Will Sup Forums ever recover from this?

Will Sup Forums ever recover from this?

me on the left

>Sup Forums
>clearly about Sup Forumsmblr
go bek

half the threads on this board are about capeshit

This is stupid. Primetime TV and hollywood is the most mainstream of mainstream things and it certainly was not ever more progressive than comic books.

replace all those progress and flag labels with "neoliberal capitalism" and "an emerging technocratic merchant class"

Who is this furry and pseudo comic artist and how can i send anthrax to his mailbox?

That's Dobson. He's mostly known for being wrong about everything

Based Dobbo

This is too stupid to even discuss. It's comparable to if someone said "How does it feel that Empire Strikes Back was a metaphor in purging the LGBTQ communities and dropping napalm on Jerusalem? Check mate sweety"

In only a couple of countries sure but not world wide.
No it didn't, also Comic culture. Not comics culture, the stupid inflationfag.
He should start with shining the light on his disgusting and derogative fetishes.
Saged and reported op.

did he even know comics outside american superheroes?
european authors?

What is with this trend of creators shitting on the customers?

Comic culture wasn't racist.

I remember in the 80's and 90's people would support things like helping starving kids in africa, unity in our country (hands across america), celebrities would talk about finding cures for AIDS and ending hunger, people wanted cures for cancer...

What the fuck happened? It's now all about gays faggots dykes and trannsexuals. About whores and sluts and bitches who got their asses slapped at work..

Maybe Kim Jong Un needs to put us out of our misery. We've devolved

ideology over entertainment, dont' worry, its not sustainable when you work with big money. only if you are an indie dirty hippy.

post more. i want to laugh.

>He's mostly known for being wrong about everything
literally this


progress would be opposing niggers and homosexuals

>guy on the front page
Wow, very accurate depiction of Sup Forums usage.

It's stunning how lacking in subtlety or cleverness he is

There's literally no punchline or hook, it's just a screed of his political opinions

Is that the bear that defends honor of females?

I don't understand the punch line in this comic. Can someone explain?

That's the furthest he got


Wasn't he getting trolled by someone who kept reporting all of his autistic screeching at Trump and getting him suspended from Twitter?

>What the fuck happened?

there is a deep-seated resentment of the left towards the less fortunate nowadays as it showed time and time again that the have-nots just want to have more and dont really care about Marx and the derivatives of his ideology.

Over-privileged pieces of shit with a preference for black genitalia or identity disorders meanwhile are way more open to such ideas.

>why don't you want to figh to death for the revolution? do you enjoy being an idiotic worker redneack conservative shit? why don't you destroy the goverment so I and my friends can take over?

This Dobson guy is what happens when you don't have someone to teach you about girls and you get all your knowledge from movies. The guy is insufferable,he thinks women are perfect and men are scum who don't deserve them. He was probably bullied by some normal guy and he thinks that anything masculine is evil.

who gives a fuck?

dont forget the inflation