‘The Last Jedi’ Loses Sales Momentum, Raising Concern for Disney

It is Starting!!!!!!!

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TLJ loses momentum but that's a good thing.

Rogue one was boring as shit and just plain not good. Eventually I'll watch the last jedi but I'll pirate it when I do. I'm not giving (((disney))) any of my hard earned money. Releasing a movie every year is going to burn the franchise out, but we already knew that.

>Look forward to a regular supply of new...merchandise

And That's A Good Thing™

Some of the chink shit was lame, and the star destroyers crashing into eachother was as autistic as hyperspace, but the movie had decent characters - a functional plot - reasonably lore conscious - and had some really cool bits.

Ha. Fuck you, mouse.


Rogue One would have been way better without the Feminism and Diversity.



Which stage is that?

But there were no black people

we are sorry george

Disney is saving face, they were expecting 1.9 billion at minimum

1.3 & getting beaten by fucking Jumanji is pretty bad

>And That's A Good Thing™

Well, given my excitement at the news, I guess it is.

I don't get how the professionals at Disney didn't realize that part of the appeal of Star Wars was there not being new movies every year. It would've made more sense to really try to make good movies in 5 year periods and fill the gaps with quality video games, comic books and novels.

Disney is treating Star Wars like an investment fund. They need to hurry up and make money fast to justify spending four billion on this rather than just stashing it in the bank and collecting interest.

I loved the new Star Wars© Funko Pop™. The quality is amazing and the Porgs® are so cute.

do you have an article from a non-altright newspaper, you faggot

Every time

Article written by a Jew

According to Sup Forums, all pro-star wars propaganda is a Jewish conspiracy

what gives?


>we are sorry george

Everyone who criticized George Lucas and robbed him of his joy and will to protect his universe he created caused this. He created something unparallel in cinema and a genuine contribution to human mythology and modern culture. And you shit into his mouths you pestilent little fucks. You deserve this. Star Wars is nothing short of my foundational myth and personal touchstone of immeasurable value. I watched my VHS copies of the OT a hundred billion times. You fucking people ruined it. All of it.

Sure, but I think that's stupid. They're oversaturating the market with garbage when part of the reason why Star Wars made billions and billions was because there was a hype. On one side because the movies loved and when something new came out nobody wanted to miss it. Now it feels like "oh there has been a new Star Wars movie out, I didn't even know - is it good? nah, not really" They'll ruin the brand that way. Not to say that fucking Lucas didn't make his money with the movies anyway but with the toys, but this only worked because kids loved the movies.

What I'm talking about is a bit like the McRip. McDonalds knows if they keep it on the menu it will get old therefor they do only a few weeks and everybody goes crazy. Same with their stupid chinese sauce.

Jews should be smarter than that.


>You fucking people ruined it. All of it.
Sadly true. Another regret to carry to my grave.

This is where the fun begins

For years they criticized Lucas, in a systematic and programmed way.

The mouse again

I still the prequels could've been better and he did make lazy mistakes, but it was Star Wars. This isn't Star Wars anymore, it's corporate fan fiction with an agenda.

>And you shit into his mouths you pestilent little fucks.
he's the one with the fart jokes

>no archive link
OP is a faggot.

What OP should have done.

>Officer I am First Order

>You dont get to bring quality

When will they realize that diversity is a scam? It doesn't sell! Women don't sell either!

Can you add a graph that shows those earnings without the opening weekend?

It started the moment they made a sub-sub-par movie.

>but it was Star Wars
Precisely. It wasn't perfect but it added to the mythology in an honest and wholeheartedly good natured way. It made mistakes but it owned them and hoped for redemption. It was about telling a story and building wonder and yes selling alot of fucking toys. Because guess what shit brains? The toys pay for a whole lot more world building and movie making a mythology protecting architecture in the modern business world.

Now you have movies full of mistakes and the makers dont grin and shrug and say "ok well you'll love the next one" they say "you are a woman hating alien hating NAZI! WE MAFE NO MISTAKES!" Try dont bother to build worlds and create a universe they rely on lazy in-universe meme references. They don't build wonder and draw you in to another galaxy. They preach at you about the problems here on earth. They shit on your face and don't even bother making any sense. No space opera, no mythological archtypes. Just preaching and subverting expectations.

