I cry everytime

I cry everytime.

Did she just gave K a head?

I nut every time.

I cum everytime.

You better delet this right now

>ywn save her smile

what shit movies it this from?

fix your english you third world shitskin

Stunt double mate

kek aspie

>crying over soulless cashgrab remakes


Thanks for the laugh

I actually cried at the cinema, that shot of Goose from underwater, my God..


how can a replicant drown? THEYRE NOT HUMAN

just because it failed doesn't mean that wasn't the intent

please no one take this bait

>an almost 3 hour long R rated visually focused slow burning neo-noir sci fi film with zero quips that deals with the human condition
>intent to make a lot of money
sure thing buddy

I would have assumed that they'd have bigger lunch capacity.


Blade Runner is Noir, Everyone dresses in 40's style, there's Art deco everywhere, everyone smokes, moody lighting. 2049 isn't. Press dress more modern. It's kind of like a film made in the 40's and a sequel made in the 70's. 2049 incorporates some Neo-80's aestetics.


what did she mean by this?


>"In the climax of “Blade Runner 2049,” there is a reckoning of self-understanding. Two replicants fight for the same cause: to save and protect a child that is the savior of their species. By chance but not choice, one of them has broken the bonds of programming, the other has not. Submerged in murky oceanic waters, a metaphor for the subconscious, they confront who they really are and fight. On one hand, K’s implanted memories and experiences make him as much Rachel and Deckard’s child as their biological daughter Ana. He is an adopted son, fighting for the freedom of a father and sister, martyring himself for family. But on the other, it is Luv, not K, who is the perfect tragic symbol for humanity. She is the nucleus, the binding agent that allows these philosophical and academic ideas of “Blade Runner 2049” to deeply resonate. She is a being whose intentions are often good but trapped inside of systems of class, race, nature, nurture, programming and consciousness to stay unable to evolve. Agent K may represent our hope for change but Luv represents our reality of stasis. Luv did not choose her fate. But then again, who does?"

>, the other has not.

Luv's sorta playing around the outlines of it. She can't betray Wallace but she's scheming on her own, and lying.

>hurt durr you made a type
kys necktard

Pls no bully. I downloaded it a month ago when I was desperate for my Blade Runner fix and the only options available to me were that or the fucking camrip.

I've since acquired a proper blu-ray release.
t. buyfag

Yes she makes small lies but not to overthrow Wallace or anything like that, her entire existence and motivation is completely attached to Wallace.
She wants to be special just like K wants to be special. but her only way of becoming special is by being "the best one" to Wallace, which is the tragic existence of her character.

We learn her beliefs are that replicants are superior to humans and will take over. That's not what Wallace thinks. She has her own schemes.