What are some 2018 kinos you're excited for?

What are some 2018 kinos you're excited for?

Mission Impossible 6 - for mustache that killed JUSTice league FX
and based Cruise

Infinity War is the only one I give a shit about.

inb4 wahhhh capeshit wwwwaahhhhhh

of all of those I'm only interested in Evil spiderman 2 and Colverfield 2049.... maybe Evil Spiderman Black as well for Tom hardy...

Avengers: Infinity War
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Black Panther
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Ocean's Eight
X-Men Dark Phoenix

wow look at all that fucking trash

Wait what the fuck?

you didn't know about the all female remake of Scarface?

>ONE (1) good movie

remake written by the Coen Bros

probably gonna be shit

>good movie

How do you know it's good if you haven't seen it yet?

All that stupid shit.

>that list
wew lad there's a bunch of exciting stuff this year (already Hostiles is fucking kino) but that's just a dumpster fire

Damn what a load of shit. Where are the actual kinos?

The only movies on that list I'm going to watch are Cloverfield (my wife will make me take her) and Pacific Rim (I like giant robots). Everything else is going to suck, though Deadpool will be the best out of them.

Here, absolute kino inbound

It's set in LA this time.
I hope it's at least on par with True Grit.
Some fantastic visuals in that whole film.


So there's a movie called Cloverfield 2017 coming out in 2018?

The Al Pacino one already a remake.

mate are you kidding?

What? Those YA novel teen movies? Wha?

this is the third one, are you just now hearing of them?

Even PR will suck, probably harder than the first one. But I bet it'll actually be fun to watch in a theater. Damned if I'm gonna pay $16+ a ticket on top of sneaking in snacks and drinks I didn't have to sell my offspring to finance.

>he's finally going to make it
Holy shit

I was in a test audience for the new cloverfield
What i saw was alright


Out of that list I think the same. I feel quite envious of people who are still excited for Hollywood Blockbuster's

The only thing there that will be good is MI6
This year could be a disaster for movies

No but I bet you are one of those Sup Forums faggots.

"The House That Jack Built" by Lars Von Trier
"Alhat Agaci" by Nuri Bilge Ceylan
"The Favourite" by Yorgos Lanthimos
"Beach Bum" by Harmony Korine
"High Life" by Claire Denis
"The 15:17 to Paris" by Clint Eastwood
"Dragged Across Concrete" by S. Craig Zahler
"Ang panahon ng halimaw" by Lav Diaz
"Ten Years Thailand" by Apichatpong Weerasethakul
"Everybody Knows" by Asghar Farhadi
"The Irishman" by Martin Scorsese (might be pushed to 2019 though)


>Excited for all that shit
>No Aquaman


He probably saw them and instantly forgot they existed. They're utter shit. I could barely stay awake in the theatre for the third one.

Tough as They Come (2018)
>Travis Mills (played by Adam Driver), a soldier in Afghanistan looses his four limbs four days before his 25th birthday, and when he returns home must reconcile with his step-father (Sylvester Stallone), and live with only prosthetics for his arms and legs.
>At the heart of the story is the soldier’s relationship with his father-in-law, who stood by his side from the day he got home from the hospital.

Mankino on the way

>hipster kino: the post

>1 (one) good movie on that list

Clint Eastwood and Scorsese are totally hipster dude

Diver is a non-stop kino deliverer. definetly on the watchlist

thanks for reminding me that exists

That post reeks of soy

>in the theatre for the third one
>in the theatre
>for the third one

>in the theatre

>he can't time travel

>t. that soyboy from OPs pic

sounds fucking awful

Do you think 10 years from now black people will have posters of the Scarface remake in their rooms?

>"The 15:17 to Paris" by Clint Eastwood
this looks like shit, the rest are interesting.
I'm genuinely interested in the Suspiria remake, I love the location where they are shooting and the director is decent,


Is it gonna be about nigs and mexicants as well?

he mistyped ranger solo

it'll only be called that in China