An analysis of Academy Award acceptance speeches from 1966 to 2016 found that Weinstein had been thanked or praised in...

>An analysis of Academy Award acceptance speeches from 1966 to 2016 found that Weinstein had been thanked or praised in 34 speeches – as many times as God.

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do we have a list of women who were HARVESTED?

Why ‘66? Was Harvey even born yet?

Would anything have happened if that audio recording hadn't come out?

you just have to look for a list of movies produced by the Weinstein company and look at the cast.

The sign of the fall of the west?

That there are more than 34 speeches each year. And in 50 of those years God was thanked 30 times.

Truly wonderous society you've got yourselves

He Wein'd em and he dined em. All your waifus ALL OF THEM.



user delivers

And they thanked him!

got to admit that its kinda a weird phenomenon. guy sexes girls and then puts them in movies; the girls are regretful, maybe, but at the same time, thank him and attach themselves to him for the sake of power, comfort. if the women are cool with it at the time, what exactly is the fucking problem? who cares if a man uses sex and then gives the bitch a meal afterward, tit for tat. unless they're uncomfortable about it, in which case they should just step up immediately.

It's convenient to throw him under the bus now.

tear up that goypussy, harv!

>ditches the church
>turns back on Jesus
>turns into pic related

fuck off, americuck

Fuck Jesus and fuck white people

>Amy Adams

particularly since his company has been in financial trouble for years now. Bob Weinstein had no second thought on firing his own brother asap.


looks like somebody wants some head, give little paco a suck over here please someone



>watches amazing Kino
>movie ends
>executive producer Harvey Weinstein
T-thank you Harvey I guess.

why would anyone ever be defending the mossad

That list is bullshit, it's just people who were in films that his company produced, adams was a big star when she made all of those Weinstein films and so could turn him down, she paid her dues and worked her way up without sucking any fat guy cock

>horrific betrayal of (((1,400 children)))
except that these children deserved it for being jewish, there are no whites on earth, only jews and crypto-jews

That's what Hitler thought in his last days. Then he killed himself.


go outside, my guy

>worked her way up without sucking any fat guy cock
She was literally outted as getting her first big role because of the casting couch you sensitive little weenie.

>she paid her dues and worked her way up without sucking any fat guy cock

Cry me a river faggot. I'm not eating your blue pill. If after all these scandals you still have any naiveté left it's on you and you only. Hollywood has been fueled on sex and nepotism since day 1.

A fucking daily occurrence for me lol maybe he is rapey but the man sure created lots of Kino.

>1980 was bad year for movies
Oh boy, just wait.

>imagine being so naive to believe this

dumb. Just cause they were in one of his movies doesn't mean he harvested them.

Especially an organization called Black Cube- that's a Cult of Saturn reference, by the way.

Is Harvey the greatest inspiration to us all?
>look like half-baked potato
>fucked hundreds (thousands?) of the the hottest women in the world
>makes them thank you for it

>No Michelle Williams

? How did she tricked Harvey into not fucking her? I'm glad because she's so cute but it's weird. Harvey gave her a whole career of oscar nominations.

this "hitler" guy you speak sounds pretty smart
you seem to know quite a bit about him was he your dad or something

source on that?

I fucking hate Jews but this isn't really much of a headline. If you think about it, it is likely that a former Mossad agent would be in the PI/bodyguard line of work.

Wow, some bitch who fucked a hundred guys has to fuck a fat Jew to earn millions. So sad.


Then KYS and be as clever as he.

Jews are God's chosen, what do you expect buddy?



not even close

biopic when

>Judi Dench

>tfw you'll see yet another producer biopic by Coen brothers in your lifetime


Has nobody called out Oprah yet? she's guilty

in a few years he'll be back working and everybody will stand up and clap when he shows up at the Oscars, they'll forgive him like they did with Polanski

Ricky Gervais made a Roman Polanski joke at the Golden Globes and everyone got butthurt, fucking fake rich cunts

>Judi Dench
>Helen Mirren


He was born in '52. You didn't think he was that old?

You forgot Ana de armas

can anyone take hollywood seriously ever again after this debacle? when so many prominent stars looked the other way while this guy chewed his way through countless young women, all because he made them money?

Interesting list actually. Makes you wonder how fucked up are Hollywood people.

Source? I read an article that claimed he's been thanked only less than god and spielberg.

>Jessica Alba
>Anne Hathaway
>Katie Holmes
>Heide Klum
>Gwyneth Paltrow
>Catherine Zeta-Jones

Just WOW!!! I envy him so much.

Pedowood on suicide watch


>14 years of age and receiving thanks at the Oscars
What a badass.

His HPV is now their HPV. His herpes are now their herpes. Hollywood is such a magical place.

>Olivia Wilde and Michelle Tractenberg
>none (meaning no movie projects)
>only dresses

>When the shiksas are compliant.jpg

Living the dream.


Dan Schneider and Weinstein never shared any actress. I find it somehow interesting.

Please user... have some class

What do you mean? If you look the list, allegedly Weinstein fucked former Disney girls, but never any former Nickelodeon's actresses.

These are gentlemen with taste, they don't cross streams like some animal.

Fair enough. But I feel a bit sad for Weinstein now.

He has literally done nothing wrong.
Sup Forums is just obsessed with the guy because of his comically Jewish last name.

Tear up that goypussy, Harv

>sarah jessica parker

To my knowledge Weinstein only slept with adults, which is totally fine and actually pretty normal in show business. The harassment accusations are total bullshit, all these actresses knew what was happening and why they were doing it. They're definitely throwing him under the buss.


it's almost like he was a mob capo running Hollywood

>If you look the list, allegedly Weinstein fucked former Disney girls

reminder that for a time Miramax was owned by Disney

I think that's when they started recording the speeches

He actually did nothing wrong. Having sex with a producer for a part in a movie is normal. Dan Schneider does the same, except with little children.

>He actually did nothing wrong. Having sex with a producer for a part in a movie is normal. Dan Schneider does the same, except with little children.


>Having sex with a producer for a part in a movie is normal
In pedowood perhaps. In the race to see who is the biggest hypocrite piece of shit in this country, Harvy's near the top of that list user.

I think the actors are more hypocrite than Harvey since they're the ones making a fuzz about it. They all knew what they were getting into.

Oh of course. But their piece of shitness doesn't necessarily surpass his piece of shitness because of that. This guy paraded himself around for years as some kind of great man, a bleeding heart defender of women, the oppressed, the same old pedowood shtick. But all along he was the biggest hypocrite of them all, far more than anyone he criticized. Literally the town rapist.

They're equally shitty to me, but only God can decide.

wtf, I love third wave feminism now



Why are there so many non-jewish rapists in hollywood?

Cry more ahmed

>pic of the Donald
top kek

Blackmailing is a big industry in the states, and apparently they are really good at it.

>these accidations are bullshit, they could have just said no
meanwhile here in reality land, most people understand the concept of power dynamics. If you’re boss says or strongly implies he’ll fire you if you dont suck his cock, that is an abuse of power.

>grow up in National Socialist household
>Have picture of Hitler on your mantle
>End up a gay pedo

Why does this happen so fucking much?


I'm not implying they could have said no, I'm implying they wanted it, for the role.

WITHOUT mentioning Jews and/or feminist rhetoric, describe to me what Harvey did wrong

nothing, he's a professional