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y-yes mommy


Only if she has a dick

recurring digits

u wish, ur not even proper hel/hela
goddess of death that looks like k-pop star, dropped
>marvel (comics) can't into norse

*kneels and licks pusy*

imagine her bullying you and belittling your cock! imagine her giving you a sensual handjob with her other hand gripping your balls while you beg for permission to cum, before she says yes and ruins your orgasm and slapping your balls. "only real men get to cum" she whispers in your ear. she forces you to say "thank you mommy" before she slaps you and you go back to worshiping her feet! imagine !

pusy slave gang

>lolno i'm gonna destroy our native world just to spite you ahah :-DDD


They just co-opted the names from Norse mythology. They were always psychedelic techno aliens who humans mistook for gods. They never attempted to be accurate to NM. So you can stop posting this dumb shit every thread.

how do you pronounce braaaap?


can you slow it down for me?

it's still half-assed, compared to for example Mistress Death. since Thanos is in, I would expect Death too, but knowing Marvel they gonna fuck her up
For me the BRAAAAAAAAPPPPP sounds like the DROOOOOOOOPPPPP but wetter

To a woman? Never

>to the shopping center

Can someone answer me this?

Didn't Loki kill Odin in Thor 2? Or was it just my imagination?

Loki was seen impersonating Odin at the end of Thor 2 but what actually happened to Odin wasn't revealed.

Here it turns out Loki dumped him at a senior citizen's home on earth, where he then wandered to Norway

Is Odin senile?

Didn't he stabbed Odin in someway? Is what I remember from Thor 2, like hugging him or something like that but actually stabbing him so he later took his form in front of Thor at the end...

Still missing Kat Dennings tho :( she's jobless now

> I am Hella
> Neil
which is it?

>worships the goddess of death

Did you guys pick up on how lonely she was?

I kept expecting her to threaten or intimidate this guy but instead she just seemed desperate for his approval since he's the only person on the entire planet who even pretended to be nice to her

Her helmet is actually an elaborate "please be patient I have autism" hat

that would be crazy haha

Thanos x Hela R-rated sex scene when?

>*Becomes a side character in her own movie*


As much as I love Cate Blanchett, I feel like Hella was wasted on this movie. I really didn't care about what was happening on Asgard, the focus should have been shifted entirely to Jeff Goldblums planet and his career as a DJ

who /miek/ here?


hahaha wtf bro don't put those images in my head


why would i ever imagine that haha

*kisses feet*


>Y-yo--you too.

>you will never be an Asgardian warrior standing your ground against the goddess of death
>she will never impale you through the sternum with a throwing knife before you can even move
>you will never gasp for breath, unable to draw air into your blood-filled lungs
>you will never reach out with a grasping hand at her, the only figure in your fading vision, pleading for the life she's already taken
>she will never dismissively flick a second knife into your heart, killing you instantly


Reading this all the way gave me the weirdest boner.


no u


she should rock that look all the time it took 20 years off her

>"only real men get to cum"

She can fuck my ass anytime as long as i can pound that pus if you get what im saying



ahaha wtf why would i imagine that? what kind of a weirdo would want that to happen haha

Why cant i date the goddess of death?

In the Norse Edda she's described asa giant decrepit troll/ogre queen.


Goddess of Death? More like Goddess of BREATH!

i wonder what her moist breath smells like haha

ewww gross haha why would you want that

y-yeah... could you imagine that lol

wonder what her feet smell like haha

she blatently has like atleast ten strapons

a tranny like that fucked me last weekend and literally beat the shit out of me, giving me a black eye in the process before fucking me in the ass

Stop posting this

Cate Blanchett needs to do a Mistress T biopic

>The reserved psychiatrist you're taken to due to your constant sexual abuse.

fuckin lol

>you will never be milked for all your worth while she sits on your face

why even live

She would have worked better without the helmet as a villai n


>waah why isn't she an uggo
Also, I see it's going for the mythological description of half her body being rotten but it looks like she has make up on rather than rotting off the bone

like death haha

>Vera Farmiga - Neighborhood Motel Owner

so do you think hela will become "death" to thanos.

would be a decent way to bring her back. have some hooded woman always whispering in thanos's ear.. only to reveal its hela at the end of infinity war

lol imagine if she just lets a huge fart rip right in your face hahaha

I'd probably cum harder

Is it wrong I found Winona to be super cute on Stranger Things? I wanted to hug her and kiss her and tell her everything was gonna be ok.

>Muh half dead face

Nobody cares about your fetish

I wish she was a giantess in Thot 3 desu




t. brainlet who couldn't follow the story


Two Death aspects/goddesses is dumb. They will probably shoehorn Hela into Thanos' waifu slot. He'll probably go to asgard looking for an infinity stone, and instead find her floating around in the remains. After some sexy/evil banter, he'll waifu her and that's that.

It's Thor's movie.


>i dont even like domsex
>mfw dick still turned on

Formerly Hela's

>that marvel hero/villain strong enough for Hela to become submissive to

who is he, Sup Forums?

Mah niggas

Black Panther

r63 Hela


Valkyrie was way hotter

Heroes should be defined by their villains

Only good thing about the movie was jerking off to Cate blanchett

Well, i didn't knew i had it in me until now

not even gonna bother watching it. I'm sure /hr/ or Sup Forums will eventually post 4K .webms of all Hela scenes.

god bless, im waiting
im surprised by the lack of r34. good shit anyway