/STD/ - Star Trek Discovery

White Boys Crying Over Dead Jew Captains Edition.

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Jewish people are white, chucklefuck.

Do have to put the spoiler in the title bro, this ep isn't out where im from. Come on, don't be a fag.

Where are you from where torrents don't exist?

Must be a woman. Women can't torrent for shit.

Wonder what kind of shit they're gonna pull out at the end of the season to "fix" everything with the war. Probably will be very underwhelming, or end on another cliffhanger that'll last two years before the show returns in 2019, as if anyone will still give a fuck by then.

>that guy
>not white

Literally whiter than every single american poster

Saw the cyborg crewmate. What is up with her design? Who though that combination of light and dark colors would look good?

Is std on the frieza arc now?


From the extended preview scenes on After Trek, I assume Captain Tilly and the ISS Discovery didn't spend their nine month vacation in the prime universe making friends

Also haha Landry just turned out to be an awful person in *both* universes instead of being swapped like Lorca was

Saru never met a Kobyashi Maru he couldn't inspire his way out of

Prime U Landry was probably turned evil by Lorca's Mirror cock.

Does anyone want to talk about how captain lorca is also

I wish

Landry actually was mirrored, the MU one was cautious and methodical instead of being an aggressive idiot

You know a series is good when you have fan art of this quality

Lorca was the only interesting character. The only one with nuance. And they completely ruined him with this pile of complete and utter nonsense, that makes no fucking sense at all even within the rules the series set up, that was the last episode.

Like what the fuck was even going on? This show was never great, but this was fan fiction written by a 14 yr old tier.

Sarun Michael, Stamets, Tilly, all the pretty girls (the cyborg, the robot, the black, etc.), all the Klingons.

It's literally the best cast since DS9, maybe even better.

I have to agree.

I had no interest until he showed up. And now I have less interest than before.

Are you copying RLM Mike's humor of saying boring and stupid shit, but it's "intentional", so it's supposed to be funny?

>Lorca was the only interesting character. The only one with nuance.
>I had no interest until he showed up. And now I have less interest than before.
100%, the entire episode was just cringe.
99% of every character's actions made absolutely no sense.



>Good Lorca and Evil Michael still alive.
Calling this now.

Are you seriously, not memeing it, saying the casting and the acting in Star Trek Discovery are bad ?

you couldn't spoiler tag that? not cool

a lot of people use sarcasm. it is supposed to mock something

I take that as a yes. Thank you for using a name, I wish all IQ89 posters did that.

The asian goddess

What about the damn writing and art direction?

It's just irrelevant nonsense. I actually think he's just replying to people to get (you)s for his pointless posts.

I think he someone got fused into the mycelium network and will occasionally return once per season.

You know, it was a little fun in September with all the meme " the cast is bad - they can't act -Michael is just a black girl, not an incredible actress " but now...

She should use some other expression for emergency teleportation cause by the time she pronounces that shit she'd be toast.

Why did Michael decided to side with the asian woman when by her point of view she was worse?

You felt exactly what you were meant to feel for him. It's what the crew also felt for him leading up to his betrayal. That's how you know it's good writing.

Yes there are top-tier.
But I am halfway sure they are comissioned by CBS.

this will be great

Lorca was the only federation captain who was worth a damn, and they just lost him, so they need someone else who is at least vaguely interested in fighting this war.

Where do you find these pictures?

>Space ship drive system requires a humanoid- Like Cylon base ships in Battlestar Galactica
>Dark gritty visuals and shaky hand cameras like BSG
>Paul Stanets projects himself into a comfortable environment while inside the mushroom internet, like Cylon projection
>Ash is really a Klingon in human skin, just like Cylon skinjobs
>"Follow the Music Paul, to get back to the prime Universe from the Mirror Universe, I was expecting Jimi Hendrix to start playing all along the watchtower and the eye of Jupiter/road markers to appear to show them where earth is.
I am just waiting for all this plagiarism to end up in a huge lawsuit.

When Mirror Universe shit started, I thought this is what they kept Tilly in stock for. To put her under duress and make her pretend to be captain Killy.

But she remains wasted.

Because she's the only one who wasn't trying to manipulate her. Lorca basically lied about everything and he wasn't willing to let Michael go home. Emperor was willing to let her and the Discovery leave in exchange for the spore drive, and when she knew she couldn't have that she was willing to sacrifice her life for Michael.

Lorca also had a soft spot for Michael but going with him would've meant staying in the MU forever.

>When Mirror Universe shit started, I thought this is what they kept Tilly in stock for. To put her under duress and make her pretend to be captain Killy.

They literally did this

>she was willing to sacrifice her life for Michael
No, she wanted to die a honorable death in battle. That's why she was so pissed when Michael saved her.


Lorca will be reborn as Spore lord

>he wasn't willing to let Michael go home
Was this brought up before she sided with the dragon lady? I don't pay much attention when i watch it but I do watch it because I need a sci-fi fix

Yeah, but it was just a few scenes that connected to nothing and lead nowhere. Her character development came from working on curing the Spore man. I don't know what the captain Tilly stuff was for besides eye candy.

>I am just waiting for all this plagiarism to end up in a huge lawsuit.
It's so strange because they are Star Trek! They aren't world-building from scratch. There's no need to borrow BSG ideas.

>Star Trek Discovery is too damn good

>It have to end with a lawsuit

Honorable death didn't mean letting Michael go. She threw that in as a favor.

time travel or something

Michael mean nothing to her at that point. She said it herself: This Michael is not the one she raised.
All she did for Michael was not kill her, which she had no motivation to do anyway.

