Is this the Dragonball of western cartoons?

Is this the Dragonball of western cartoons?

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It's probably something like Scooby Doo.

Yeah, Dragonball GT

Yea I could see that.

Season 1 - DragonBall
Jailbreak and onward - DragonBall Z

Goku grew up, Steven stays the same.


They rarely fight and mostly just stand around crying... Crying Anime...

It's One Piece OP. It's fucking One Piece. Nobody will stop crying and everyone must tell you how sad their backstory is. Steven Universe is fucking One Piece.

Now if only Steven Universe was a good as One Piece.

It hamfists anime references all over the place. Evangelion and Utena, to name a couple. I didn't catch the others but I'm sure there's plenty more, DB is probably somewhere in there with steven running around naked in the first season.

user, i will grant that they do spend a heavy amount of time at the beach, but steven hasnt been out on the open ocean since he found that time ball thingy.

You can't even tell they are references unless you're a weeb because they fit into the overall episode. That isn't hamfisted. Hamfisted would be a non-weeb being left wondering why the they just said [insert anime reference here] because it didn't make sense in the context of the episode, or worse them looking at the camera afterwards. Saying congratulations three times after someone accomplished some feat is not hamfisted.


Thematically, they are identical shows. Regardless of the differences in plot and quality.

They are both shows where everything is a sad thing that must be cried about. Even a random fucking dog. Every other episode, a new tragedy to cry about must be exposed.

>Kiki's pizza episode
>Not hamfisted

No. Don't ask stupid questions.

>Literally the only reference is in the title
>the episode is literally about Kiki delivering pizzas
>this user shitting himself over it
You must be a delight at parties. It was a fucking title that made sense given the plot of the episode.

Also it had sweaty ebony thighs swaying in the sun.

>show about a crying protagonist who uses empathy to solve all his problems when his dues ex machina powers aren't kicking in is the same as a show about men training and pushing their bodies past their limits and pain to overcome and kill their adversaries
It's the literal opposite

Doesn't it end in a really obnoxious and in your face Evangeline reference?

If so, they managed to make something even worse than Dragonball. Which is actually impressive considering how shit Dragonball is.

Pretty sure it ends with sweaty ebony thighs swaying in the sun.

Your cummies doesn't = good writing

South American here, please turn off your computer and proceed to whip yourself on the back multiple times

just because the show appeals to your mental disorder doesn't mean it's written well

Lmfao they would

It is more like the shitball of western cartoons.

Well, this is suppose to be the western Sailor Moon. But it's romance is terrible.

>being straight is a mental disorder now listen to me rant about how awful it is for cartoons to reference anime
I'd be surprised if this isn't the low point of my interneting for today.

Pedos and brits get out.

>he's attracted to the thighs of an underage girl in a cartoon
yeah you're a degenerate

Yea but during a dream sequence. Nobody who hasnt seen Eva would be confused

maybe they assumed you were white and something something miscegenation

If youre stupid, maybe.

Goku grew physically, but never matured mentally. Steven has very slightly matured mentally and completely regressed physically

Doesn't the episode end with Jenny saying she is missing a concert to help Kiki get a break, Steven looks to the beach, and sees Kiki running *cut to credits*?

and the worst father ever... yeah, i got that point

To be fair he just had a mental breakdown a few episodes ago that was so bad it might as well have been a dissociation moment. He didn't even hear Connie talking to him he was freaking out so badly.

Why a pig nose? Out of all the noses they could have used? Why use one that looks like it's been partially cut off?



>Steven has slightly matured mentally
He matured more than any fictional character I have ever seen in 5 seasons.

Seriously go watch Cheeseburger Backpack and then Stuck Together. The difference is night and day

>Cheeseburger Backpack

Who would put themselves through that hell a second time?

>He matured more than any fictional character I have ever seen in 5 seasons.
I would LOVE to hear what other characters you are comparing him to


So the only other character you are comparing him to is a protagonist from an anime that was created a few decades ago?

I was on the Believing Boat since The Test, but then it turned out he was 13 years old and suddenly him simply being cognizant of the world not revolving around him isn't that big of an achievement.

>Steven has very slightly matured mentally
isnt his physical age determined by his mental age? If he is regressing physically then he can't be growing mentally, he has to be also retrogressing

I said any other fictional character. Go ahead and chose one and that is who I'm comparing him too.

>Created a few decades ago
Why does it matter when he was created? Are good character arcs only a recent invention or something?

>a few decades ago
You say that as if writing has objectively progressed since then.

Kinda sorta. It's based on how mature he views himself, not how mature he actually is.


Let's take an easy one. Finn from Adventure time has matured less mentally than Steven?

the year comment was more about out of all the ones he decided to say he was comparing him to, he chose one from a long time ago, skipping over a shitload of possible character to compare him to
so he considers himself getting dumber over time, huh

Not Gon? Or Yusuke? Or any newer character?

Just Goku?

Ok. Sure, whatever floats your boat

Absolutely not

>He matured more than any fictional character I have ever seen in 5 seasons.

Bobby hill would disagree.

