When will cities start looking like this?

when will cities start looking like this?

8 more years

Have you seen countries in asia? like shanghai?

has anyone made a shoop of the spinner flying scenes but replaced all the holo-ads with trump 2020? I'd like that.

They already do


We officially live in the cyberpunk future either when you make City: 2 or you make Neo-City

man that looks so kino

What about Nu York?



Grow up, Sup Forumseddit

Times Square ain’t that far from looking like it

has China initiated Operation Dark Storm?


all we're missing is holographic billboards

>all that fucking smog
God damn chinks are ruining this planet.


Bonus points for toxic smog and human organ harvesters who cut the corneas out of a children who wander off.


Just in Beijing. The city is surrounded by hills and is perpetually covered in smog.

Toronto is the first one i guess


its the sweet odor of progress, soyboy


when disney ends buying the states.

Tokyo has the most aesthetic lighting

*wrmmmmm wrmmmmmmmmmmmmm*


I, for one, welcome our near Cyberpunk future

They already do? Just not a lot of places that dense yet besides like Tokyo and nyc

Recently came back from NYC and all I kept thinking about while I was there was in like 4 more years it will look like LA did in the original blade runner.
I know I’m supposed to hate NYC because of Sup Forums or whatever but man it is a great city.


Less windows, more concrete on the towers and yeah thats blade runner

that's steam from the poo

Can you imagine all the poo on the streets causing the smog?

Soon with magicleap


this is pretty much the city in Elysium,just change pajeets for spics.

the glasses are the right aesthetic for the Blade Runner universe

le based cyberpunk shithole

>Born too late to discover the New World
>Born too early to navigate the stars
>Born just in time to watch your life decay into all your favorite sci-fi nightmares

Mexico City already looks like the initial flyover of LA

Actual photo of Sydney being hit a red dust storm



Because it was filmed there, they then added the large scifi buildings in post.

redditors and Sup Forumsedditors are so fucking cringey




>wanting less air pollution
What are you, some kind of global warming shill?

Never because city planners hate tall and cool buildings.

One of the reasons this looks Blade Runner-ish is because the photograph uses the same techniques as Scott did. All the shots in Blade Runner are on a long lens with objects and people foregrounded. It's one of the reasons 2049 feels a bit different, because they use wide lenses.

>are we gonna search locations for that animay adaptation?
>nah, just use CGI

Once wh*tes are eradicated

>pretty towers with some lights

None of these cities are any where NEAR as dense as those in BR, stop posting retard.s

>tfw you will witness the first true cyberpunk cities rise in your lifetime

just like my video games!

>they'll be full of blacks

Honestly though, China is fucking based and will be what drags the reluctant and distracted west into the future they could have and should have wrought on their own.

>china will become the next superpower since the USis going to shit between neet Sup Forums nazis and soyboys
>we will speak mandarin by 2049

if we get sexbots we will live in bladerunner movies but it will still suck since yellow nazis will rule the world

Not in your lifetime. That kind of density is literally against the law in most countries. The closest anyone has ever come is the Kowloon Walled City, which was torn down because of risk factors.

Kowloon was pure kino desu

>China is fucking based and will be what drags the reluctant and distracted west into the future
Nice try Zhang. China is a total shithole without basic human rights.

>human organ harvesters
sad nobody know or cares enough about that

but ppl will start care as soon as their new overlords come to get their organs after the death of the western world and the conquest of the chinese

Natsoc is an environmentalist ideology, my little estronaut

*spills oil in the carribean*

If you're white the most logical option is to side with white nazis, then.

Singapore, Bangkok, Shanghai, Shenzen-they all look like this already.

Im sorry but office buildings are going to be obsolete soon

>Authoritarian submissive boot-licker calling anyone else an "estronaut"
>always on the lookout for "liberal propaganda" like the SJW he is, but gets fooled by a picture of an evil genocidal maniac feeding a deer

No one in history has ever been dumber than the modern pol-tard. Your stupidity is an endless source of unintentional comedy. Far rightinas aren't human.

