What are some movies about the American dream?

What are some movies about the American dream?

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John Q.

The House I Live in is a good documentary

about how the Raegen administration is still cucking the American people 35 years later

that's a lie and you know it

Umm not sure it is sweetie.

I garuntee this is not true

Not all euros cover all medical procedures there are supplemental and voluntary procedures and out of pocket expenses

This is dumb and you should kys

SEETHING Amerifats

Graphic doesn't take into account people forced onto government dole or poverty due to increase in costs and taxes associated with not going bankrupt

Also doesn't take into account the hundreds of thousands of people not receiving the care they need in places like Britain because the care still needs to be rationed in some way and bureaucracy is very bad at it.

Is this a Sup Forums subject or more of a Sup Forums subject?


>Source: NerdWallet Heath Analysis


>be american
>get shot
>wake up in the poorhouse
>shoot self


max payne

congratulations, your government goes into debt instead of the indivivdual. time to offset that with some new taxes.
great, now we're all poor.

You can go bankrupt from voluntarily paying for too much of anything you ABSOLUTE SPASTIC

>voluntary procedures
well no fucking shit you genius. If governments started to finance voluntary procedures there would be riots in the streets. Plastic surgery, transgender surgery, all this shit is voluntary.

>time to offset that with some new taxes.
And a few dozen million refugees

Oh the graph isn't labeled. It's from Forbes for medical innovation.
Your costs are lowered because we subsidize it by having the competitive market. Without our competitive market your healthcare plummets and dies. You're a parasite.

>government dole or poverty due to increase in costs and taxes
I have literally never heard of anyone going poor because of taxes.
This isn't the middle ages

Utter dogshit. People still choose private in the UK and people still default on bills

>sitting in my ivory tower
>I've never seen poverty, it must not exist

There are always people riding that line friend. They're called the middle class and every increase in regulation or taxation sends a few of them below it and moves the rest closer.

How many of these people have bought scratch tickets in the past month?

I'm Canadian but this is fucking pants on head retarded.

How many people go bankrupt because they can't pay their tax bills? Tons. High taxation is partly the result of socialized health care.

>the care still needs to be rationed in some way and bureaucracy is very bad at it.

There isn't a "bureaucracy" rationing anything, what are you talking about?

It's a statistical fact that most Americans' pensions are used up at the very end of their lives, in a vain attempt to keep them alive a little longer. Makes you wonder why they bothered saving them in the first place.

The NHS in the UK (for example) rations the healthcare.
What do you think those countries just passed a law that said "FREE HEALTHCARE FOR ALL!" and it actually happened?
Those gov didn't make anything promising it to people. All they did was promise to take it away from the people who currently had it and distribute it according to their arbitrary standards.

>Be British
>Have failing kidneys
>Be refused dialysis because after a certain age the government no longer funds your treatment

Meanwhile Medicare covers tens of thousands of niggers with ESRD


What would you "choose private for" that you could default on?
I don't think big tits count as a medical necessity.

>be british
>the emirate takes care of all my needs for free
Amerimutts need to step up their game

I'm asking you which "bureaucracy" rations healthcare. The UK has a gatekeeper model, its down to primary care physicians and NICE. Theres aren't really bureaucrats involved at that level.

Even if it were true, that's a tiny amount relative to the USA's population. Hell, the USA has more people than every other country on there combined.

How the UK came to have the NHS is well documented. Nobody lost anything, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Oh. Well let's not get caught up on semantics. People in the NHS get to decide what healthcare goes where and to whom. Those were the people I referred to as a bureaucracy
Free market means money decides, which isn't perfect but it's better and far less corruptible in a systematic sense.

Yeah I'm sure that PCPs don't practice care and recommend treatments based on government carrots and sticks. Give me a fucking break.

>be european
>die of prostate cancer because your survival rates for the most basic cancers are pitful

No, it isn't just semantics. The US system is colossally wasteful and employs a vast number of pen-pushers, form fillers and all the rest of it. The NHS certainly has managers and administrators but nothing comparable.
Your dogma is misguided.

What? How bout the millions of people waiting for surgery? Even if they have money they don't get to pay for their surgery. They lost that freedom, that ability. Further, everybody loses tax money.

Do you really think the UK just magically aparated healthcare or something? Either they took healthcare or access to that healthcare from someone, or they made literally zero changes to the system. By definition

Oh I agree completely that the US has a wasteful beaurocracy. I mean medicaid is our gov's largest expenditure and it's rife with corruption and waste.

But it's the competitive side of our system that is good. That's what drives innovation and keeps other healthcare systems afloat. It's also what allows anybody to get any form of healthcare at any time as long as they can find the funds.

>the USA has more people than every other country on there combined

you might want to take a closer look at current population numbers then. Not to mention your reasoning is flawed. The american system is fucked because of it's design and legislation, not because of the number of the population.

>be British

Nobody argues that spending is wasteful. It's still highly effective care and anyone with a decent job is generously insured through their employer. God forbid the perpetually unemployed, who don't contribute shit in taxes, get shafted.

