Hey Sup Forums, PPG 2016 is asking you to solve for X

Hey Sup Forums, PPG 2016 is asking you to solve for X.

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I'm not doing shit when it's not equal to anything.

That's impossible without it being an actual equation

retard brainlet

Ok now what

Yes the whole thing reduces to 4 but to "solve for X" you need the other half of the equation. As is X could be literally anything

add twenty

If you're supposed to divide after that then you get
But like some said, it's not an actual equation, therefore it can't be solved

Now here's where I put myself out there like a fool, but don't the polynomials cancel out?

eat shit faggot
Lurk more /sci/

The answer is 4.
Not x=4, mind you.
(X+4)^2 = (X^2+8X+16), so if x =0, then it's 4(16)/(4)^2 = 4(16)/16 = 4.


Not really that hard in this day and age.


Nigga did you finish Algebra 101?

How is that solving for X? We still don't know what X is.

Now we just need an equal

That doesn't solve for X though. Solving for X is impossible since this isn't an equation.
X could be any numberexcept -4.

That simplifies to 4 but there's no equals sign
No matter what value of x you put in the answer is 4


Where's the download for this?
I desire it for completely petty reasons.

I have dyscalculia so I can't solve this

c = (x^2 + 8x + 16) = (x+4)(x+4) = (x+4)^2

so the equation is 4c/c which is 4 as long as c != 0 that is for all x where x != -4

What was the result?

It doesn't matter. The equation can only equal 4 or be undefined.

Buttercup throws a 4 at it. There was also a limit she solves.

x = 4

This is not equation

Will this thread dissolve into a thread about Jake "fuck her right in the pussy" Goldman?


Even if it were an actual equation, since you reduced the x out of the entire thing, x can STILL be anything.

No it fucking doesn't.

>impossible to be -4
The opposite would be "not possible to not be 4"
Answer its 4.

>Doing math ever

You're all a bunch of nerdy faggots. Now excuse me while I go watch cartoons.

>The answer is 4
except when x =-4.

X=any real number except 4, assuming the fraction equals 4. If the fraction equals anything else, the answer is no real number.

= 4(x^2 + 8x + 16) / (x+ 4)^2
= (4(x+4)^2 / (x+4)^2
= 4

Meant -4, not 4.


You can solve for x, but do you know why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?