This circular arguing could go on forever until someone is put to death

Guess we'll just have to see who that is

white nazis, left soyboys, blm, etc ...
all the same shit.

one pushes other pushes back
thats the pendulum that made trumps presidency possible

but under chinses rule there wont be any "pushing back"

I wish there was more tall buildings were i life, i mean i know comieblocks ruined the reputation but house prices are skyrockening and there are just not enough houses in a lot of overpopulated places.

it will also bring us closer to smog filled cyberpunk inspired city's but you can't win them all.

The Chinese have never "ruled" anyone who isn't Chinese

That's fucked up.

>all the same shit.


That's a great observation, however as a Torontonian I'll also add that there are hundreds of skyscrapers under construction, planning or being comissioned across the city at the moment so we're also slowly becoming Coruscant

Is Trump /ourniander/ ?

>risk factors
It was torn down because it was a crazy anarcho-capitalist wet dream.

It can't really be considered anarcho-capitalist when it still relied on the inherent external protection by the state of hong kong/china. Had something like that been done on its own, the neighborhing state would've just invaded and taken it over.

Chinese have had the bloodiest civik wars in history

lets just say it, the chinese are a fucking awesome race

Prices are gonna keep skyrocketing and you are gonna end up living in a box with the same area but half the height of a public bathroom stall in a tall building, what overpopulated places need is less people.

not economically feasible. Aesthetically pleasing, but until digital technology becomes all but invisible and ever present it's going to be science fiction (heavy on the fiction).

It would smell fucking horrible. Why anyone want to live in "Neo-Mumbai-apore" is beyond me.

It was a legal limbo zone between PRC and Hong Kong. That's why it existed. Being torn down for safety is more or less an excuse because it existed outside of PRC and HK law and order had to be reestablished there.

Anybody who's driven down 495 on a foggy evening will understand

I think part of the issue is that the massive overpopulation in china leads to this ant-person-like mentality that no one's life really matters. Maybe it's something inherent to the chinese after living this way for millennia. Maybe it's something that simply happens to any group that gets that overpopulated. But you see what I'm talking about when you view all the CCTV feeds and other videos of random chinese people, even little kids, getting casually ran over by cars or whatnot, and then other cars will run over the person on the ground afterwards too, because fuck it. And people will continue walking past like nothing happened at all.

walking around tokyo at night doesn't look anything like that at all

i fucking hate liam wong imitators, looks worse than shit i took on an iphone

Right, but the point I'm making is that it was only able to exist because of the state(s) around them.

Needs more HDR



Oh, I don't disagree. Inside, however, was an anarcho-capitalist wet dream and when the PRC came in, it tore it down to exert its authority there. Safety concerns, as can be seen by any Chinese river, are not something the PRC really cares about.

I love big cities but the problem is you can't build them up like that without importing millions of poor immigrants from shitty countries to do manual labor, along with millions of rich chinks to invest in the real estate.

If you were born when people were discovering the new world, you would most likely just be some peasant who never left the place you were born and died an early death in poverty and squalor. Right now you probably have a more comfortable and interesting life than the vast majority of all people who have come before you. As for the future, no one knows what the world will be like in 100 years. You should be at peace with the slot of time you have been given, the grass always looks greener on the other side.

>The Chinese have never "ruled" anyone who isn't Chinese
you are right, you children will be chinese tho, so I am right too

or just ask the people of tibet. there were a time where they didnt thought of themself as chinese either

>Maybe it's something inherent to the chinese after living this way for millennia. Maybe it's something that simply happens to any group that gets that overpopulated.
I think it's a mix of both. Chinese culture is already shame-based and focused on promoting the family while excluding others, and these tendencies just get warped way out of shape by the massive overpopulation and industrialization. So you end up with a culture where nobody gives even the slightest fuck about strangers and nobody takes responsibility for anything that's not 100% provably their fault.