No Shape of Water review

>no Shape of Water review
>no Three Billboards outside Ebbing Missouri review
>no Phantom Thread Review

>instead they review a fucking Maze Runner movie

didn't even bother watching the episode, what a bunch of hacks

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't think they actually saw Maze Runner, user.

They suck. Everyone else has already absorbed this and moved on.

they make money on ad revenue. they need to make videos people will actually watch. if you hate the free market so much, go blast off into space and be a commie there.

they'll do it for their Oscar HitB.

Christ that new skit video was depressing af. What happened to them?

>Didn't even watch the episode
Clearly, it was worse than that. They spent the episode writing themselves out of the plinkett /jay marriage subplot with an unfunny skit.
It was the step up 2 review all over again.

>no song to song
>no good time
Hacks. A couple college kids could have made a short film in that amount of time and with the money they make off of patreon. Meanwhile, it takes them an entire month to shit out that horrid spew. They can only hide under irony and pretend they're bad on purpose.

I'm just glad that gay wedding plotline is finally over with.
also Jay is adorable in a suit

Gay weddings are funny. We enjoyed this very much at our rotary club meeting.

How did they make the bald boy be on the People magazine cover?

but that skit was actually funny. i shut off their last video 5 minutes in.

>not wanting to have gay mind sex with a volcano god every day

What are you? Gay?

It's free content, what did you expect

A cake with gay pheromones but there was a recall because of manufacturing defect. Where do these guys come up with their ideas??! Amazing.

they make 30 to 60k


Jack was so hot in his priest costume.

No he literally overheated and had to go to the hospital.

so bad it's good!

I'm seriously considering donating $75 a month to their patreon, instead of my usual 100 until they sort this mess out. Very very dissappointing.

Hello friend, is that your '76 Lincoln? I had one just like that when I was younger, only it had the 460 instead of the 400 like yours.
"Proud veteran of the Marine Corp, 1981-1986, , Semper Fi"

Did you pay to see it?
It's free real estate

If Max bailed, why didn't they call up their other close personal friend Tim Heidecker to fill the role? Why use Josh?

>Everyone else has already absorbed this and moved on.
I think the 15 fucking RLM threads a day for the last five years would disagree with your assessment that everyone has moved on.

What are you talking about

I made all of those threads myself to shore up RLM's faltering presence. But I just can't do it anymore.

Some autists here have created their own narrative that the role Jack is playing was supposed to be played by Max Landis, despite Max not having appeared in any of their videos in two years.

Have you ever seen an OP play himself this hard before? Sweet lovely jesus I've never seen an op absolutely destroyed by his own faggotry this much before.

See you in the next RLM thread.

Mike always calls Rich on his weird pronunciation problems. So why did he give Jay's "HER TATTOO GLEW!" line a pass?

>tfw want to rub my face against Mike's chest hair then against Jay's chest hair and compare, contrast, and review the two chests

There is tons of evidence for that narrative though. I don't know why RLM is working so hard to deny the obvious. I guess they're deathly afraid of Zoe Quinn fucking up their patreon cash trough.

Split how many ways?

awesome cool fanwanking brahski

Because that's a somewhat common midwestern thing.


>revealing yourself as the buttblasted poverty baby
ahahaha you can't make this shit up

>tons of evidence
>one tweet where Max acknowledges that the gay wedding plot line is a thing that exists

it's bad grammar but glew drank drunk lay lie no one gives a fucking, grandma.

Friendly reminder that MIKE KNEW.

>I don't know why RLM is working so hard to deny the obvious
RLM hasn't done anything to support or deny your autistic headcanon, user. Cool imaginary conspiracy theory though.

About #TheMemo?

divide that by how many people, with taxes, and to upgrade studio and replace shit they broke....are they working second jobs? because money's tight

Jack tweeted about it, my friend.

...which part did you laugh at?

It was meta.

The episode was about closing out a bunch of plot/storyline that was long past it's relevance or audience engagement.

>user creates retarded theory
>user asks Jack about retarded theory
>Jack respons having no clue what user is talking about because user is retarded
Please think about the decisions you're making in your life and do what is needed to correct it.

Nice spin, Colin.

At this point in their careers all they gotta do is three things. Go to a movie currently showing and review it as funnily as possible. Watch old VHS tapes and DVDs of bad movies and review it for our enjoyment. And review past movies and give their opinions on it either thru Review or Pinkett. That's all. No skits no shitty shorts or feature films. How hard is that to fuck up? But when they continually complain how hard it is to watch movies they sound like lazy fucks. Most guys would love to just sit around and watch movies and get paid to talk about them. But these knuckleheads can't or won't even do that.

