When are we gonna get that George Washington movie where he's a bumbling idiot and his slaves are all sassy and more...

When are we gonna get that George Washington movie where he's a bumbling idiot and his slaves are all sassy and more intelligent than he was, and basically told him what to say and write in the Constitution?

>i bet the russians are behind this!

I think, if done respectfully, a george washington slave movie starting right before the seven years war would be very interesting.

Does Washington even have a good biopic?

Uhhh, you mean when are we gonna get the truth?! XD

jesus christ you guys are cringe incarnate

Be careful with your digits boyo.

Actually id like more some kind of meta comedy in wich in the timeline were hillary won, a shabbos goy is making your movie and how bizarre everyrhing is.

Whoops, pol and tv interlaced again! Many such cases!

>implying Washington was intelligent
>implying he wasn't just elected because his role as general in the war
>implying he wasn't just a puppet for Hamilton and the federalists

madison wrote the constitution retard

go back to Sup Forums

>sassy and more intelligent than he was

>told him what to say and write in the Constitution?
user, I...

who, hollywood

I am not american and even I know Washington had nothing to do with the writing of the US constitution.

Oooh....how about he has a couple of wisecracking teenage children

Hows reddit, faggot?

I want to see a doc on him saving all the children but not the British children


Washington, Washington

6 foot 20 made of radiation

Jefferson wrote it, moron.

was he the Drumpf! of his time?
