Filename thread

Filename thread









Got me good.


I got banned from Sup Forums once for participating in a filename thread

so I should make this in any way Sup Forums related here, right?




Low quality one, unfortunately.








Not Sup Forums related, ut I dont post it around enough















>tfw you skip over the porn in Rance to het back tp the gameplay



Were you drop kicked as a baby?

Best in thread.

Could be better if she was edited out or the photos were completely removed, but still good.

you seriously have a problem with that? what are you a faggot?




Jesus, Sup Forums
You're off your game with filenames today

Sup Forums is very bad at filenames, for some reason.

i don't even know what a filename thread is

The sad thing is that this is Sup Forums's A-game.

The fact that there's more than one good one here that isn't "the pioneers used to ride these babies for miles" is astonishing.

One of the few good ones I've seen on a Sup Forums FNT.

Seriously, is it a new meta-joke to do it poorly, or to just caption what might be said in the pic? I don't get it.


Does this actually happen?

Sup Forums is marginally better than /tg/. Honestly /tg/ filename threads are literally bad enough that unless you play a fuck ton of games or you spend a lot of time there, none of them are funny. At least Sup Forums by nature has less arcane jokes and references.

It is a lot more telling that a lot of these filenames are references to Japanese animation as opposed to traditional Western animation. A good portion of this looks like it belongs on Sup Forums

For Christ's sake, SIX (6) references to JJBA in the first few minutes of the thread.

>inside jokes are bad because I'm not part of the in-group!

lurk more or git ye gone




why are being retarded

Revolver Ocelot.




Thank god I have no clue where this came from

Muh nigg








I laugh every time, because it's fucking true.

I don't think any board is good at filename threads anymore.




This is a filename thread and your file has a string of random characters as a name.

















In that half of them are going to kill themselves at some point?