Rethink your life.

Are you trying to call them lazy for doing MORE work than they need to?

Maybe they should do LESS work? Did you consider that? Of course not.

Nice samefagging shill

What are you babbling about?

You faggots are a bunch of whiners. People have been bombarding them with comments on every recent HitB about resolving the gay wedding plotline. I had zero interest in listening to them talk about the latest film in a series that I and all of you know nothing about. It was a decently funny skit that got it out of the way and if you think it's different than you're clearly new.

Stop complaining about free content. What do you want, your money back?

It literally doesn't matter what video they put out. Sup Forums will be contrarian and complain. If they had put out an actual review of Maze Runner, or even a different review for Shape of Water or something else, Sup Forums would complain that they still haven't resolved the gay wedding plotline. RLM threads on Sup Forums are about as predictible as it gets.

replace crypto-gay screenwrtiter with crypto-gay lackey in screenwriter role
>i-its a conspiracy theory that it was supposed to be Max Landis!
the absolute state of RLM deniers

It's obviously the same guy in this thread defending RLM fucktard, as in you know, you dumbshit. But I'm done arguing with a person so obsessed with RLM they'd samefag their own thread. That's levels of loser right there. Have a good day crazy RLMer. I'm done with their content and you. Ciao, have a great afternoon.

>Sup Forums will be contrarian and complain
Most of the noise is caused by the smallest minority, sometimes even one person, a buttblasted wannabe socialist povertyfag who gets triggered to absolute impotent fury over the fact they earn a tiny pittance from donations for their widely enjoyed work.

they're on the inside now - you don't mess with the luciferian agenda

>salt golem.jpg

>I don't know why RLM is working so hard to deny the obvious
it's actually the jidf denying that max landis is a rapist. in their story, he would be innocent if there was nothing cancelled because of him

lol @ your life

Why did Jay have both buttons on his suit jacket buttoned?

because he always dresses in hoodies and doesn't know any better

Jack's gaping slack-jawed chucklefuck face always reminds me of a ventriloquist dummy.

hella fucking epic

Bump for my best friends

At least he looks a lot better than the other time he wore one.

We all know he did some serious physical training, but did he get life coaching, as well? Look how awkward he is with those slumbed shoulders and tiny claw grip moving that beer bottle. You don't fix that kind of meekness in the gym.


Yes, several of us have noticed this about Jay. Do you think he also go a nose job?

Probably got more confident after getting in shape.

I wonder whether they're entertained by their antics or are they simply being deliberately bad to vex people

Probably this, I love watching Jay's evolution

>expecting them to review anything other than capeshit and horror

Mike only knows how to deconstruct blockbuster movies, horror is the only genre Jay has expertise in.

he did assjobs to big black dudes he met at the gym

Stop this narrative, socialist.

Me too.

they can't review anything even slightly entry level because entry level because it'd be twice as obvious that they know fuck all

I want that American jacket so badly.

Did Rich get cheek implants? (butt cheeks)

They're working too hard for that, tbqh.

Jay's drink was spiked with psychedelics at the Manhole in 2014. Although startling at the time, he was made aware of the natural appeal of fitness and nutrition, and a brief touch of ego death cleared up any social anxiety. It's a tale as old as time, really.

That's one thing that bugs me about them, they constantly bash all the superhero movies and sequels but then when they come out they go and see them right away on the first weekend. Then when an original movie comes out they often wait a month or so to review it and then say "oh well the movie already bombed and is out of most theaters but if you can find a place that has it go and see it"

>they constantly bash all the superhero movies
They give positive reviews often, when the film deserves it. Nice confirmation bias though.

They're pretty cynical, superhero movies rake in the views

>Totally missed what he said

Sometimes all it takes is looking at yourself in the mirror

and cleaning your room


This made me laugh

Strucci is fat

It was a funny episode

RLM drone(s) everyone

Funny those were both me
But only on shows up with a (You)
And I was laughing at the hot joke that user said in my first post that's not a drone response
Fuck off out of thread if you like these weirdos

Stop watching soy simulators

wtf I'm a chad now

ok bro what's your endgame?

They're beginning to turn into what they mock ever since they started getting comfy off that hipster welfare.