Why the fuck is she not fired yet, after the disaster that was TLJ in China?

Why the fuck is she not fired yet, after the disaster that was TLJ in China?

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chinese people are racist we don't want their stinking money

Without considering China.

The movie's crap.

Then what was the point of the entire "capitalism is bad" subplot, and Rose

>what was the point of Rose
To appeal to Asian American SJW tumblr types, not Chinese mainlanders

Her job is not to make money.
It's to spread the ideology to normies.

she can't be fired because she is female

She made the most perfect piece of anti-white male hate propaganda possible.

Why would she be fired when she is doing her job so well?

Well they failed, not because she’s ugly though. It’s one of the reasons but it’s not the most important one.
It’s because she’s a shit actor and she had a terrible script.
>this is how we win
Whoever wrote that line should kill themselves.

You retards probably think she's a Disney stooge too. She's not - Lucas hand picked her as his successor. If you want to blame someone, blame him.

>Hollywood is a legitimate business

The people she was included for liked her just because they were represented.

>Why the fuck is she not fired yet
You just answered your own question.

I was one of em and I hated every second she was on screen. god asian Americans have such low standards.
I’d rather have no representation at all then to have that shit actress represent me.

>Lucas hand picked her as his successor.
>after she had promised to bring him on in a creative capacity
>and after Lucas delivered a detailed outline for the sequel trilogy that Kennedy promised to follow
Yeah, she shredded the outline and kicked Lucas to the curb as soon as she had the power to do so. She Palpatined the senate. Welcome to the darkest timeline.

The movie underperformed hard everywhere. 700 million less than TFA, 500 million below "conservative expectations"

She courted lucas 24/7 and aggressivley lied to him. Disney even sad in 2014 they were pursuing amvitious acquisitions

She betrayed and murdered her friend

She will run for President as a Democrat, you know it will happen

I believe they were catering to the sanders voters there. But actually is so messed up and amateursih, I don't think they even know what they are doing. Just put together a bunch of scenes that look star warsy and slap a logo on it.

this desu

I love that this fraud takes credit for everything that's considered good about this franchise.
Every panel she goes to she's always dancing on eggshells to make herself relevant to the discussion.
In the Females of star wars panel at celebration a while back I remember the voice of Ahsoka and Filoni talking about how hard it was for them to get Ahsoka respected as character in the canon. And Ahsoka's VA says something like "it wasn't about the Ahsoka being a strong female. It was about Ahsoka being a strong character who was incidentally female." and Kennedy looks fucking enraged.

Star Wars has never been popular in China and their culture doesn't value anything that Star Wars represents.

Isn't the Force in general dripping with Taoist concepts? Why wouldn't they go for that?

>girls don't like star wars because they can't identify with Luke

Who would you replace her with?

Se could sue for sexual discrimination for not being allowed to run the company into the ground

A broomstick would do a better job.

Lucasfilm is going worse than Yahoo with Marissa Mayer.

Two cantaloupes and a flesh light

Burgerchink here, fuck TLJ, still haven't seen it, never will.

>Why the fuck is she not fired yet, after the disaster that was TLJ in China?

Corporate time isn't real time. This isn't just about SW or Lucasfilm, it's also about Bob Iger's succession as a Disney CEO.
Just a few weeks ago, before TLJ theatrical release, KK had a solid shot at taking over his duties as CEO. But now after the TLJ fiasco not so much, this ship has sailed. Henceforth it's going to be decided between Lasseter and Feige. Unless Iger finds someone else, which is exactly what he's supposed to do right now. Iger is bidding his time, he can and he should.
SW can wait, Disney's future is paramount.

Actually , with the FOX deal, Iger is staying for a couple more years. My guess is that firing her right now would be bad PR for Solo and also for episode 9. It's her boy JJ who is directing. This one is an even bigger time bomb than Solo.

This firing her is sexist. The Mouse will have to frame her with some PC infraction to get rid of her.

I think there's a power struggle going on right now where JJ wants to be running this. He always wanted a franchise as a cash cow, look what he did to Star Trek. I think him leaving the 2nd film to someone else was more likely being pushed out by KK because she was threatened by the greedy little jew, and she picked her best kissass to replace him. Now completely ass fucking the story was intentional. Either KK had no respect for what JJ had in mind, or was doing a scorched earth counter attack for JJ getting hold of film #3. And Rian is such a lazy and stupid writer he couldn't come up with anything so either way the franchise is fucked.

Are you kidding? There's a billion other people who are ahead of Kennedy in the potential line of succession to Iger. The head of ONE studio out of the dozens upon dozens that Disney owns, Walt Disney Pictures is only one branch of the overall Disney Media Empire, itself being only one arm of the larger Disney corporation, wouldn't even be on their radar as potential CEO.


>ahead of Kennedy

Her career is testamount to the fact that they don't care about money anymore and just want to try their hand at social engineering.

Jesus Christ look at those fucking milkers

I don't get it
leia is one of the greatest organic female characters of all time

>Asian American SJWs
That's a fucking miniscule demographic

Isn't China just a bonus? Like a potential cashgrab that could happen, but doesn't always cause chinks are weird. I'd be pandering more to the Russians since they are relatively predictable.