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Award shows are fucking boring and don't matter.


i mean


celebrities playing victim doesnt make good television

who gives a shit? people either torrent or listen through youtube or soundcloud these days. Jewish propaganda boxes are obsolete

man I fucking hate that "woke" shit. fucking retards

1. It's been a bad couple of years for celebrities. Thanks to social media they've gotten uppity and annoying as fuck.
2. Not a lot of good music.

Alt-Right Russian Hackers didn't watch.

U2 put everybody to sleep with their same old tired music

and that's not okay

Some how some why this is all Trump's fault

The same thing that is going to happen to the Super Bowl and Oscars.

How is there even still a "music industry" in 2018?
People still buy music? And have "radio hits"?
Wow what did Blockbuster do wrong?

people watch award shows?

the simpsons taught me that the grammies are especially worthless

the Grammy awards is finally evolving into the last supper of the music industry
Apple is the music industry nowadays anyway
this whole thing is a joke

Bono's such a twat

Everybody is watching Trump

Recently I've been wondering why I was even drawn to Trump during the election. After last night, I was given a full reminder. Has MSM learned nothing?

How much % will the Super Bowl and Oscars drop?

one word, patriarchy

Its bad enough that these awards shows are just big circle jerks between the wealthy or famous, but having to listen to celebrities try and talk politics is cringe as fuck.

They are grind organ monkeys literally selling themselves out for money and fame. They'd say anything that they are instructed to say because all they know is how to take orders and directions.

Inserting politics into an already unbearable event like the Grammys or the Oscars just exposes Hollywood's agenda.

Music sucked this year so they weren't going to watch anyway

the jews have jewed themselves by jewing too hard



When did Bono become Geddy Lee?

Pic related happened.
People activated their disabled parts of the brain.

Who the fuck wants to watch U2 perform in 2018 anyway?

"Music" is more about politics and niggers now. I don't even know who 90% of the people who were nominated are.
The public is just getting tired of protests and politics and niggers and women. They went too hard and too fast on #MeToo. People are burned out. They want to just watch something mindless. These award shows are now just too much fucking bullshit to give a fuck about. They don't care what Beyonce or some chanting nigger thinks of Trump.

>mfw he didn't get his FBI pension

TV ratings for everything is down across the board these days. It's called internet, people's viewing habits have changed drastically.

>why are our ratings going down
>be sure to follow the hashtag on twitter

>virtue signaling
has this EVER been a good financial decision?

They talk about Drumpf again, by some chance?

Who ready for lowest rated super bowl

They got Hillary Clitton to read some completely fucking retarded political book as an apparent attempt at insulting Trump, at the fucking grammy awards. Because a complete loser insulting someone who won over them is sure to get approval ratings up, right?


>YAS QUEEN 2018 = Most Diverse Grammys Yet!


>Ummmm sweeties why are the ratings of the Grammies down????

The death spirals of the western leftist menance


Wow, did I just save myself from watching the entire Grammy's?

What's the appeal of award shows?

Nah, the kneeling kinda died down and the Giggles bandwagon is absurdly large.

It used to be classy events full of people recognizing achievement of others' in their industry and giving thanks to their fans. Then niggers and women happened.

they literally are. At least if a film gets just an Oscar nod, they'll see it in ticket sales or physical media purchases.
Winning a Grammy does literally nothing for the artist.



Complete morons get to worship their favorite friend-simulator celebs and live vicariously through them as they win "awards for their "talent"(good looks)

i dont think they have realized she lost yet.

I don't like Trump at all, but do people still not understand that people justifiably don't like Hilary Clinton? She lost the presidency to the most disliked candidate in history, a fucking cartoon character who said he grabbed women's vaginas without even thinking about

>"I don't care who goes to the Super Bowl as long as they beat the damned Patriots"

They will learn to submit

>who said he grabbed women's vaginas without even thinking about
If you're going to play "le enlightened centrist" you need to be more nuanced than blatantly lying. He said when you're rich and famous women let you grab their pussy. He didn't say that he just grabbed them because he felt like it. It's especially dumb of you to lie about something every living American has heard first hand.

I'm not the one to comment on that since i'm a Serb and the finally recognized illegal bombing of my people in 1999 with fucking cluster bombs and depleted uranium is all on the fucking Clinton family and not Trump.
So let it be known that there are those who have moral and ethical obligation to vote Trump over Clinton.

This shit makes me worried about the future, except I can't stop laughing at
>leftism is a mental disability

>watching preachy millionaires virtue signal LIVE
No thanks!

He said on the tape "I don't even wait".
I give less than a fuck about politics, so please keep defending Daddy Trump. He'll thank you for some day, I'm sure

>white man wearing MLK shirt


I stopped watching these nigger awards a long time ago. They never have newer rock artists perform unless the y can force some shitty rapper into the song.

you've gone full on spastic m8

Excuse me before you play "le enlightened facts poster"; "first hand" implies a primary source. While I heard those tapes it's important for you to understand that I did not hear Trump say these things "first hand". It's especially dumb for you to lie about something everyone
who's retained a fifth-grade education understands.

