Is there any robot who could defeat Razer?

Is there any robot who could defeat Razer?

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> flips your shit over


U mad bro?



still mad

>Razer vs Hypnodisc never

Who /grannysrevenge/ here?

>make a bot with pincer like arms
>stick them through the bars and lift the cunt
>problem solved

frame was removable, they only ever used it against Razer to hardcounter him

it's one of those things that are technically legal but you're still a cunt for using them

Hypnodisc of course user.

You mean hypneverfuckingworks
that thing had awful reliability

badass when it worked though


>teleports behind you

Absolutely disgusting
Then again Team Razer were cunts and deserved it, if it happened to anyone else I'd be mad

is this fad still going? I remember there were over 3 different shows based off this concept at one point

Yeah, Blendo, the one that was banned for being too good.

Buddy Lee got its ass fucked but was too heavy and monstrous to ever be destroyed.

>these guys were absolute bro's
>had to go through customs every time they attended
>had to disassemble their bot entirely and then had barely a day to reassemble it just before a tournament

why does it always happen to the ones that don't deserve it?

Diotoir was objectively /ourguy/

*flips your shit*

Battlebots was the only thing on TV the day that 9/11 happened.

Anyone ever beat this guy

nope, it was designed to be completely impossible to beat, way heavier than any of the legal bots with a vastly superior armor and weapon
closest anyone ever got was setting his gas tank on fire and even then it still kept going

Fucking Savage

my mothers cooch
a razor wont go anywhere near it

>battlebots: aerial edition

Why is Ireland so GOAT at literally everything?

no wonder, looking who's there

for some reason i think someone actually did once

Post battle webms plox.


>getting your job on mythbusters for this pos

thermite based robot when

They're making a new machine apparently, plus they bought Iron Awe 7 and won a live tournament with it

It's perfectly feasable for /ourguys/ to win a series

>blocks your path

I was sure I've seen that, but I guess I must have been thinking of Hyponisc vs Ming 3

why does no one like me?

>It's a Nemesis episode

The rules are really strict, you can't have any kind of projectiles or detachable parts, or incindiary weapons. Sgt. Bash, for example, couldln't be entered. Even twin bots are technically illegal which is why they had special heats for them.

Literally a lawnmower

Lawnmower bots are the best fighters. It's a fucking joke putting anything except ramps up against them and even ramps don't stand a chance.

Honestly me and my friends favorite bot, only really lost due to mechanical failures

blendo got its ass kicked many times

this thing is fucking evil

Why are all the American robots so shit? Literally just rectangles with a weapon attached.
Where's the style? No House Robots? No cool traps/hazards?

Bring it

me and my 2 dad's


there was a little one that flipped it over into the pit, but I can't remember what was its name now

that's the one. Nasty little fucker

Matilda got rekt by Razer.

Which robot is the most sexually attractive?

nah, drone racing is where it's at now

robopusy when?

>it's a flammable robot

holy motion sickness batman

I saw him flipped once



The Buddy Lee

Wouldn't that be
>aerialbots: transformer edition

no, hyneman

audibly kekked

Robot wars is like nostalgia mixed with deep fried junkfood.
All of it is stupid but still taste good.