/lbg/ - Letterboxd General

letterboxd general.

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Why do you come to Sup Forums?

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A WINE GLASS PEPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

quentin dupieux f.t.w.

>Quentin Tarantino

Jackie Chan > Griffith

For the lulz.

For /lbg/ of course

Threadly reminder to archive any reviews, lists or profiles you think worth saving with archive.is/.





hello hello
hello hello


hi hi
hi hi


tfw already falling behind on the cult movie challenge

Have you considered giving up?

Give up. Stop breathing.


ok per haps I shall



why are you losers calling that pleb Rostova "griifthfag" now?

Not me, I call him griffithnigger.

Because that's what he is, a no-good nigger.

>mfw Rostova is 4' 11 1/4"

King of the dwarves

>another photo for Griffithfag to caption and add to the rotation


Letter Never Sent was mediocre you pleb fuck, drown yourself.

Genuinely didn't mean to give it a heart
It has great shot composition and the tracking shots are neat but the rest of it was mediocre, I agree


You're good!


anytime big guy

Anything for (You).

>fw you found out Soderberg remade an Argento filmh

A hack remakes hackery, pottery.


here's looking at you genes

I agree with these ratings. Patrician smoothhands. :D

I agree with these ratings. Patrician smoothhands. :D


Smoothbrain and his cohorts, I banish you.


Your desperate need for approval is pathetic and repulses me.

your denial of me just makes me want to have sex with you even more
the smoothest

his dick is the gun


>denial of me
LOL this mofo thinks he's Jesus


>tfw you created the 'You do' meme

You create all the memes.

I wish.

You wish.

That's what I just said, yes.

it's smugemilyjean dot PNG

are we clubbing the Super Bowl JoJo

I'll club you, trips.

>those comments

who the fuck studies rivers
it's literally just a stream of water

it's -art-

>tfw watched this when it was linked on Sup Forums but never imagined it was on letterboxd to log and now don't remember the date you watched it
This feel sucks. Imma get it deleted from lb now.

And I can only go in circles!


>review for queer movie
>only says "I'M GAY"

Pogo sticked? Pogo stuck?

bump bump
bump bump

Daily reminder that Griffithfag (a.k.a. Rostova) loves Birdman

You know, just because I didn't like that ridiculous comedy you did with Goldie Hawn did not mean I did not love you. That's what you always do. You confuse love for admiration.


griffithfag aka winston

Said no one ever.

made my profile yesterday and i've been making a list of all the movies i've seen

what am i missing?

you're possessed by the devil.


don't care about followers, its just for me to track my movie watching

i don't think this is a movie. if it is, i haven't seen it

Don't forget to select your favorite films!

>what am i missing?

a gf

>he fell for the gf meme

We've met before, haven't we?

if only

>American Kino
>The Kinotrix
>Lost in Kino
>Pulp Kino

someone tell me im a normie now

you're a normie now

I did.


I'm always right. I'm perfection incarnate. I'm superior to you in ever facet. I understand I'm better by countless leagues. My intelligence can't be quantified by petty numbers. I will always outmatch you physically, mentally, genetically and sexually. I never pretend to be of a lower stature. I am always aware of my place, several leagues above all of you in speed, strength, intelligence, and potency. I never tire, I choose to sleep. I never hunger, I choose to eat. I can prove anything. I choose not to. I never address anyone directly, only to the stratosphere of air above your head and below mine. Your petty jabs will do nothing to me, they will muster no flamboyant reaction. I am confidently at place celestially above your meager ramshackle bubble you call existence. You are all clowns dancing for my amusement, obsessed with the god that presides over your existence. Annihilating me in a debate presumes that your logic was ever sound enough to change my mind on anything. That has never been the case. I am smarter than you. I destroy you. I don't like /lbg/ I don't like anybody in /lbg/. I hate /lbg/ and I want it removed from this site. /lbg/ hates me because they know I'm better than them. I hold everyone in smug contempt. I hate everyone, but with the same dual-edged sword that permeates all existence. I make plebs humble before me.I could destroy the sun if I wanted to.

I'm always right. I'm perfection incarnate. I'm superior to you in ever facet. I understand I'm better by countless leagues. My intelligence can't be quantified by petty numbers. I will always outmatch you physically, mentally, genetically and sexually. I never pretend to be of a lower stature. I am always aware of my place, several leagues above all of you in speed, strength, intelligence, and potency. I never tire, I choose to sleep. I never hunger, I choose to eat. I can prove anything. I choose not to. I never address anyone directly, only to the stratosphere of air above your head and below mine. Your petty jabs will do nothing to me, they will muster no flamboyant reaction. I am confidently at place celestially above your meager ramshackle bubble you call existence. You are all clowns dancing for my amusement, obsessed with the god that presides over your existence. Annihilating me in a debate presumes that your logic was ever sound enough to change my mind on anything. That has never been the case. I am smarter than you. I destroy you. I don't like /lbg/ I don't like anybody in /lbg/. I hate /lbg/ and I want it removed from this site. /lbg/ hates me because they know I'm better than them. I hold everyone in smug contempt. I hate everyone, but with the same dual-edged sword that permeates all existence. I make plebs humble before me.I could destroy the sun if I wanted to.

That's right, big boy.


follow us senpai

You arent' fucking royalty, boy.

That's right, biNo-Limit-1931-poster-clarabowg boy.

The It Girl
Millennial Posterchild


>91 replies
>22 posters





>It has great shot composition
Post one frame from that flick worthy of being hung on a wall. You must cite similar painting

Early talkies are the biggest pleb filters known to man. The entire opening of Great Gabbo is a near-static long take with Stroheim and his wife in separate rooms. Better than Rosselini in every way imaginable.

Griffith invented racism