Things worked out great for George, he got his pay check and he gets to go down with his prequls not being even close to the worst starwars films.

>700 MILLION short of TFA
How is he not skinned alive by the kikes?

unironically this


Stop making threads about The Last Jedi you fucking retard.

Today, for the very first time, I cringed at hearing
>May the force be with you
It only rings hollow now.

With blockbuster grosses expected for “The Last Jedi,” Disney was able to demand theaters play the movie for a minimum of four weeks, an unusually long period. That hasn’t been a problem for large multiplexes, but strained single-screen cinemas like Rodney Miller’s Elder Theatre of Jackson Center, Ohio, population 1,400, where screenings were nearly empty later in the run.
“The first week was good, the second week was pretty decent, and the third and fourth weeks were disasters,” he said.



he sold it for billions after shitting the bed with three movies straight, stop sucking his turkey necked dick

Yeah because it's something now you might as well hear in passing after entering a walmart.

Yep, this was the best move he ever made. People will remember the prequels for the memes, while Rian is stuck with the worst star wars movie in history.

>on the one hand, we love jews
>on the other hand

>TLJ grossed what we expected
Lies. Disney was depending on several lures to make sure TLJ fell in line with TFA. While it might not surpass TFA due to the latter's organic hype after the last trilogy, TLJ was in prime position to do $800m+ domestic and $1.8m globally
>the first performance by Hamill as Skywalker in decades, following TFA's literal cliffhanger
>the SHOCKING DEATH of Skywalker as the big reveal
>the tragic IRL death of Carrie Fischer, which should have led to a Ledger-like bump at box office
>the comparison of TLJ to Empire Strikes Back, widely regarded as GOAT Star Wars
>the presumed answers to numerous questions set up by TFA, and the set up of a potentially great arch-villain in Snoke
>little competition at holiday box office
>strong performance of Rogue One, with no major characters
>the potential funeral of Han Solo, and correction to Chewie's underwhelming reaction in TFA

TLJ had fate and corporate calculation on its side and totally shit the bed. The entire brand is tainted and now "uncool" in America, while Disney must trudge ahead with Solo. The good faith in Daisy Ridley and Boyega has worn off, since TLJ gave them little to do, and no surprises. Disrespected Mark Hamill is now a walking meme on par with Rick Springfield, Speed 2 Cruise Control, or Fat Marlon Brandon. All the while Gen Z has no attachment to the OT, PT, George Lucas or Spielberg, and Disney must expend millions to maintain constant phony excitement.

I always loved the prequels. Defending them against people too stupid to see their brilliance was tiring and disheartening, but now, vindicating.

>Rick Springfield
What's wrong with the guy?

I hate this scene so SO much. In the ESB, if Luke had tried to attack Yoda it would have been a humiliating beat down. I'm far from a ST super-fan or anything, but you have to have some respect for the established lore or it's all pointless.

Good job Kathleen, you're an inspiration to businesswomen everywhere.

The director guy wasn't a teamplayer and cared more about undermining the franchise for his own satisfaction than making something coherent. As some another user said he deflated the ball and left the field.

>it wont even hit 1.6 billion

And this was an estimate made after the fall off started

Respect for your elders has gone the way of the dodo, because all your elders are racists, homophobes and misogynists unlike our brave, pioneering, progressive times.

The movie won't make more at BO, damage control phase is over.

Time for some "creative differences" for Rian

that is actually currently the best way to determine if someone is a stupid brain dead faggot they hate the prequels and Jar Jar Binks it's 100% accurate

So Disney owns Marvel as well? Why didn't they mismanage that franchise like they did with SW?

I think george seen the plinkett reviews, everybody probably spammed him with those back in the days, that probably was one of the reasons he sell the rights to disney, he was forced to admit he did a poor job with the prequels. Now, jay and mike are trying to shill nu wars as forcibly as they can (it’s shit but they won’t admit it, they shat all over R1 but won’t say anything too bad about the main trilogy)
I hope the disney money that prevent them from shitting all over nu wars is enough and they kill themselves in a few years, disgusted by their own role in this shit. They killed george lucas and made him send his soul to disney

Marvel lawyered up and got as much creative freedom as they could. In a final FU to the fans, George gave Disney free reign over what they could do.

