Can Marvel do no wrong?


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Dr. Strange wasnt so great. Not bad or anything but very, okay.

Too jokey, especially that running in place scene.

Marvel done wrong after Iron Man (1), flooding us with shitload of capeshit and spawining unnecessary universes that ruined movies.

Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3 , Thor 1 & 2, and Doctor Strange.


It's all trash, was I supposed to laugh while watching that shit flick because I didn't, you people ejaculate all over the first Iron man movie like it was a masterpiece, it was mediocre, sure it started nicely but everything after the cave was trash.

One of the best Marvel movies so far. I was very positively surprised and it had a lot of great and well executed elements from the comics and cartoons

Tessa Thompson is the only reason I'm going to watch this.

They wildly underused the giant wolf, all it did was have a half-hearted fight in between rapid jump cuts, I think it deserved something a little more focussed than that

Otherwise good

Here's the non-Autist meme response, Thor 2 was weaker than most MCU films, but still decent overall, same with Age of Ultron, neither are terrible, the rest of the MCU ranges from decent to great, the only MCU properties I've ever seen that were shit terrible was Iron Fist and The Defenders

Thor is a great pleb filter, and you're a great pleb.

Complete trash, like every other Marvel film. Had to watch it in parts because I got too bored to see it in one sitting.

Agreed, though the more I watch Iron Man 3, the more I rank it closer to Thor 2.

>Anyone else have trouble with Spider-Man not having his spidey sense in Homecoming?

How about having murdermode, spider trackers, inner monologue generator, and every possible web shooting variant designed by someone other than Parker?

started this the other night and couldn't even get five minutes into it. i know these movies are mainly for kids but holy shit, the writing is on par with modern nickelodeon shows.

It sucks. I mean the website coming out his body was a bit silly but I still felt that in Raimi's Spiderman it was really that need becomes a hero, but in the MCU Peter is just a weakling who gets handed tech by Stark for being a good boy.

marvel movies aren't bad, just very generic for the most part.

Citizens of rapidly re-culturasing ""Asgard"" have to face the reality of getting all of their "gold" through war with peaceful lower races.

A literal nigger ironically called "valkyrie", quintessentially asgardian, niggier than thou, Idris Elba plus the subplot about a slavery-centered dictatorship run by a fucking white male.

In the end the main shitlord realizes that destruction of his world is ok, as long you'll get about medium size barn worth of diverse ""asgardians" out of it. He prevails despite easily dispersed resistance from an army of reanimated ancient shitlords.

Fucking hollywood needs to be burned to the ground.

I haven't seen it but the cover looks fucking ridiculous

i don't like most marvel movies but thor ragnarok was legit 'fun'

I hate capeshit but I actually quite enjoyed this flick. I would've cut the Valkyrie woman to give more screen-time to the executioner dude but I can understand why they didn't want to do that given it was a kids movie.

Will watch with my little nephew next time I'm looking after him.

Homecoming was shit and he was nothing like he was in civil war. No spidey sense ever, his suit did everything for him and ever since Jarvis became vision they needed a new quipbot. Keaton was great but got underused but Spider-Man getting his ass kicked every damn fight was annoying after seeing him take on Half the avengers.

Best scene in it was Keaton in the car

Thor going full force unleashed is kino as kino can get. Actually it's kino of the proportions never seen before and am saying this as a grown man who usually isn't into capeshit too much.


>all Netflix shows other than daredevil
>most of agents of shield
>Incredible Hulk
>iron man 2
>iron man 3
>Thor darkworld

Yeah, I think they can

Capeshit fans hate the Thor movies because they aren't real capeshit, they're science fantasy about aliens being mistaken for Gods.

*posts /thread on my own post*

>destruction of his world is ok, as long you'll get about medium size barn worth of diverse ""asgardians" out of it
By this measure Holdo's plan of fitting the entire Resistance onto the Millennium Falcon was a resounding success

>he still thinks the marvel thor movies are straight up norse mythology
Spotted the brainlet

Keaton is kino

Phase 5?

Howard the Duck is a thing so yeah they can