That has kind of been thrown out. He is obviously progressing mentally, is canonically not physically changing, and is actually physically regressing due to the evolving character designs of the show.

>Go ahead and chose one and that is who I'm comparing him too.
ANYONE from The Last Airbender?

I haven't seen Adventure Time since flame princess was introduced, but from what I remember he made very little progress up to that point. He was still a petty child who acted like the world revolved around him. I think I remember Bubblegum even calling him out on it or something. And I chose Goku for the comparison because it seemed appropriate given the theme of the thread

>the year comment was more about out of all the ones he decided to say he was comparing him to, he chose one from a long time ago, skipping over a shitload of possible character to compare him to
Okay, that makes sense. But if in that case the obvious rebuke is that we are in a thread about Dragonball.

Pretty illustrations—that's all a story needs.

Have you even seen dragon Ball?

Actually it's the opposite. Goku is literally retarded and retains a childlike nature his entire life. Steven Universe is all about Stevens gradual emotional maturing and transformation into a great leader, and it's done a very good job at that.

...Shit, that actually sounds kind of deep. Like, as he becomes more mature, he realizes just how immature he really is. And so his body changes accordingly.

They could totally explain away Steven's inconsistent sizes this way if they wanted to.

>They could totally explain away Steven's inconsistent sizes this way if they wanted to.

except for the human character who also have become warped gremlin people.

in a real theory, the devs are lazy fuckers who don't follow a scheme about the height of the characters, so that's why the "dwarfen" epidemic in Bitch... i mean Beach City.
And the another way, i'm not good writing in English... yeah

King of the Hill had 250 22 minute episodes spanning 13 seasons. Steven Universe has had 132 11 minute episodes.

Still plenty of time for meaningful growth in the hands of competent writers

Even then bobby managed to mature within the first 5 seasons.

Actually even up to that point his progress was consistent. He started AT as an eleven year old kid, with the maturity to match. By the time he met Flame Princess he was a hormonal teenager and acted like it. He would eventually fuck up his relationship with Flame Princess because of this.

He's mellowed out a lot more since then, dealt with losing a limb twice, permanently the second time. Found out where he comes from and the tragic story of his parents. And even met up with Flame Princess again and had a conversation where he admitted he fucked up and apologized for it, and they've repaired their relationship somewhat. Though not in a romantic way, he seems to be into Huntress Wizard, but it's a much slower thing.

>Pretty sure it ends with sweaty ebony thighs swaying in the sun.
good ending.

>He matured more than any fictional character I have ever seen in 5 seasons.
>Finn hasn't matured

Not more than Steven. Steven went from a deadweight goofball to win-win protag who would risk his life to save his enemy and who has recently sacrificed himself to save his friends. I mean, I don't mean to overplay my hand nor underplay how good King of the Hill was when you actually think about it, but come on. SU is about Steven developing and delivers in that regard (so long as you ignore some Lamar episodes).

only less gay

Yes regarding the tone

no, it's mostly gay shit and rainbows. It's like K-On but without the success

but wang piss never goes into one year hiatus. Maybe it's more like Beserk.

I don't get it.

>retarded kid evolved to being less retarded

woah, that's impressive

>went from a deadweight goofball to win-win protag who would risk his life to save his enemy and who has recently sacrificed himself to save his friends.

Just because the stakes where higher doesn't mean much. Bobby usually ended up finding the strength to do the right thing despite know he would probably fail at doing it.

Pretty sure he's talking about this, newfriend.

Steven is basically young goku

I just wish they could show the physical side of that. He actually looks younger than his first appearance now.

If it means then thats quite sad. Im not saying DB is good but SU is a joke

that might be the worst possible reference I have ever scene

dragonball isn't a slice of life sitcom pretending to be a shounen. So no.

>Just because the stakes where higher doesn't mean much.
In other words it makes them hard to compare, which makes this tangent particularly pointless IMHO.

But is Dragonball a shounen pretending to be a slice of life sitcom?

Yes and it does it incredibly well.

No it's not

In all fairness, Evangelion itself is pretentious hipster garbage made by fart sniffing "artists" so referencing it won't make it much better.

which is exactly why they referenced it

I still don't get why people got so angry at this. It isn't even the worst reference on a CN show

That's my favorite scene in both the manga and anime.


The Saiyan saga and second half of Season 1 are nearly identical in structure, so I'm going to go with yea.

Fuck no.

>overwhelmingly adored by anime fans
>anime fans still acknowledge its flaws
>huge chunk of non anime fans love it
>non anime fans acknowledge its flaws

>Steven Universe
>very small percentage of cartoon fans like the show
>even smaller percentage of non cartoon fans like the show
>fans still defend every aspect of the show to death, even it's objective flaws in art

It's the exact opposite

don't forget Dragonball fans tend to be chill as fuck while steven universe fans have pushed people to suicide

>incredibly well
These are some next level nostalgia goggles you are wearing, senpai.

No. Goku is a Super Sand Lesbian, not a Super Rock Lesbian

Yeah. It's dumb violence. That being said, it does a decent job at being dumb violence