do you think that was intentional or due to budget limitations?

>not doing a chronological rewatch starting with FWWM
Going from the end of FWWM to the pilot is pure kino since its like 6 hours apart chronologically




>What do you mean what happened,what are you blind?JEEEZUS!

I have a feeling that Lynch pushed that style through, as the goofy animations really resemble the paint/collage/found-items art he makes apart from filmmaking. When I keep that in mind, I don't mind them.

Thankfully, episode 8 isn't held to these same aesthetic “restrictions”.

I actually watched FWWM not too long before restarting the series, more or less prompted the idea to go through it again. I'll probably just continue from season 2 into season 3. Maybe not. We'll see.

I actually like the weird cg and effects he does.

It makes things look more unreal in my mind, like more surreal and strange than if it was really practical.

Was I the only one who liked Dougie a lot but thought Mr. C’s plotline was a waste of time? They spent all season building him up and then he was quickly disposed of by glove lad without achieving anything. Darya and Ray were pointless beyond the coordinates and making him look tough, the gang was pointless beyond making him look tough, the Jeffries stuff was cool but largely pointless for Mr.C, the Jeffries scene with regular Coop was way more important, and he seemed to have no plan at the Sheriff’s office other than acting evil and he got BTFO.

you didn't get it at all



This is the water and this is the well.
Drink full and descend.
The horse is the white of the eyes and dark within.

This, Lynch wanted an excuse to have Sheryl Lee, his bang maid, on set for a few days so he could get his nut like old times


Watch the missing pieces after finishing S2 then if you didn't watch it after FWWM

Mr. C is the most interesting character and has the best dialogue in S3.

1)it was all a dream of Laura, she wakes up still trapped with her dad
2)Coop fucked up by trying to save Laura

>it's kind of shocking how much of what you see in Season 3 is subtly included in even season 1.
the word you're looking for is retconned.

Laura hears her mother calling her to breakfast, and wakes up the morning after her murder.

there's nothing ambiguous though. cooper tried to go back and time to stop laura's murder but got shunted to an alternate reality where laura wasn't even laura and when he brought that reality's laura to the house she got slammed with all of laura's memories and wiped from existence.

>I have everything figured out because I went tmo tpg
it's pretty ambiguous in the sense that mulholland drive is ambiguous. you gotta think about it (unless you wanna be spoonfed the plot)

Got a light?

Wiped from existence is still too literal for me. I see it as an endless loop like an ancient purgatory. Coop has a second chance at life, he immediately runs back to try and change the past and fails. He wakes up as Richard, goes to change the past, fails. The whisper scene with Laura is the in between. He'll never remember what she says or and will maybe never learn his lesson, just given endless chances at life and refusing to embrace what's been gifted to him.

This is definitely the film of a man at the end of his life, it's obsessed with time, nostalgia, change and the inability anyone has to stop it. Dougie is the hero because he embraces life as it comes to him. He's rewarded for his openness, while Bad Coops drive to have answers and secrets told to him brings nothing but evil wherever he goes. When Coop comes back, who does he reflect more?

Looking at that house for from the outside for that long gave me the heebie-jeebies

It's important to get that Freddie was literally "destined" to defeat BOB, that no one else was strong enough, that everything was orchestrated by powers beyond human comprehension. BOB was an anomaly, a force of pure evil created by Judy and let into the human realm only through an act of extreme hubris/irresponsibilty on the part of humankind, and Freddie was put where he was to be able to defeat BOB through an elaborate chain of events that begins with the "impregnation" of Sarah Palmer a decade and a half before Laura is even born. Everything with Mr. C being unstoppable is demonstrating how undefeatable he is except by near divine intervention. (And, though I personally am an atheist, I'm pretty sure Lynch is very Christian, and that that plays a big part in the way things played out. Also, watch Jean Cocteau's Orpheus, ffs You'll learn a lot about Twin Peaks doing that.)

Sheryl Lee is CUTE!!










Also, I think there's a connection between the glove and the ring; like that the glove was an entire "hand" versus whatever percentage of a "hand" the ring was. The power imbued to the ring had to be grossly overpowered by the power given to the glove by the Fireman/Senorita Dido, since so much garmonbozia had been concentrated into the ring's overall path. (and both a green, obvs)


>got lynched

if you don't understand lynch then why the fuck were you watching???

There is only room for one Sheryl in the world. Any more and the CUTE would destroy everything

>ITT: edgy brainlets who think Laura didn't get a happy ending
She wasn't wiped from existence. She wasn't stuck in purgatory. She woke up from her dream, dealt with the trauma and probably went on to live a long and full life.
Twin Peaks was always about finding hope in tragedy and not about some grimdark shit. This was the best possible way of ending things.




