So what's your favorite horse episode, Sup Forums?

Kill all Barneyfags

No one on Sup Forums gives a shit. You probably won't even get banned for this.


i still dont get this joke

They're all shit! SHIT!

Im actually surprised it took this long

>checks front page
>/mlp/ is still there
Yes he will

It's not a joke, that guy is on the most retarded crusade, Anything that remotely has to do with rainbow horse show triggers him.

You have a favorite episode, not!Barneyfag. Don't lie...

lurk more

RIP thread and OP

Their shit has no place here, faggot. If it did, then you'd be allowed to discuss it here, but you're not.

>Anything that remotely has to do with rainbow horse show triggers him.

Good, if it means all your autistic threads go down the shitter.

see, this guy gets it

Are you on Sup Forums 24/7 or something?

He likes the humanhorse movies. He even went to see them in the theater.

As much as I can, at least

I don't know, I'm only on Season 1 right now.

>liking the human movies
How can one man have so much shit taste...

I genuinely hope it beats Emojis

I can't remember but Orange Horse is my favorite.

I don't.

>People still getting triggered by a show they have absolutely no obligation to watch with a borderline dead fanbase

Well this thread is still up so...

Putting Your Hoof Down

Cutie Mark Chronicles, I stopped watching after Season 3.

>mods being asleep = it's allowed here