Why is he considered a "villian"?

Why is he considered a "villian"?

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Wanted to obliterate a planet to replace it with his own clone society where he is kings, despite having the technology and no time constraints to do it on the neighbouring one or even the moon, just because he couldn't be bothered.
Also headed a military coup to establish himself as dictator.

>tfw you will never be as much of a brainlet as this guy
Because "time" is the only constraint possible, right? How about watching the movie before making a retarded complaint.

Ruthlessly tries to find an infantile child

Guy was a crininal by his own world's standards. He escaped prison to commit more crimes. I really can't believe I need to explain this kiddie movie to you.

Zod acted on logic and the survival of his species. Literally did nothing wrong.

>Be genetically engineered to be the perfect soldier
>End up losing hand to hand fights with a labrat and a farmer boy

He did plenty of things wrong.


>my raycissm
Faora is kryptonian, she and Zod fought for kryptonian lives, and assumingly all races within it.

>fought for kryptonian lives
Fought to create and enslave kryptonian lives.

>Implying humans wouldn't do the same thing.


Shut your whore fucking mouth

But I want Gal to step on my balls too?

What's your point? Applying Earth morals here, as OP is, being on the receiving end of a morally questionable act does not justify that do the same act to others first. It's still a bad thing on both cases.


Becauss he's trying to wipe out humanity. The same reason i side with the humans in avatar, humanity is number 1.

This was made by a woman.

I'm not hearing any refutation of said website's assertions. Are you implying that the very existence of it is absurd? For what reason?

I don't refute creationist websites either, just laugh at them.
Did you make that website and video? They're shit by the way.

It's a website dedicated to perform mental gymnastics on a pooly written movie. Now worth watching.

lmao i can smell your fishy pussy from here you dumb (((roastie)))

I'll give you one last (you) before fucking off
Why are they shit? Explain your reasoning.

>mental gymnastics
>if you watch the video its literally just common sense and requires you to pay attention to the movie
sorry that thinking is such a difficult business for you

> I bet a tumblr snowflake wrote the script
> Beating up bad guys isn't a feminine thing to do, women...
But Sup Forums never said those things about WW.

>Paying attention to the movie makes you determine Zod is actually a hero
Yeah, not mental gymnastics at all, user.


implying facism is bad