With mainstream culture appropiating nerd culture what do the actual nerds these days watch...

With mainstream culture appropiating nerd culture what do the actual nerds these days watch? The kind of nerds nobody cares about, yet.

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Spiderman 2, Mad Men and The Dark Knight Rises

they read books

>The kind of nerds nobody cares about, yet.

Isn't that just Sup Forums? So Drive, True Detective, Blade Runner 2049, etc.

Problem child 7?

am i doing it right?


Problem child 6?

Adam Curtis Kino?

So you're saying Sup Forums is modern outcast nerd culture?

nerds are now replaced by numales, soys and virgins.
altho they too fetishize consumerism


Nah, those aren't really nerds. It's just that mainstream culture has changed. Notice how they all like the same -popular- things. There's still stuff happening in dark basements on the periphery of society, I assume.

Nerds watch whatever the fuck they want. Just follow your autism user. Find something you like and obsess ober it, that's what nerds do.
Watching capeshit and SW is just a sterotype.

Sure, being a nerd is more like an approach to content rather than the conent iself, but then there must be stuff nerds these days are obsessing over when others don't. I would say Lovecraft's stuff hasn't arrived in the public consicousness yet, even if it has been influencial and the industry dips it's toes here and there.

Legit prob don't watch much. Youtube shit would dominate. They'd still read coding language books and program those pi-computers. Lots of contribution to Linux and other open source projects.

>Sup Forums
>not merely assorted normies

It depends what kind of “nerds” you are talking about. If you mean pop culture nerds, which have always existed, they read comic books and fall for all the typical nerd appropriation you describe. If you mean actual smart people they like watching various things and often have good taste.

Do you think nerd attention shifted away from pop culture movies etc. to activities and hobbies?

Replays of dwarf fortress. Without any graphic mode. If a normie can watch that, then its over.

I still watch reruns of nova

Something like that.

The same stuff, mostly, they just take it more seriously.


kys redditor soyboy

Very true. You can tell this place solely watches television and doesn't diversify their interests because if they ever actually read a book they wouldn't hate jews.

Twitch streams of Melee.

>tfw I am intelligence

Most of those who pretend to like lovecraft haven't read much of lovecraft. le cthulhu memes are just that.

I am telling everyone that what really brings me pleasure and comfort as a low status white male is Sushi preparation.

My hope is that while feminists and progressives are off trashing the Sushi scene because they heard it was racist it will by the things I do enjoy a little more time.

Lovecraft is slowly becoming a household name though. Nowadays, people have started shitiing on conventional horror movies and the most popular approach to remedy that is eldritch horror, not to mention all the vidya that advertise themselves as lovecraftian. I think it's just a matter of time until some competent director makes a decent adaptation and Chthulu will be on the menu for mainstream audiences.
Assuming you are OP I don't have many recommendations because I grew up with SW and that is my main obsession.
I would recommend getting into the Metro universe, both the books and the vidya.
Aside from that, maybe some obscure animu? Indie games? Old films? Fuck, I don't know.

>n-no one could have tastes unlike mine, the world is just one large cultural conglomerate

Such shallow thinking.

I can confirm, book reader

reading the classics and investigating the truth made me hate all jews.

>be me
>read books
>hate jews
I suppose it depends on which books you read

Marvel series/movies
The few sci-fi stuff like the Expanse that comes out

Sadly Social Justice has already come to Call of Cthulhu.

why is that

They are literally all at the gym

What? How? Can you give some examples? H.P. is notorious for being racist.

I think it's really hard to make a good lovecraft movie because of it isn't really about the horror part and the actual encounters end in the protagonist passing out or something like that. Now you could go The Thing route I guess but original Lovecraft content isn't like that, if you make a direct adaption. I would argue it's more detective and mystery stories, low fantasy kind of stuff. That's why it's niche because it's not like dagon or whoever walking through tokio kicking over buildings.

Indie games sound cool. Personally I like older stuff like Jagged Alliance 2. There were some half decent point and click lovecraft games, but besides that I only remember stuff like Dark Corner of the Earth, which was really really good at parts and shat the bed at others. I think there was a dreamcast game as well? Forgot the name. It features some roman guy, kinda survival horror.

What is Metro like, like mix of fallout (the original games were great, not a big fan of the 3d games) and stalker?

>having contempt for entire groups of people

It offended progressives that so many people were having fun pretending to travel the world tommygunning darkies

Ah of course, the mother series is great to. Even if it sadly crosses now into the soyboy territory with that rip off game and the fluid gender stuff.

Sure, it has potential to offend people but did anything actually happen? Was there some hashtag campaign that I missed the chance to laugh at?

We are mostly in to maker spaces, and DIY shit, with obsession about the correctness of cosplay weeabios. And then you have your sports analytics nerds, using complex algorithm to calculate statistics and wreck your fantasy football league. Samething with Dnd to a lesser extent. Table top games are the social gathering.


The main premise is that the world has been nuked (or at least that's what is being implied) and the stories revolve around the people who survived by retreating to the russian metro stations because they were built during the cold war as fallout shelters just in case.
It's an open universe kind of thing like SW used to be, so there are many books by randos aside from the main series.
The main series has 3 books so far and I enjoyed the first 2 and haven't read the 3rd yet.
The vidya is decent but it doesn't have the world building elements of the book.

The new edition features Diverse artwork. Lots of campaigns to drop awards carry the Lovecraft name, lots of new adaptions about how white people are the true evil, oppressing the misunderstood deep ones.

As much fun as social justice coming to your hobby ever is.

Spew racist bullshit online, usually with an anime girl avatar.

I'm a nerd and I watch a fuck ton of serial killer documentaries

Sounds interesting. Will look into it, thanks bud!

this whole post is the mark of the degenerate pleb


>Spew racist bullshit online, usually with an anime girl avatar.
nah reddit has stolen that from us as well

so you don't have contempt for pedophiles because they are a group of people? Nice logic you got there mr.intellectual

From what I can tell the bottom of the barrel, socially inept dorks have all taken up the hobby of not enjoying anything. Also, conspiracy documentaries and FEMINIST OWNED compilations on youtube.

>Pedophiles are a group
>Pedophiles are bad
>Jews are a group
>Therefore jews are bad
Gold at mental olumpics.
While that user's phrasing left him open to a mental manuevre like the one you pulled, you still tried to justify biggotry by moving the subject towards how poor his phrasing was and possibly comparing jews to pedophiles.

t. bored neet who crashes into discussions for the hell of it

I'd say this could be a higher-tier cringe inducing sword pose photo until I got to the shoes and threw it back in with the all the others.

why would I? As you truly so simple?

"Actual nerds" don't exist anymore. Now there's just basement NEET losers like you.

You're here with me bucko. You're riding the short bus if you haven't noticed.

Metro guy here, I forgot to post this earlier, it's a cinematic for the 2nd vidya and it's absolute kino.

Something something hot glue.

That was actually pretty nice. Very very good for a video game comparing that to the other trash.