>whiny nerds on the internet made someone sell a multi-billion company + associated gold dust iconic franchises

This is a meme right

This isn't so much a Disney problem. Disney's issue is just how formulaic they like their blockbusters. All the other shit is on the management of Lucasfilm and Marvel Studios. Feige genuinely likes cape characters, and just tries to make fun cape films, even if they aren't especially deep experiences. Kennedy is just control freak SJW who resented always having to answer to "men" and now that she is the top dog, she's changing Star Wars to be her political think tank. The reason she was so happy with Johnson's treatment is because he probably falls in line with her thinking. If his girlfriend(pic related) didn't give it away, then I don't know what will.

>If his girlfriend(pic related)
How much do they have to pay the bull to fuck her?

Please. George killed Star Wars, his child, intentionally in the prequels. Selling Lucas Arts to Disney was him hiding the evidence.

I am the OP. Just didn't think to do it in the first place.

>the fucking spin at 0:23
That was a good trick.

The new trilogy has made me nostalgic for the prequels. At least they had heart and you can see Lucas had some sort of coherent vision, even if the films themselves were incoherent.

Easily could put a cinema under
2 weeks of nobody ?
Obviously Disney won't get away with that shit again
They have to pay some sort of restitution if money brought into theatre wasn't at a certain amount
But they won't

>if Luke had tried to attack Yoda it would have been a humiliating beat down
It also would've made Luke look like a colossal asshole to the audience for trying to beat up a frail old man. It's okay when Rey does it, though.

I won't deny that the sequels are way worse than the prequels, but the prequels aren't good either. Grant, I don't think the prequels are AS BAD as some people say they are.

The problem with Lucas is that he is a good ideas man, but his directing and writing isn't the best. He should have produced, hired a director and co-wrote the script. Like he writes the first few drafts and someone like Timothy Zahn go through edit and make it better.

more ugly unknown actors who cant act! trust me!

Rick Springsteen
Bruce Springfield


Oy vey



>the tragic IRL death of Carrie Fischer, which should have led to a Ledger-like bump at box office

yeah, what happened with this shit? i imagine that the mouse would be so happy to steal money from dumb goyims with that

seryously what the fuck happened

>Disrespected Mark Hamill is now a walking meme
I really hope that doesn't harm his career and he gets to do more films.

She's a walking stereotype. How can someone be like this?

He'll always have DC. Come to think of it, he could try doing an old Joker in a faithful adaptation of TDKR.

Geroge had a nice butt. What the heck?


Karina was only known in liberal bookworm circles on social media, until her podcast did a miniseries on how Jews in Hollywood were ruined by McCarthyism and slandered as undercover Communist Bolsheviks. After she did this, her exposure skyrocketed in Hollywood, and I believe she met The Last Jedi's auteur during this. I heard she was a rather loose big time drinker as a college student in Florida, lol. Pics supposedly exist in a galaxy not so far away

George must be equal parts happy and pissed off.
>Disney hasn't made its $4 Billion back yet.
>They wrecked his baby.

Hmm why not trying making good films instead then? TLJ was pure shit

Why do I have the feeling she's only hanging out with him because he has been quite successful so far.

I doubt he cares. He doesn't consider the EU canon to his vision, so nuWars is no more than fanfiction to him either. The original six movies will always have their place in the public mind.

They made him realize he was a shit director, and that played, even if a little bit, in the fact he let go of this franchise

Would've helped if they hadn't raped the whole franchise so hard.

>Loses Sales Momentum
Didn't it "lose its sales momentum" when it had the largest box office drop in history?

I just realised how important this scene is. Rey pulls out her lightsaber unecessarily with the intent to attack and Luke is lying below her on the floor. It parallels Luke readying to attack Ben.

Did TLJ really made 1B?

Can I get some sources on Disney expecting $1.9b?