How do you go from this

How do you go from this...

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To this?

To what pray tell. I'm on the edge of my seat here!

>tfw no gf



They digitally made the swimsuit less sexy after #MeToo pressure

Please tell me your joking. Source?

It's a dilemma.
>realistically depicting sex workers and sexual exploitation of women involves gazing at their flesh
>gazing at the flesh of women can result in women being used as mere means to an end of titillation
Heh "tit"illation

source faggot

Did they remove her fuck racoon makeup too?

4kids entertainment?

Haha wow gay

Most like for tv commercial.

Not fake but could it just be for TV censors?

Nooooooooooooooooo Baby want boobies

lol that's hilarious

what's up with her belly

>land of the free


I'm thinking the bottom of her aerola was shopped out. Unless she has really high nips

They just pushed away whatever audience this movie could've have.

absolutely halal


living in your head, rent free

>TV censors
cleavage is haram on american TV now?

Has JLaw ever been good as an action star in any capacity?
She never did anything too interesting in Hunger Games or X-Men. I'd buy the old mystique being a great hand-to-hand fighter but Law's performance didn't even come close even when they tried really hard.

well, she has 2 oscars you sexist bigot

>We live in a time where sucking cock can win you an Oscar

what a time to be alive



The land of the 49%dom strikes again!

Living in your head rent free

By slowly eroding the gains made by 2nd wave feminists during the sexual revolution.


>sitting on the ground eating dogshit
>Wow look at this retarded
>Heh, you guys are so obsessed

>you're not free unless you can push sex on children

Clearly the generation of childless degenerates you have coming up are a testament to how much better it is

Why hide her only redeeming factor as an actress?


>low cut showing some cleavage is rated r now
well shit they should stop broadcasting TV and movie award ceremonies


this should be a comic with blank t shirts, the meme potential is acceptable, specially for /int

imagine being her
having all that power and then being able to get the big bucks for a topless scene eventually
then losing it all including a vagine

jesus christ

Because you can see them in full from a simple google search

i'd say that they aren't good enough to redem her acting quality

>censored painting
The absolute state of the United States of Amerimuttia

All the more reason not to cover them up

the best part of that pic is that retard amerifats use the excuse
>but the violence is fake and nudity is real!!
and there they are censoring a fucking painting

would succ

imagine how much more awesome hannibal would have been if they didn't have to censor shit and use terrible camera angles

it was more creative because they had to work around censors

Ameritards are scared of breasts. It's weird, but it's true.

oh amerilards

>work around the censors
Are you guys nuts?
They had people flayed the fuck open, clearly visible and the only thing that triggered the censors was that you could see the mutilated bodies' buttcracks. So they filled the cracks with blood, and suddenly it's 100% ok
As far as violence went they could do anything.

I swear the whole point of her character is to be a seductress???

exactly my point, imagine how much more artistic pic related could have been
instead we get hair covering the tits and granny panties

She is suppose to be seducing some dude though as she is a Russian spy