What would Lorca think of the Star Wars prequels? They're poetry.


>It's what the crew also felt for him leading up to his betrayal. That's how you know it's good writing.
No, it's just lazy and makes no sense.

None of the sci-fi mumbo jumbo made any sense, in lore or in reality (something Trek has always been good at is maintaining in universe consistency).

Then, characters completely change and lose motivations on the fly.
Lorca is a brilliant commander, strategist and above all, pragmatic.

Why go on what should have been a suicide mission (as stated in show and lore) by kamikaze-ing the spore drive core bullshit thingamadoodle, when Michael could have just said "Hey mate, that thing you got there will kill all life, yourselves included, mind turning it off?" and Lorca would have 100% understood.

You could then have the last half of the episode being an incredibly tense set where key characters from both universes dance around eachother to avert the mass-extinction of the multiverse, leaving the multiverse on a tense standoff, with a capable leader at the helm of the TA.
Instead we got a boring action sequence (something Discovery has always been bad at) and a BOOM goes the TA as a serious antagonist for a later series.

Lazy writing, leaving us with an entire cast of nobodies spotted by boring and unlikable characters.

Honestly, only character worthwhile left in the series is Voq, and they really hammed his last story arc.

He will be a galaxy sized glowing spore-being that will fight the anti-spores, which are the secret force behind T'Kuvma, which will be revealed once Michael defeats the Klingons.

The entire premise for DS9 was directly stolen for real, you think your retarded list is actually something that would be thought about by anyone, for a minute?

Follow the Music Paul, to get back to the Real Life Universe from the Sup Forums Universe.

Outside of Sup Forums, everybody loves Discovery and the fan arts are a way to express this love.

Oh lol Wtf?

How the fuck did this actually make it onto paper, let alone into the finished script, then past the fucking editor?

Made me cringe and really set the tone for a piss poor episode in what was a promising show.


I like the part where the racist Mirror Universe Lorca says he is going to make the empire great again.

i genuinely enjoyed this episode.
pretty good payoffs and pretty good build up for the next ep

>you can never have a character say "make something something again" without spergs getting triggered

I prefer this part of the mirror universe

Unironically agree.

You mean the part where she said she felt for a moment like she had her Michael back, and told her to find a way home and live?

>I like the part where the racist Mirror Universe Lorca
All Mirror characters are racist you idiot.

what did he mean by this?

>tl;dr + reddit spacing

Not a surprise


What race of alien is tilly? Is her race any relation to bajorans? I wonder how long she spends in make up with those forehead bumps.

It was so fucking painful. Especially with the "She lets aliens flood across the border". I almost cried.

I hope you're trolling and not actually an idiot. Pattern matching is a component of intelligence, lacking this ability spells doom for your future.

The resistance in the Mirror universe isn't dumbass.

>this is the guy everyone is rallying behind as their reason for watching

That's not reddit spacing, you dumb fuck.

>Pattern matching is a component of severe autism
I hope you're trolling and not actually retarded.

At least you tried to correct yourself. Too little too late but I appreciate the gesture.

No-no. We like the character. Not the actor. those two are not the same.

Rightfully so, the dude owns.

Not an autist (okay, maybe that's a lie), but I'm not a Sup Forumstard.

Make X Y Again was okay in terms of political satire, and maybe one or two pieces of thinly veiled commentary back during Trump's campaign.
But now it really dates shit, I honestly do wonder if this was written back in 2016?

Tl;dr: it's been done, and better, and back when it was actually relevant.

Sorry about the spacing, I'm usually a phone shitposter whilst I'm at the gym.
Bad habits, but I can honestly and truthfully say I've never posted on Reddit.

Can't do anything for the length though, you may want to try reading "The Cat in the Hat" to improve your WPM count.

Terrans are. Saying racist Mirror Lorca is like saying wet water.

But really though, the show has kind of taken a turn in the wrong direction these last few episodes

Owns druompbfhf supporters, I agree.

>lorca is a brilliant commander, strategist and above all, pragmatic
>lorca would have 100% understood
lorca is supposed to be a flawed character and on top of that who in the right mind would believe that? it fucking powers the ship.


>But now it really dates shit, I honestly do wonder if this was written back in 2016?
People talking about making something great/glorious again all the time. It's not dated, it would only be dated if a character said something like YAS QUEEN.

This show has it all!
>Rip off most of the things from Battlestar Galactica
>Rip off Game of Thrones with killing off major character in the first season
>Michael- the Mary Sue of Mary Sues.
>Michael- a woman named after a mans name
>The chinese captain that died- tranny
>Massive butthurt from the US elections bleeding through the writing
>Shits on all Trek lore

>taking the reddit spacing meme seriously

>the actor is the character
Top fucking kek Sup Forums


By supporting the character, you support the actor. Stop doing it.

Imagine how long she has to sit in makeup.
How uncomfortable her headgear is.
How she must've told everyone she was going to be in Star Trek as a crew member

And she has only JUST got a line of dialogue where it is revealed that her voice sounds like complete shit.

The mirror arc was intense and pretty good. Now back to the Klingon arc !

To redeem herself for getting Georgiou killed in the first episode
Jesus Christ how dense do you have to be

>>Michael- the Mary Sue of Mary Sues.
You're only saying that because she's played by a black woman. If she were played by a white male, you'd just call her "hero". I know you're going to deny this but you should know that your political bias has effectively clouded your judgment. You're going to accuse me of the same but the fact is I'm a center-right and I can see a partisan hack a mile away.