ITT: Your favourite movie quotes

ITT: Your favourite movie quotes.

>"au revoir, infant." from Terminator 4 is mine. pretty iconic.

>what are we,some type of self sacrifice team?

this is now an Arnold quotes thread

>a nigger.. cock

>let me live

I think arnies "you are a most visually appeasing specimen" is more iconic

>It's too bad she won't live. But then again, who does?
I can only describe it as a haunting way to end your film. It gives BR's ending a tone of bleakness. You cannot escape death, and it comes fast. It resonates perfectly with the tears in the rain speech.

>yeah well...who gives a hoot?
Norman Mailer, Casablanca

-Imagine Woman, Justice Group (2017)

>"The iceberg couldn't crush our love"

>the fire ascends

you're a fellow of sizeable proportion

This is now a Bane thread.

>Luke, I am your most immediate progenitor

>Do Not Want!


>It's a deceptive subterfuge



>that my dear The Hobbit, is The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, available on IMAX 3D, and on BluRay & DVD with extra footage and behind the scenes interviews

>Cell phone don't work dawg, we's bout ta get murked!


>i will return

>Would you enjoy viewing my facial guise? It is used to device scientific testing.

>We're going to need a larger vessel

>did you made me a cuck?

>bend over

Nearly everyone is this thread is trying too hard.
This is so much better (read: only ever good) if it's subtle

seriously where do you guys come up with these ideas . its hilarious

>I embody represent the authority.

For me it has to be

>"Let's go chrome dome!*

>Oh hi Mark

>"Mein Gott, die Amerikaner stehen nur noch wenige Kilometer von Nimwegen entfernt. Wer kann sie jetzt noch aufhalten?"


>I didn't say gay, I said he'll suck your dick like a french canadian
Guess the movie

>"Got blunt?"

>You are a man of large proportions.