You semantic-dwelling retard.

Current Music is shit. People are sick of Hollywood's bullshit. It's not a mystery.

Of course you don't care, that's why you're so insistent to let me know that you don't care.

7 more years you spastic little communist.

>newer rock artists
Boy oh boy
Now THAT i would tune in for

You must have never had a guy friend in your life if you don’t know what it’s like to jokingly boast about things you’ve never done to them

>He said on the tape "I don't even wait".

I can tell you don't have friends. When bantering with my bros before going out drinking and after we hook up with randoms we say the same type shit.

Nobody watches television to be preached at.


he's not wrong

Why the fuck has every award show the past year been hosted by a late night host?

Whatever channel is hosting uses their late night guy to do the hosting. Mostly because they entertain for a living and they are under contract with the channel so they won't go to far.

Going with a standup comic is a risk because they might do whatever the fuck they want.

Yeah, music from ppl like "bruno mars", taylor swift, yung gotti and other literal who's is what I'm into..

Listening to shitty music is my favorite passtime

>#resist award shows at all -time low ratings
>kneeling NFL at all-time low ratings
>CNN at all-time low ratings
>Late Night Talk shows at all-time low ratings

>NBA stats politically neutral, highest ratings in decades
Hmm, tell me again how the low ratings are Netflix’s fault

Getting tasteless degeneracy shoved down your throat and then the same people lecture you about morality.

Rich, white liberals go to expensive concerts for $500-$2000 per ticket. That’s how the industry is staying afloat and that’s why they pander so hard to the gated community bubble-people.

You think it's due to politics and not lack of quality?

How does it feel like to be hopelessly delusional?

No one wants to watch a 3+ hour virtue signaling propaganda show.

the super bowl is cancer anyway. watching a bunch of sweaty overpaid niggers run into each other isn't entertaining to me. i get why normies like it though, most people are mentally retarded.

>You think it's due to politics and not lack of quality?
I’m 100% positive that the two go hand-in-hand.

Good, fuck the grammys.

>Rich, white liberals
Source of a shitton of problems desu.

Music is fucking garbage now

Grammys too black, music sucks now, the celebs probably all went on political rants or did nothing interesting.

Depleted uranium is a meme, but I agree with everything else you said. You people tried your best to remove kebab, and the zionist cunts in the West just couldn't let that happen.

Sad but true


Motherfucker it's not a meme, the Hague already held plenty of excavated and analyzed evidence and our cancer rates drastically shot up among children and the general populace following 1999 for good fucking reasons.

Classic Simpsons really fucking hated the grammys

Politics, too long, and categories are too broad. I looked at the winners and Bruno, Kendrick, and Ed won practically a third of the awards. To me that's the worst part. All the fuss about diversity and three people just dominated the entire event.

>'These remarks in no way reflect the opinions of the producers, who don't consider the Grammy an award at all.'

one day i shall puke with such grace

Some people believe that the popularity of the art they produce should be mutually applicable to the fucking opinions they hold in their heads. I didn't get into music because of a faggot's political beliefs, i got into it because the notations and instruments suited my ears.
The same way that liking a character some actor roleplays doesn't mean i see the actor themselves as anything more than a career LARPer outside of it.






Sounds like a useful primer for how not to watch an awards show.

>make a MUSIC AWARDS show political
>ratings plummet

Good. It's only a matter of time before they give up on branding everything with SJW trash.
The executives in charge don't want to keep losing money.

>t.simple minded absolutist moron

>irish band tells americans to open their boarders

Live in l.a. And never watch the news because majority of the time its celebrity watch, but yesterday my friend slept over and had the tv on, the fucking news was celebrating how there were no white people nominated and mostly niggers nominated, and had some nigger r&b singer talk about how "in the dark times of trump presidency its good to see people of color thrive" my friend and i looked at each other and called her a nigger, turned off the tv and went to get breakfast, dont these kikes get that they are just fanning the flames that will make auschwitz look like a summer camp

>my friend and i looked at each other and called her a nigger, turned off the tv and went to get breakfast
I kek'd
Nice trips too

Popular music blow chunks. Every once and awhile the record companies bring something back from the dead in order to spruce it up and then it just does again.

Nile Rodgers from Chic lends his funky stylings to Daft Punk and Bruno Mars releases Treasure in the Vein of Michael Jackson Off The Wall.

And then boom nothing of note for 5 years. Face it, unless you're a literal tard, there is nothing in popular music that is made for you. There is still good music being made though, you just have to find it.


user, they’re not losing money, they are making more than ever. It’s just coming from a different source.

checked and kek'd

Bono's looking about 700 years old too