I don't participate in generals, I'm just not a moron.

Wait, was that the explanation for the ending of Part 18? Now that Carrie and Laura both exist there is too much CUTE so Judy and reality got BTFO?


Laura whispered in Coop's ear: Dougie get ipad

there's always the literal level to lynch. Things that literally happen. Then if you feel the need to travel up your own asshole you can write shit like .

>The Return fans claim that it was poking fun at Netflix-style modern tv, like the original series did with soap operas
>have NEVER posted an example of this
Really makes you think.

you don't need to bring christianity into a story built around extradimensional beings manipulating events in order to achieve a desired outcome.


*I'm* not bringing Christianity into it, I believe Lynch is. The end of FWWM is freakin' angels coming for Laura, after all, ffs.

Bad coop at the computer

>got diddled repeatedly as a kid
>sometime around 2014, I went to the house where the diddler used to live (now abandoned). I stood in front of it and screamed.
>mfw watching this in 2017
I feel like I got LYNCHED on levels that shouldn't even be fucking possible.

The entire arm wrestling scene is a good example

Here mr c is the anti hero akin to like Walt from breaking bad. To this point we have seen him do some vile disgusting shit but him getting donkey punched in the back of the head really made me and I'm sure a lot of people want to see him not only win the match, but get his revenge on that asshole.

We rooted for the villain because he was wronged.

Actually what Laura whispered to Cooper is: “pusy_______”

I know that feel is thrown around a lot but when something does repsent a deep feel you have it's just... well that feel

lol u got a shitty childhood
Either that or you lie on the internet, which mighth be even worse.

Based cuteposters

Pretty sure like 10% of this site has been diddled, m8.

What was this poking fun at?
What was this poking fun at? If anything it sounds like it's doing what the 'anti-hero' shows do.

It's poking fun at the genre itself

Me C is not the "anti hero" he's one of the main antagonists of the season but that specific scene is set up to make him seem like he is the protagonist.

Also it later plays into the show but the pointless nudity in the first sex scene leads to death I thought was poking fun at shows that have to have nudity for whatever reason

>there are 'people' still pretending this was a film

you really think lynch is the type to not pull something like "and then christians called these things angels."

let this be a lesson

make sure the kid enjoys it else he'll go to your house years after you move and scream at it

Sounds more like Frost

And wipe you from exsistance in the process

still #1

So that was out of date before the episode even aired?


it must be tough to be this much of a retard

I always thought she was a qt but the BTS scenes in S3 cemented it for me, she was adorably happy to be back in the Red Room scene, and her making that fruit smoothie drink for Lynch in the trailer like she was his mom was cute as fuck

You got duped into watching 18 hours of crap.

that fucking triple chin on Fenn

Not really, big brother threads were still a thing back then.

you dun got lynched boy

Name a show that isn't a waste of your time.


nice belush

Kino happened.

Here’s a higher quality Sheryl

I think you don't understand the meaning of the word. Taking things that were originally there and expanding on them thematically, and amplifying their exposure is not retconning. The meanings have not been changed, they've been explained (insofar as Lynch explains anything).

Sherilyn... easy on the oreos

>it's kind of shocking how much of what you see in Season 3 is subtly included in even season 1

Could you elaborate on that?

words can't describe it but basically even in another dimension and after being resurrected all that pain was still with her... she was supposed to suffer to release all that power and destroy judy but it's probable that cooper got her in the wrong dimension

And the other 90% are the diddlers.

>that picture
My heart

Cooper decided after being granted new powers to undo his greatest failure.

Instead he's left powerless and forced to atone for his hubris.

Carrie Paige screaming is a metaphor for Cooper fucking Laura Palmer outside of the dream

He finally achieved his dream after twenty five years of banging his underage homecoming queen waifu

Laura BTFO

Say it with me bros

Daily reminder that Judy won the war between Good and Evil, and that Coop and Laura were both annihilated by her.

First time.

Judy a QT

Indeed she is. How unfortunate that one can't attempt to flirt with her without getting their throat ripped out.

>Laura Palmer
>willing to fuck everyone regardless of whether you’re her dad or a NEET agoraphobic
>Sarah Palmer
>refuses to fuck anyone at all and will rip your throat out for even insinuating you want to

She might've won the battle, but she hasn't won the war. That's the thing with 5D/ interdimensional chess– there's no such thing as checkmate because you can always start playing checkers on the underside of the gameboard with a version of your opponent who just so happens to be 25 years younger than they were when you originally started playing against them. So no one wins really, its just an endless, purposeless struggle