Be me

>be me
>be an ugly meek beta 27 year old with no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, who becomes the loser loner nobody talks to after one day of all his jobs
>have boring job in london that miraculously requires close to zero effort but I waste all my free time on the internet
>feel demoralised after seeing Chads and Staceys every day in central london
>lifting weights did nothing to make me less subhuman; fully blackpilled
>have binged every day for about 5 days on crisps, ice cream, chocolate (or mcdonalds) because I have no motivation to do anything any more
>for the past 3 years my main hobby has been walking or driving around outside, feeling sad about life, drinking coffee, wasting gigantic amounts of free time on the internet, and hoping that "JUS GOING OUTSIDE BRO!!!" will spontaneously make my youth feel less wasted
>have literally told myself over 800 times "tomorrow is the day I eat healthily and start working hard on stuff and living according to my own preferences" but never do it
>everything feels like work; reading books means people tell you to read boring old books or else you're dumb; learning programming means people tell you to learn pointless functional bullshit or else you're dumb
>too autistic and ugly to pass job interviews for better jobs so I see normies younger than me higher paid and having everything handed to them
>have no passions or any motivations at all

Picrelated is today's binge.

Other urls found in this thread:

You'll always have friends here

If I may be bold.
Do you believe in God?
You have to buy a lottery ticket to win—you have to meet God halfway.

Try harder.

I know it sounds harsh but its what you have to do. Its all you can do other than giving up.

Try harder than anyone else to succeed more than them. Stop making excuses and try harder. Stop telling yourself you're going to 'stop eating junk tomorrow' and do it right now. Throw away any junk you have in your house like its fucking poison. Read the boring books. Learn the functional bullshit. Do the work. Stop taking your emotions in to account when improving yourself.

When i go to the gym and im doing pull ups with weight or any movement to failure i tell myself "it doesnt matter how i feel at the end of the set. Thats irrelevant. Im going to keep going until i physically cannot do another rep."

Have that mindset with everything and you will succeed.

Also stop relying on fleeting motivation and make success a ritual engrained in to your life. ie, spend one hour per night learning to program. Every night. You'll hate it at first but after 2 weeks it will feel weird to you if you dont go home and do that one hour. You'll feel guilty because its part of your daily routine. Same goes for the gym. Same goes for reading.

When it comes to chads and stacys forget about women and make money. They will come with money. If you get lonely or horny in the meantime then get an escort.

Thanks for the blog update bro but honestly I'm unsubscribing because THIS ISNT YOUR PERSONAL BLOG BITCH

I feel you man. Life can be a cruel mistress

>bojack redditman image
>three paragraph motivational
What happened to this place?
Kill yourself faggot this isn’t your blog

What's your opinion on the last jedi?

If you actually want help then post here.

Just don't greentext it.

Learn the fuckin Latin you lazy cocksucker. Start right now, not tommorow.

>reddit spacing

Don't mean to be rude but it won't get any better. Maybe become religious or something,otherwise bite the bullet and slit your wrists. Sorry it didn't work out for you buddy.

>tfw u r better than all the soyboy nerds on Sup Forums

Get a Celta/TEFL Certification and move abroad for a few years teaching basic English

You posted this before faggot and have made no improvement

You sound like a faggot. No wonder you're unsuccessful.

You have pleb taste in pot noodles; sort it out


This. pic related or nothing

Today I will change your life forever user.

During you spare time (which, lets be honest, you have plenty of) I want you to start studying proper form for your workouts, steroids and other PEDs.

Not tomorrow but today, right now you will throw that shit food out and go buy fruit. Any fruit you want. And protein powder.

Once you have trained for 6 months, you will then buy a vial of test. And do you very first 12 week cycle. During this period of 9 months you wont be eating chocolates and sweets. Sure, have burgers and pizzas every now and then. But you have to fuck off all the sweets.

Next step, by a ticket to Ibiza. Stay at Ibiza Rocks Hotel. Fuck me mate, if I lived in London, Id be there every fucking summer! Stop being a fucking sad cunt and do something with your life. Turn your body into a masterpeice, the girls will approach you. Autistic or not.

>Literally a Bombay Bad Boy in the pic

gash advice


‘Spacing = Reddit” meme needs to stop, ya autistic faggots.

Stay sad and continue to be a loser who blames Reddit and niggers for all his problems.

sad cunts

sick cunts

Fuck you dumb australian plebbitor
probably a phoneposter too

Feels good being a Chad and slamming pussy every weekend.

People only change when the discomfort of not changing becomes too great.

I was 26 when that happened.

Here's a test - try to imagine how your life would look like in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years etc if you would stay the way you are.

Did that? Ok, good.

Now if you DON'T feel like putting the barrel of a gun in your mouth and emptying the clip right now then I have some news for you buddy - the real horror is only yet to begin.. what you're feeling now is NOTHING next to the inevitable rock bottom black pits of depression hell creeping around the corner :)

Kys brah

I was incredibly close to being you (but I had female attention). I was incredibly antisocial because I took these pills that made me focused but really quiet and antisocial. Then I realized that it wasn't worth it and I wanted to have fun. I joined clubs and now I got like, 15 friends, 8 good friends, and 3 amazing friends. You can do it, just be friendly to guys and respectful with women

Useful advice to read and use.
Op you must learn from then, learn, read and bear that in mind or otherwise...

>>everything feels like work; reading books means people tell you to read boring old books or else you're dumb; learning programming means people tell you to learn pointless functional bullshit or else you're dumb

That's because everything in life is work.

Life is work.

I am aware this is a cliche thing to say but you must grow up mentally and realize this very simple truth.

hang in there man. but you gotta go into some deep self discovery to know what you want.


>Now if you DON'T feel like putting the barrel of a gun in your mouth and emptying the clip right now then I have some news for you buddy - the real horror is only yet to begin.. what you're feeling now is NOTHING next to the inevitable rock bottom black pits of depression hell creeping around the corner :)

couldnt be more of a faggot if you tried

>Bad Boy
What a time to be alive.

>see this thread
>remember that there is no such thing as "internet friends"
>nobody will ever care about me on an anonymous image board
Thank you OP. I swear that I will no longer come on Sup Forums, except for Sup Forums on Wednesdays so that I can read storytimes
Goodbye! Good luck! Find God!

Whores and antidepressants, OP, whores and antidepressants. They never let you down 75% of the time.

>get banned from Sup Forums
>have to slink here instead

Jesus Christ fuck off OP

>>have literally told myself over 800 times "tomorrow is the day I eat healthily and start working hard on stuff and living according to my own preferences" but never do it
>tfw I actually did

You mad OP?

See you tomorrow

You call that binging
t. euromanlets

Everyone hates eachother here.

I remember your posts.
I too live in hellscape that is London.
I am 38 and earn 23k per year.
My pasttime is fucking traps from shady LGBT clubs as we are both high as kites trying to forget the dystopia we ended up in.

>eat utter horseshit, literal sugar swill designed to fuck up your entire insulin system and get you as addicted as possible without putting actual crack in it
>do this every day for weeks on end
>y am i sad guys :(

Holy shit man, have you thought about going into medicine?

I don't hate anyone here. You people were there for me when I had no one else. That's why I didn't leave years ago when everyone left for cripplechan. This place is home and no matter how shit it gets, I'm gonna stick it out

Suck a dick

Love you too

>You have to buy a lottery ticket to win

Read a book, faggot.

heh :P