This is the sort of bureaucracy I was talking about. Call it what you want, those people don't get their surgery even if they can pay, even if they're important enough to be worth it. Because somebody like pic related (European health minister!) said so

>the NHS isn't wasteful
Mate, an additional layer of pointless supervisors gets added every other 3 years.
There's like a 5-1 supervisor to nurse ratio. It's ridiculous. No one should be defending the NHS

>Britfag thinks we forgot about Charlie Gard

Forbes, eh?


You get that, according to that chart, the UK produces more medical innovations per capita than the US? I agree that the NHS is shitty, but I can still see my GP within a few days, and that's in central London. Only about 6000 people a year end up waiting in A&E for 12 hours, the average time spent (including treatment) is just over 2 hours, and 90% are dealt with within 4 hours. These are all better than the equivalent statistics in the US.

If you want to see a really good healthcare system, look somewhere like France.

It is a population game. Public health insurance is a ponzi scheme because of the inflating costs of care. Why do you think your governments are importing working age shitskins by the millions? Their taxes are supposed to contribute to the healthcare of the generations above them.

That's the minister of health of Belgium

That's funny because shitskin migrants are massive fucking burdens on the healthcare systems in every Western country, they're even worse than dying boomers.

Bingo. But hey that's liberalism for you.

It's funny how if the image attacked the liberal ideals zerosugar loves it would have been deleted within 5 minutes

This sure is a great thread about television and film.

Lookin at france, looks like they have a lot of doctors per capita, which is good.
However it comes with it's own costs. And since the gov took responsibility it's up to people to determine where those costs come out. Could work, could be disastrous

Also I couldn't find any links in 5 mins or so about waiting times in France, so I can't find a comparison for your link

At the end of FY 2017 the federal deficit was $666 billion.
so....the country and the individuals going into debt is a better option?
and you can clearly see that the US goverment spends just as much on healthcare as other countries total spending

adjusted thanks for heads up, I just searched obese health minister lul

>USA has higher population than all of those countries combined
>Gets pointed out that this is not the case
>Still argues that population is the cause
Japan has fucking 120 million people, over a third of the US population. It doesn't have even a 10th of the healtchcare issues the USA has.

Let's import a bunch of inbred retards that are too lazy too work, have all kinds of weird genetic disorders, have no culture of shame towards being a freeloader and are extremely prone to crime and violence.

Open-border traitor politicians should all be fucking shot.

Look, prior to the NHS the system was still, for the most part free, just a bit sketchy in coverage depending on where you lived. What was paid for was done on what you'd call a non-profit basis by societies that functioned a bit like insurers but were really more like syndicates (there wasn't a hedging element it was just a common pot). The remaining cash part, rather famously, was pretty hard for doctors to actually collect on.

The consequence of the NHS was to bring all this together and everyone was pretty happy with the outcome. It created new care even for rich people that hadn't previously existed and guaranteed doctors would get paid and paid more because it was no longer coming from charities.

The wider issue here is that Britain was a very different country in the 1920s and 1930s and a tooled up and trained populace returning from war wasn't going to put up with it.

>Why do you think your governments are importing working age shitskins by the millions?

because most citizens don't want to work as a janitor with a miserable pay?
There are many angles on this, pension is another one for instance. It's a number's game sure, but just because you have a big population number in the US doesn't necessarily makes the problem easier nor harder.
And by your logic, if anything, for decades the USA has easily "imported working age shitskins", your healthcare problem still endured despite being the world's destination number one of immigrants thanks to the american dream marketing op.

He was already brain dead at that point, the gene therapy being proposed would have come along far too late to have helped anyway.

Hey, fake Sup Forums poster, Is there a similar image showing % of income that goes towards taxes for various countries?

Most of that is because paying for the destructive patent system comes directly out of our pockets.
I don't understand why we don't have a fucking prize system already.
Patents are criminal.

Less corrupt than the US healthcare.....hahahahah fuck off you absolute cretin.

Thanks for paying for my healthcare amerifat!

I mean that's exactly what they said about medicaid here in the US. Now it's having serious trouble paying out to doctors as corruption take hold.
Meanwhile your system has longer wait times for lesser standard of care and as the system gets worse and worse off it's going to be people panicking, instead of the market adjusting.
No, you don't get new healthcare for rich people, as I said before even while rich you don't get to go past the officials' decisions. You can't handwave it away because one person had access to an extra GP or some shit.

Yea the real issue is the enormous number of obese and unhealthy individuals, plus our obsession with socialized medicine meaning they literally never (even without insurance) go without treatment.
We do socialized medicine better than Europe over here, just not explicitly. ER isn't permitted to turn you down for much of anything, legally.


The corrupt parts of US healthcare are the non-free market parts. Medicaid, political promises around it, and illegal aliens getting care from the ER are our corruptive sources.

Actually, that's completely false you ignorant fucking faggot. Immigrants bring in more than £8 billion more than they take in all forms of welfare including healthcare, and more than a third of NHS doctors are foreign born - mainly because they move here to WORK, and being working age they have far fewer medical needs than the aging native population.

