Has there ever been a tweet so RIGHT?

Has there ever been a tweet so RIGHT?

I'm not sure Charlotte counts as a goth.

Spooder-man agrees

Still a GOAT spooder nonetheless, perhaps even the best.

Pic related probably fits as a better "goth" example, even if still only loosely.

Why are gothfags so fucking shit?

She cut her wrist and had bled out. That's how Charlotte died.

Whats Goth about Charlette? She is super nice and smart plus she loves everyone.

Is it because after she died her babies ate her?

And Ms. Spider was more of a French stereotype

>Either of those characters
Nigga wut?

Technically Ms Spider might not be either.
She's could just be a stereotypical Frenchwoman who are pale and wear too much make up.

>have an unpleasant distaste of spiders
>spider waifus make me feel tingly inside

Make up your mind, Mother Nature.

Spiders did creep me out as a kid but as I grew older I am more fascinated by them and spider girls only helped fuel it.

It's good to know having some of them around the house is beneficial since they'll eat up shit like mosquitoes

something something reaction formation theory

Ms Spider invented goth

Neither does Miss Spider desu, she's pure French New Wave.

Fear is an aphrodisiac, user. The only real way to master your phobias is to fap to them.

>being afraid of something infinitesimally smaller than you that can barely break your skin with it's fangs, never even wants to unless it's their absolute last resort (usually while nobly protecting their eggs), and probably can't even poison you badly enough to cause anything worse than an itchy spot unless you're extremely unlucky
I've never gotten the hate for spiders. All they do is fuck off, keep to themselves, and turn other harmful insects into delicious bug milkshakes inside their neat little webs. Pic related is the true arachnid menace, fuck these disease spreading faggots and their creepy "can survive decapitation" bullshit.

It's what happens when your subculture more or less died in 2006 and all you have left is a shambling corpse being mined for impersonal nostalgia for something most people never experienced and whose few remaining adherents are most fractured among different scenes resulting in it functionally existing as something to spice up other subcultures.

Some people live with actually dangerous spiders
Also some of them might try to live inside your ear

I used to be like you, user.

Just last month I killed the 3rd or 4th spider that's tried to fucking land on top of my head as I was either watching TV or on my computer.

Nothing has come close to making me have a fucking heart attack in my life than having an alarming feeling that you're being watched, followed by seeing a little shit head dangling over your head.

I don't care how cute you are, don't fucking land on my dome piece while I'm jacking it.

>inb4 the pics

Spiderbros trying to help you have a feargasm.

Not all of them are bad


I wonder who's behind this ((((post)))).

8 parentheses for a reason.

>Can't find stick figure explodes world gif
The only thing I can do is post spiders with water droplets for hats and cry silently.

Let's be honest. No one ever really knew what "Goth" was, even when "Goth" existed. It was like Mark I hipsterdom.

She's meant to be a Beatnick.

>wears a Beret
>wears a Scarf
>has an Accent

She's got the look for it down, though I can't quite remember what the beatnik personality is like

Ah, those were the days. I believe I was one of the first 100 anons to fap to muffet.

neither of these are goth...

He's wrong, Spiders are a menace.

Any love for Jeff? Or do they have to be lady spiders?

I'm surprised OP didn't include the most recent example of this trope

he laid eggs once though

>hyped up at the end of s2
>shows up twice

Who doesn't love a good spidergirl?

Because they don't FUCK

>t. klendathu

The Fuck is that thing?

Friend, don't ask questions you don't want the answers to.

how was charlotte goth?

Your dick now has radioactive sperm.

Protip: It's from a porno

>Starting non-response posts with "Okay, but"

They're the original hipsters.

Introducing countless children to the concept of death is the most gothic thing you can do.


Fucking yes.

Also I just realized this is the only spider girl art I got. Post more folks, pelase?


>post spiders with water droplets for hats and cry silently

Wow the spider from the giant peach movie is kinda cute. Wonder why Sup Forums hasn't gone retarded and made her waifu of the week and then dumped her for some other waifubait character

Dude you clearly need to hit up some /aco/ threads if thats your only post.

oddly cute

Pic not related?
Im sure Charlotte was jut a frisky girl and the Giant peach spider was just french.

t. spider


Is anybody going to post the spider waifu from A Bug's Life?

I don't have any images of her, but have this bee girl instead.

>appearance: Bee/Ant>Moth>Spider>Wasp
>personality: Bee>Moth>Ant>Wasp>>>>>>>>>>>Spider
R8 me, m8s

I have been woken up by a huge spider crawling across my bare feet. It was cold and fled as soon as I woke. But I spent the next hour hunting it down and killing it. No matter the size, something crawling on you while you sleep can lead to bad things.

moth! MOTH!

>Gives in and does a reverse image searches it

>Immediately regrets the decision when results show a pic of this thing giving head to a guy


moth and ant are pure waifur material

>goth spiders
That is clearly a beatnik spider.

>something crawling on you while you sleep can lead to bad things.

Like part of the fucking landscape waking up and chasing you down relentlessly because you dared to touch it

The world is pretty lovecraftian for bugs, when you think about it

This is my number one fear.
I sleep with pillows covering my ears.

Is this what /co wants?
Would you, would you /co?

My obscure waifu

>Parents place has a bad ant problem
>Heading to the basement to spray some ants while playing Rip AND Tear
>"Don't worry about the basement, user. It's in good hands."
>Check the basement anyway
>Mfw dead ants as far as the eye can see
>Mfw all the spiders
>Mfw all the fucking spiders

>not anthropomorphic
>not even remotely goth
this entire tweet is BULLSHIT

They are anthropomorphic. They have humanoid faces. Anthromorphic doesn't necessarily mean entirely humanoid bodies.

Look up Arbuzbudesh's Taffy.

Well, time to never sleep and thus die a horrible painful death.

>Read up what happens when you don't sleep
>You pretty much go batshit insane the longer you deprive yourself of sleep
Fun stuff

I just recently rewatched James. It is a really nice movie. And I didn't remember the aunts to be THAT abhorrent.

Anthropomorphic means "humanized", having human traits, which means that they can just talk like humans and you have your anthropomorphs.
See: fables



Post more if you got em senpai

sadly non humanoid face looking spiders are extremely rare even on monosodium glutamate website...

>usually while protecting their eggs

As a beard owner, I've had to evict spiders from said beard on two separate occasions. It's okay, they're just good old boys, never meanin' no harm.

well that explains a lot in my life

french =/= goth

Hello 8oys.

Hey Sup Forums

Sup Forums here, just checking in

Not an indoors person


I'm scared shitleas of most insects but spiders do nothing to me, I dont get it either. Is it because they are another species?


>spider gf
>not a psychotic yangire/yandere

>no butterfly gf
>no roach gf that spider's given traits are more suited for


Wow, that's so...retro. I think my dad was one in high school.

roaches are the true enemy

Indeed. There really isn't much of them left around here, been a while since i saw one.
Last i knew was a real cutie and ended up getting married at something like 24years. Long straight hair, working in visual arts and harpist as a hobby. Seems comfy.

Best girl by far but that's not the best picture you could have come with.

>dazzled by bright lights (and your smile)


Jeez. Get a better pic.

I am against this sort of sentimental anthropomorphism.

>Spider thread on Sup Forums
>Half of it is pussies who think spiders are deadly hellbeasts that lay toxic exploding eggs in your ears and nostrils for no reason
>The other half is virgin weebs and /tg/ rejects who occasionally masturbate to anime girls with a few extra eyes and limbs
>No one who actually cares about spiders

You know it. I know it.