Is she OUR girl

is she OUR girl
like gerard way is our guy once you realize his MCR phase was just pretend


I don't understand the parallels here

Is this about Concrete?

No, and she got what she deserved. She kept pandering to the sjw demographic, and those chickens came home to roost.

Daron is our girl, not this one

she aint edgy nihilistic or dark and witty how the fuck would she be /ourgirl/

I like her

You know, as much as I loathe her show and think we couldn't hang out for more than 15 minutes, she actually doesn't seem like a particularly obnoxious person. She definitely panders and her actual ability at storytelling is questionable, but also seems fairly humble and reserved and not nearly as outrageous or cutthroat as some of her fatheaded peers.

As far as the Concrete thing goes, I think she did everything she could in a fair manner.


I definitely think she's one of /our/ girls based on her dedication to her show and previous Sup Forums contributions.

as for the concrete 'incident', I watched the image and thought nothing of it. I wouldn't even mind much if they brought the character on if she actually added significant synergy to the show.

I don't see anything racial about it, but then again you can't filter out narrow minded idiots from defending a race they're either not apart of or use as a team jersey as if it meant anything constructive to their lives.

I'd fuck her, but that's about it.

she has a wicked sense of humor

means fuck all if you hold yourself back to please tumblr

>please tumblr

seriously man, go outside.

Thing is she didn't pander to them.


>edgy, nihilistic
>dark, witty
What the fuck

She should have never let it happen.

thats just as bad as bringing up Sup Forums when someone doesnt agree with you

She did, actually.

>our girl

Isn't Rebecca Jewish.

>The Voltron fanbase is nearly as bad as the SU fanbase
>Yet they didn't pander at all.

user, there was an episode where Steven bonds with his conservative uncle and Tumblr hated it.

They're liberal but not stupid.

he was never our girl

Also that episode where Bismuth was presented as in the wrong for lashing out at innocents.

>Fanbases of cutesy shows are some of the most insufferable fuckwits imaginable.
>Meanwhile Black Metal and Horror fans are some of the chillest motherfuckers ever.

Dolores Umbridge syndrome

She was.

But she finally caved to the SJW madness.

RIP Sugar. We lost a good one this week.

I'll be honest, If I was getting sent death threats and the like I would apologize as well. Just to get it to stop.

getting together to just scream your lungs out about death and shit is very therapeutic. sublimates most urges to take out your frustrations on other people

I dunno, jugallos' source material is pretty edgy too.

They stood up to death threats before, why not this time?
They know as well as the rest of us that giving in to death threats just means more death threats.

I bet CN made her do it tbqh

Juggalos are just White Trash.


>is she OUR girl

Is it even a girl ?

And no, I never understood how Steven Universe had fans until I got a glimpse of who those fans are, and I started to understand why SU never appealed to me.

I don't know what the recent noise is about, anyone care to give a short summary ?

The bitch looks like an angry chihuahua. Not MY girl.

>Sup Forums

There are plenty of SU fans that don't care about politics though.

Case in point, the whole concrete situation is really a tumblr thing.

>I don't know what the recent noise is about, anyone care to give a short summary ?
She drew a "black" gem that looked like Captain Marvel's friend from the 1940s. Tumblr found out and did their usual thing of screaming infidel and heretic, she issued an apology around about the time the death threats started.

It's also kinda isolated, when anons found out they went searching for funny outrage posts but ended up finding more people defending Concrete than not

But it's the kind of situation you can't dance around all that much, the character objectively looks like Mr Popo and all, it's not like, say, the Andy situation where it was the outraged that were projecting their Trump/conservative hate onto him

Rebecca became /ourgirl/ when she told Zuke to take Lapidot and fuck off

I love you Becky

Anyone else find it weird that most of the people defending Concrete were black?

You'd think they'd be the ones most outraged.

Funny that you mentioned Mr. Popo, because there has been no outrage over him showing up on Toonami unedited.

Did people just up and forget about that?

Everybody gets death threats, it's the lamest excuse not to do anything these days. If I wrote "Gonna kill u" on a sticky note and said somebody sent it to me, I could probably get a week off of work.

Too few even recognize that he's black.

I'm sure there were blacks doing the attacking too. But obviously yeah, the "ugh" movement is a cultural phenomenon that goes beyond one's race, it's all just about showing you're better than what you perceive is the problematic enemy. America is sick

>MCR phase was just pretend- 48 posts and 7 image replies shown.
But MCR was great?

>read Umbrella Academy
>implying MCR was just a "pretend" phase

Nigga, you're dense. Gerard Way owned those sensibilities, they influenced his comic work too.
Just because his aesthic style evolved with Killjoys and his YA work doesn't somehow invalidate MCR.

Umbrella Academy is a better Doom Patrol than his own Doom Patrol comic anyway.

MCR? My Chemical Romance?

It wasn't her drawings actually.

Came here to post this, Black parade still rocks

Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) is my favorite get pumped song.

Of only it showed up in SU

Is CN her publisher? Who is publishing the book? They're a more likely force.

Why did she go from looking like a normal cute girl to looking like she is on meth?

Why would she choose to look like pic related?

Because she's punk as fuck and I find that hot

She doesn't even have a punk personality. She's too submissive to even control her own show.

that's not punk. Nigher her outfit, her glasses, nothing about her is punk.
Her hair is a disgusting, butchered mess and that doesn't mean punk.

>black metal fans

Not him but Black metal fans are some of the chillest people I know. It's the power metal fans that are weirdos

Eh, power metal fans are just nerdier.

But metal is one of the most embracing scenes I've ever been in. I hope that never changes.