Tell me ONE (1) thing he did wrong. I'll wait

Tell me ONE (1) thing he did wrong. I'll wait.

Other urls found in this thread:

he lost

killing those hunters in the beginning

stuck his dick in crazy

>killing rebel cum

He was hispanic

Tricked me into believing he and they were Nazis but turned out to just be stupid spaniards.

then tell that to your moms anus

Served as foot soldier for a lunatic dictator, and being retard enough to agree with these morons.

This, he a good boy. He just following orders.

You need a history lesson son. Start with "Francoist Spain". They're basically Nazis.

Franco is the epitome of a benevolent dictator, just like Pinochet, he ruled in a time of great strife, and stepped down when the people wanted him to
Compared to leftist dictators who sit in power until death or until they destroy their country

>It was during these trials, under the London Charter of the International Military Tribunal which set them up, that the defense of superior orders was no longer considered enough to escape punishment; but merely enough to lessen punishment.

But they're not nazis. A duck is basically a swan but they're not. Get it?

Unsurprisingly, you fascist fucktards have no clue about history.

Franco stayed in power until he fucking died. And was guilty of a sickening number of atrocities (including murdering 400 000 of his own citizens in concentration camps).

Pinochet came to power through a military coup, murdering a democratically elected government, and preceded to torture tens of thousands of Chileans. He only relinquished his power because the US (his puppet master) insisted he step down.

But by all means, do continue being a fucking retard.

Didn't kill enough commies

How do you manage to continue living being this stupid?

Not fucking the little girl when she was in her prime

>fascist leaders killed loser commies like you
>this means they're bad somehow
Lol nope retard

Facist =/= nazi
You dumbass.

White trash cretin.

Can you autists not turn this into a political debate?

How can you claim they're "basically" nazis and think i'd be satisfied when they're NOT nazis. Nazis are Nazis. Those dogs are their own thing. Simply because they have ideologies similar does not make them Nazis, just as being an Americunt doesn't make you a Drumpf supporter despite your mutt race electing him.

Nice reddit spacing you got there
Also Franco stayed in power until death, but he named King Juan Carlos his successor, even knowing Juan Carlos had democratic sympathies rather than the Duke of Anjou and Cádiz who was a strong Francoist
Compare that to Castro choosing his fucking brother to succeed him on Cuba, just to ensure his dictatorship shall endure

Here's a Venn diagram for your learning benefit. May your retarded state of existence come to a swift end.

Why so serious?

>got outsmarted by a woman, twice
>nothing wrong

1) You're full of shit, and your backpedaling is just sad.
2) Just continue conveniently ignoring the atrocities while pretending you had a point to begin with.

Stay retard, fucko.

This is what running out of actual arguments looks like

1. Hated his qt step-daughter for no good reason only to be surprised when she acts against him and tries to take away her little brother.
2. Autism about a son and watches.

If he'd acted like a real human bean then everything would've been fine but that couldn't happen because this is Spanish cinema.

>being nice to your wife's daughter
>no wanting a strong male heir

What atrocities? You are aware of what a cheka is, right? Anyone who sides with the commies is pure evil and deserves a bullet to the head.

You have no idea what Communism is.

>waahhh waahhhh mummy he's beating me in an argument!!!!!

t. True communism has never been tried

A hundred million deaths, hunger, and total lack of individual rights (includes state torture, theft, etc.).

Agreed the parasites must be destroyed. All who deregulate the free market are suspect.

Killing your stepdaughter is generally frowned upon in most societies.

Being a catacuck and commie like IRL actor

>including murdering 400 000 of his own citizens in concentration camps
>to torture tens of thousands of Chileans

Communists aren't real people so your opinion is discarded

>rebel cum
>projection: the post

>benevolent dictator, just like Pinochet,
come the fuck on, killyourself you fucking brainlet scum

Ok is this supposed to be in Spanish or did I rent the wrong copy

No point in answering something that could be solved by a simple google search but I will because the rest of the posts in this thread are 90% political retardation and 10% casual Sup Forums autism so i want to add something that in some sense can be considered fruitful.
Yes, it is supposed to be in spanish.

>benevolent dictator,
>Lmao, gonna close our border while making no indistry which will ruin our economy because fuck you
>Lmao, if you are caught stealing a chicken to feed your family because we are all starving you get killed
>Lmao, the whole fcking world helps me because muh commies so I can stay fucking shit up as long as I'm alive
>Lmao, almost got another fucking succesor running and fucking shit up again because we spent my lifetime brainwashing poor kids
Comeme los huevos Sup Forums

Thanks for the extra 'tism

You are welcome, friend.