What avant-garde movies with a slight (but not too overt) homosexual subtext and undertone does Sup Forums recommend...

what avant-garde movies with a slight (but not too overt) homosexual subtext and undertone does Sup Forums recommend? I'd love some highly challenging films that break free from the postmodern, nihilistic paradigms 21. century hollywood forces upon us.

I'd like it to be a bit like Call me by your name, but not quit as bourgeois, an artistic oeuvre with a fine crafted crescendo and a worthy denouement.

also what do you think of webm related :3

You can stop being like this now.

wtf i love bp now

>not always loving it

L'ascension du chevalier noir (2012)

Is that you op?

How does a guy get an ass like that?
Can't be squats, cause it's too jiggly


estrogen pills


pour toi?

better update my amazon cart

you will also grow cone tits and be hormonal and bitchy

>but not quit as bourgeois, an artistic oeuvre with a fine crafted crescendo and a worthy denouement.

>grow cone tits and be hormonal and bitchy

Thats my dream

meh I'll pass then, I just wanted the ass not everything else

I can’t choose! I love both!

Would fug

You might be able to get a good balance by reducing foods high in testosterone and eating soy/estrogen rich food. not memeing

How does a boy get a butt like this

learn to read dipshit

It's a flat ass. Too manly. No wet hole to stick my dick in, which is always a minus.

first one is better, second is too womanly

I'm too important to read threads

You have to eat a lot of soy for it to actually have an effect on your physique, and even then, some guys prob just don't have the genetics to become feminine.

You don't even need that. Some people are just born with a fat ass.

WTF where is her dick?

>hair below the eyebrows
Put it in a gas chamber.

Do a 360 and walk away


Too hairy.

>posting gross dude face
We're only into boypussy ironically, no one wants to hear their nasty deep moans

I love soyboys now, maybe being gay isn't so bad


>user, mom said it's my turn to play the xbox, let me in
what do

How does one post get deleted but the thread doesn't?

Disgusting. Delete this roastie. Sup Forums is a boipucci board

They weren't cute

Oh boy Op, do I have a shitty art film for you with these very themes.

It's actually very entertaining if anyone wants to watch.. Please make a thread sometime if you enjoy.

You're all on this fucked up site so you'll probably enjoy

The Doom Generation


"Doom generation". Now fuck off.

Speak for yourself

ur all a bunch of gaywads

It's called BOYpussy for a reason

post more of this kino

this guy has taste

Nice to see someone thinking along the same lines.
No homo.
I hope.



man, to think Sup Forums is this fucking full of degenerates.

The absolute state of lgb/tv/

my trapdar is SO fucking on... i dunno if that's something to be proud of but i just know it's not a woman

Why is Sup Forums unironically so packed with faggots?
there's no board that comes even close, except /fit/ perhaps

also how is a thread like this allowed to exist while mods and jannies are obviously lurking inside?

>Shills shitty twisted art film from 90's that is basically an unknown
>tells op to fuck off

yah it's like I'm looking in a mirror

>newfags detected

>mods are literal faggots
You just can't make it up

Nah, that's just a long clit my man.

>shitty twisted art film from 90's that is basically an unknown
woah not at all hipster~

yes yes, well done roasties...HOWEVER

What drives a man to this point?

Not even trying to be a hipster
I'm actually just laughing to myself at the absolute bullshit trash I used to consume in the teen years that I thought was half way decent


never being loved or touched

>a man
he never was or will be a man
he is a sissy boy

If you think about it, it would be more gay to not want to fuck that ass.

the large hands give it away. Plus posting on Sup Forums makes it a high probability of a trap too

I refuse to believe that this is gay

All of his fucks have been spent, life has stomped on every one of them

wtf im gay now


if dominating a smooth submissive faggot is gay then fuck it, I'm gay

i saw this ass in a dream last night

what number are you Sup Forums?

that was me brapping in your face

t-two looks the most comfy
I'm straight tho

sometimes you can only be 2

I remember watching it for the first time a hundred years ago. I was broke living with my grandmother. Broke as fuck ( neet before it was cool ). Oh, it moved me. Right after I borrowed some money for the cigarettes and booze and drove for a party with a friend ( gay guy who was in love with me ). Later that night I found myself between him and the best looking girl on the party touching her tits when her friend came in. In order to save her reputation ( she had a boyfriend ) I told that "it's ok because I am gay" and I started to kiss my friend. Now I am making a good $ drinking vodka from the bottle and telling stories to a strangers on a website where people don't even have names. Damn sometimes I miss the old times ( but to be fair they were full of shit as well ).

2, I wanna be 2 so badly

3 for days

Alice has nice _____.

user watch it again you can clearly see the taint and bepis.


I don't understand why this thread is still alive...

watch it, user

pig face

How the fuck is this thread still here when its literal porn? Mods do your fucking jobs you useless sack of shits, this is a sfw board for fucks sakes

you must be new here

Sup Forums is 85% gay men, the mods and janitors a full 100


It promotes the leftist ideal of white men becoming sissies

Zerosugar(the janitor for Sup Forums) is from Sup Forums and this is the sort of stuff they love.

bet will be down in seconds