I'd tell you to research the facts, but you'd have no way to incorporate them into your stupid, nonsensical world view.

lmao they're so pathetic

>statistics from the new democracy peoples union of equality

1/3 of NHS doctors are Indian/Japanese/Korean foreign born.
You can change the population the guy is talking about and pretend like you're making a good point but you really aren't


t. a Swede, this country is lost.

whats their problem

>people who die in those countries from malpractice, long waiting times and subpar medicine
>at least 10 million

>Indians are shitskins unless they are filling the jobs our inbred country men don't have the IQ for
Turn off your computer. Go outside. And take a good hard look at your self and consider why skin color and race politics is the only thing that gives you some false sense of self accomplishment.

Longer wait times for what exactly?
All you keep quoting is non-essential operations, which I know are operations millions of Americans can simply never dream of having however long they wait.
You are deluded on the subject of what the rich did and did not have and "officials".
The issue the NHS does have is that its budget hasn't really changed enough relative to demographic change. It just needs more money but it doesn't need US level spending because its far more efficient.
I love US healthcare, wouldn't invest anywhere else, huge profits. Don't get me wrong.

if you're too poor to afford heath insurance it doesn't matter if you go bankrupt

Don't put words in my mouth.
I never said shitskin, race politics or skin color. I simply pointed out that the person who came before me said population A was a drain on society and you responded by saying population B was not.
Your point is bad and it's clear you understand that from your strawmen and ad hominem.

All of Japan's hospitals are going broke and they have a major issue with a rapidly aging population coupled with low birth rates. You're speaking out of your ass.

We aren't importing shitskins that leech. Those sneak in or get born to single black moms.

Pain and Gain

>cataract removals
>hip and knee replacements
>walking and seeing is non-essential
"“The positive of this is action to relieve pressure on the system. The bad news is that it has happened already, without much actual unexpected stress on the system,” said Dr Nick Scriven, the society’s president."
>all this before things even hit the fan

Indefinite waiting, regardless of contribution to society. Regardless of if you can more than pay for it (which expands the industry, helping other peoples' healthcare)

>Figures published yesterday showed hospitals were 95 per cent full last week, with some having no spare beds at all at times.
>Anything above 85 per cent is considered unsafe.
Mismanaged, overburdened, and shit hasn't even hit the fan. You don't even have the obesity epidemic yet.

Finally, just because they're deemed 'non-essential' doesn't make it acceptable to force people to go 6 mo without a leg or eyes. This is more true if the person is capable of covering the costs, but prevented from doing so because the care was to be rationed elsewhere.

and yet they pay taxes. Also apparently your government doesn't even agree with you. "why do we have immigrants from shithole countries?" doesn't sounds like you aren't importing leeches.

>immigrants are a massive drain on healthcare in every western country
>actually migrants in the uk pay £8 billion more into the system than they take out
I’ll have to run the numbers in the ol’ super computer but that looks like a net gain to me desu

And a foreign tribunal should make that decision, not the parents?

>How bout the millions of people waiting for surgery?

>wait a few months for a surgery
>spiral into crushing debt for surgery, forced to set up a GoFundMe and beg

What a tough choice... Shouldn't it say something that the overwhelming majority of GoFundMes are "please help me raise money for hospital bills"? Health care in the USA is a supreme racket. For all the bleating about "free market" and "quality of care" it is about as corrupt a cartel as you can find.

>healthcare providers cozy with the government
>use lobbying to lock down on price models so everyone pays out the ass
>prevent people from accessing cheaper pharmaceuticals in Canada

Truly a "free" market and not a slush fund for billionaires. Of course, Republicans and Democrats are too in bed with their masters to try to change things up, like spend a few billion less on defense (all siphoned to find us new wars to fight).

>statistics from quora, factcheck.org and the social people's democratic republic of sameness
I say they take 24 billion more from the system per year than they take out. So take that.

They're a net negative on taxes, fuck outta here

haha wow the american healthcare system really is stupid

makes me glad I live in a country without third world medical care and murder rates

>shithole countries spend less on health

color me suprised

>Immigrants bring in more than £8 billion more than they take in all forms of welfare including healthcare,
Surely you have a non-BBC source for this ridiculous claim

>They're a net negative on taxes

>opinions! fuck facts! fuck sources! MAGA!

Maybe Canada should foot the bill for some pharma R&D, faggot

>uneducated criminals are somehow a net positive on society

>they’re bringing in Indians because they’re smart
>not because you can pay them less

>Know plenty of people who have difficulties paying private medical insurance costs in the UK

Wait a sec, are you tryna trick me again?

t. Bong

I have yet to see you provide a source, or a fact.

I doubt it. I'm sure a lot of people claim medical bills on their bankruptcy forms, but it's definitely not the main cause.
You can have tons of unpaid medical bills for a very long time.
Only way they can be forcefully taken from you if you used a state hospital in a state that has state income tax, and they might withhold your state income tax returns.

Show me proof that illegals are a net positive. A single ER trip takes more from taxpayers than an illegal contributes in taxes in 5 years