Where were you when Asians started saving the zombie genre?

Where were you when Asians started saving the zombie genre?

I am a Hero got a movie? How is it?

Manga>Live Action

It's serviceable. The manga is obviously better because it has too much content to cram into a single film but it's an entertaining zombie film like Busan.

Where does the film end, assuming they didn't try to condense the entire works into the film

They meet the psychopath sex slave group (with no mentions about actual sex slaves. It's implied a bit though.). Zombies eventually get in and Hideo escapes with Hiromi and Oda while everyone else dies. It's left open ended as they presumably drive towards mt. Fuji.

Hideo's actor does a great job I might add,

It looked good and 1:1 most of the time, but the manga deserves a real adaptation, not the usual one-shot movie treatment

Ching chong pao wow ding dong

Better than Train to Busan. Probably the best anime/manga adaptation since Air Doll.

Boys on the Run has a movie too.

Is this racist?

I was pleasantly surprised that it even got this kind of treatment. It had it's problems but as far as adaptations go, I am a hero got a really decent one. It's also obvious that they want to make more movies about it but movie business is harsh.

I didn't read the comic book. I heard the ending was a disappointment. Is this an accepted opinion or a minority?

The Manga is great, haven't enjoyed a comic or manga that much in a long while. Th ending isn't bad if you like open-ended, There is a conclusion.

Does the nurse die like in the manga?

but Boys on The Run adaptation is shit

Not yet. It kind of ends on volume 8 in the timeline.

But both of these are just as bad as most zombie movies, Sup Forums

You must be stupid. You think they saved the genre with that movie? Only saw the train one but based on your tastes the one I didn't see is likely to be just as bad

Do me a favor and slap yourself upside the head

The nurse looks like way qt in the movie though. Short dyed hair gyarus can die in a fire

It's not outright bad, it's just unremarkable and inconclusive.

That sounds quite bad. I don't like inconclusive endings. It doesn't sound happy at all either.

>saving the zombie genre
nope, it's already too late

All Asians should be fucking exterminated.

>chinks make a movie about zombies

so they just made a movie about chinks?

I bet you enjoy shonen

Still worth reading.
Get your racial epithets right. Chink movies are far worse.

koreans are LITERALLY chinks

japs are chinks who are cute

Shouldn't have slept through history class dude.

>learning about irrelevant islands

why even

>Korea and China are islands
Shouldn't have slept through geography class dude.

>caring about islands that aren't the united states of america

why even

i am a hero is a great movie

Zombies haven't been cool for a long time.

Sure why not. I watched JoJo up to to the third series.
I have my own tastes.

Japan changed movies in general in the 50s-70s
Hong Kong kicked any other country's ass in the 80s-90s with John Woo and Jackie Chan
Now it's south Korea that's taken the mantle.
East Asia is kino as fuck. Only problem if some of the movies I really want to watch I can't find on TPB or IP Torrents. Had to resort to renting the Housemaid (1960) on fuckin' iTunes.
Korea made my personal favorite movies of 2016 (pic) AND 2017 (maybe even earlier, but I don't really bother making lists like that).
2017 was A Taxi Driver

>being an ignorant nigger is totally okay