Shows your dad likes

> Shows your dad likes


forged in fire

Only series I've ever seen him watch is X-files


It weel keel (You)

>equipment breaks down
>everyone gets unreasonably angry
>narrator mentions how much money they're losing per hour
>narrator describes how the equipment is broken with an animated graphic
>Fix equipment
>tap helmets together and say a prayer

my father is a simple man with PTSD dementia. I'm not even sure if he is really even present when he watches it

How is Todd still in business?

8 fucking years and I can't remember one season where he makes money


>blackwashing lethal weapon
yeah no, take this sjw shit somewhere else

It's not that bad. I like it. Good buddy cop show.




>it doesnt move

>Dad's Army
>Getting mad over TV news being garbage

His dad is dead user...

I like that show.

Glad we have user's like to spell it out for you, brainlet.

The Rifleman

Is your dad stuck on Starz western too.

You nigger got any dads or what? God damn single mothers!

I go to my dad's house every Sunday and watch Walking Dead with him. I show him Sup Forums memes and have even got him saying CORAL

best show on tv. Cant fucking wait for the next season