Is Michael Moore the most BASED documentarian alive?

Is Michael Moore the most BASED documentarian alive?

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Not really. We had to watch Bowling for Columbine in high school because of this fuck.


Herzog is better than that fat lesbian.

this guy is a fuckhead. his interview technique is to bluntly ask rude questions and stare at the interviewee until they stutter out something to end the awkward silence. why do you think he does low-brow docco shit on stuff like scientology and children with gender identity disorder.

What do you guys think of Ken Burns? Kino?

Yankee puppet

the fuck is wrong with his face?

This. He can't help but shoving his opinion on things. Although his Westboro doc left me with a huge crush on Megan. Too bad she became a liberal and ruined my dream of having a curly haired hate filled gf

He’s a fatfuck


No. That title belongs to Adam Curtis

In that he subsists on an entirely lard BASED diet, yes

samefag. Sup Forums loves based Louis

no he is mean to my cheetoh

And that's when he's not just blatantly editing people's interviews to make them look retarded.

If you interview someone for a couple of hours and only show parts of it in 30-second soundbites, it's easy to make even the most eloquent and thoughtful reply look stupid, and that's BEFORE you add in blatantly false editing techniques like cutting together answers from different parts of the interview, which numerous people in his movies have said he does.

And let's not get into "ambush" interviewing.

Nope. Not samefagging I just hate biased journalism

samefag again. haha you are fucking pathetic

if you went to film school you would know that documentaries have absolutely nothing to do with the "truth"

El monstruo...

I thought Louis's documentaries tend to really humanize his subjects. The WBC doc came to mind as probably the most fair characterization of its members. I also loved the Extreme Love Autism one. It didn't paint the condition as muh atypical puzzle piece experience.

Look at the pretentious film school graduate. Am I supposed to be impressed?

Hes incredibly dishonest

I'll be honest, I misread which post that was replying to. I was talking about Michael Moore. My bad.
hitchens tore this fat fuck a new asshole, I can't wait for him to die of obesity

Oh I got you, user. Yeah, I would agree but I really can't stand Moore. I saw Bowling for Columbine and can't really stomach hearing him speak.

How can someone go their entire life doing the opposite of exercising and eating healthily? Is he depressed or something?

Why do none of the people Moore sets up to look bad sue?

I'm sure they have all sorts of releases and disclaimers, but there's still a point when manipulating someone's interview in a blatantly false manner is arguable in court as being bad faith, right? Why has nobody sued this guy for slander, or libel, or false representation?

Based is the state of doing what you feel and not caring what others think. Michael Moore’s twitter makes him ineligible to be based

Because his films are made for entertainment.

Roger & Me is fantastic. His very short lived show on fox was pretty good too.

Wow he's full of shit who knew?

>An early scene depicts a bank in Michigan that gives customers a free hunting rifle when they make a deposit of a certain size into a time deposit account.[10] The film follows Moore as he goes to the bank, makes his deposit, fills out the forms, and awaits the result of a background check before walking out of the bank carrying a brand new Weatherby hunting rifle. Just before leaving the bank, Moore asks: "Do you think it's a little dangerous handing out guns at a bank?"[11]

>In Michael Wilson's documentary Michael Moore Hates America, bank employees from the branch at which Moore is handed a free hunting rifle assert that they were misled during filming of the segment. They say that the bank's policy was to conduct background checks on rifle recipients and mail the rifles to a licensed gun dealer, but Moore's agents, under the pretext of "doing a story on unique businesses across America", convinced bank employees to have his rifle presented to him on camera the morning after filming his account opening. Further, they counter that contrary to the film's supposition that the bank kept hundreds of guns on their premises, the gun which was handed to Michael Moore in the film was shipped overnight from a vault in a branch 300 miles away.

I don't care that documentaries are opinionated if they are well researched and argued. It's also impossible to adopt a really firm and specific viewpoint and show it as the only sensible thing, this fat faggots makes jerkoff documentaries that are specifically made to pander some niche group that a lot of hollywood elite are also there.

Herzog and Welles are the kings
Moore is a shill propagandist who manipulates information and contrives scenarios to push an agenda, and has no filmmaking talent

All journalism is inherently biased you fucktard.

Michael Moore isn't even up for contention of that title, unless you deliberately want dishonesty.

Pic related would be my pick.

That isn't Linda Moulton Howe though

Michael Moore BTFO

I can't take seriously morbidly obese people

Michael Moore makes entire documentaries shitting on rich people and calling them terrible people despite the fact that he himself is rich. That's about the sum of him as a person.

Didn't the South Park guys sue him over Bowling for Columbine?

IIRC, he interviewed them (Columbine was their high school) and immediately after the interview segment, put in a cartoon in what is blatantly aping South Park's style, giving the impression that they created it, even though he never actually directly says they created it. That's when they called him out on his bullshit, creating false context with insinuation and timing in a way that doesn't directly lie about the people in the movie, but still pretty obviously manipulates.

the most soy*

I like Adam Curtis documentaries although I get the feeling that a lot of what he puts out there is bullshit, especially lately.

Remember when this fat fuck made a cartoon blaming white Americans for the rampant gun crime being commited by brown Americans?

Is your brain so underdeveloped that you can't understand the difference between "shutting down your factory so you can pay $1 an hour to Mexican and Chinese slaves is a dick move" and "all rich people are evil lmao?"

Adam Curtis is the Hideo Kojima of documentaries

fuck drumpf and fuck white people

Every time I see his face I think of jabba the hutt.

>delivering cheaper prices in order tos tay competitive in the marketplace is a dick move
Alternatively, they should have remained in business where leftist regulations people like fucking Michael Moore make business too costly, be forced to charge higher prices, go out of business due to competition from the companies that do pay slaves(???) in Mexico or China, and fire them anyway.

Not until they have JJ Abrams make a reboot of his films.

Another fat lefty giving lessons but never applying them. Bowling for columbine ? What about the 7-8k blacks killing each other each year in gangwars and random atrocities? And hundred of hate crimes so horrible they could be horror movies against innocent whites ? Women and chilfren, fathers, old people, mainly. Yeah. He is a piece of shit.

Ironically enough he might as well be talking about Sup Forums