ITT: Official characters who look like OCs

ITT: Official characters who look like OCs.

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Pretty much everyone form the Lion Guard, to the point that I actually thought they were until learning about the cartoon.

>This is my OC, Thane. He's Thanos' son, and also half-Inhuman. And he has the power of life in one hand, and death in the other.


You can put most if not all of Hickman characters of his Avenger run there

Original character Donut Steele she Aku's daughter and has all his powers and she luvs Jack


Is he even still alive? Also, what's up with Skaar, Son of Hulk these days?

every single character

fuck off this was awesome

He got dehulked by doc green
He still has his mom rock power and last i saw him was hanging with Hulks warbound

They do kinda look like Youtubers' avatars.

the OC versions are actually drawn better. And what do you expect. The generation that grew up drawing fanart got a TV show

She's kinda cool-looking, but also very DeviantART.

Yes they do.

Deviantart in the early 00s

> literal deviant art tier

How did she put clothes on with those wings?

Probably one of the tamer examples. Also P'Li.

kill yoself

I noticed

>She's Starscream's badass female clone
>Not based on a pre-existing Seeker
>Unlike the rest, she doesn't embody in any obvious way a negative aspect of Starscream's personality
>She's also obviously the most intelligent and cunning one, because she ALWAYS evades capture, is never treated as a joke, and makes sound and rational decisions

Holy shit it's beautiful.

Dunno, several of the other Gargoyles did the same thing.


His family as well, for that matter. Especially Demogoblin

Also the horse show has an entire family, a dead villain and two reformed villains who look like OCs

Came here to post this.
I haven't even seen the shorts but I feel like I have seen all of these characters as Youtube/porn avatars or Jhonen Vasquez/Gorillaz OCs.


Not over the top but when I came across pictures of her before suffering through the show
I actually thought she was just a fan character edited into screenshots.
She isn't much better as Shadow...



None of this is true though....

Well considering how she was going to be the villain and but the was so loved that they turned her into one of the main heroes it makes sense that she gives off that vibe.


Dragon Ball AF is canon at this point


Well, than, proceed to explain to me how any of what I said is false

I'll gladly rescind anything I've said if I'm wrong

So much Deviant Art trash has been inspired by DBZ that anything that even remotely looks like Toriyama's style (like the entirety of Super) reeks of OC.

I'm always interested in stuff like this.

Can't post him without dogfucker showing up and shitting up the thread, but *that* character from the third season of Horse Show

I know it's not Sup Forums but seriously. I've liked the movies and like Super and all but SSBlue will never not feel like a fanmade recolored transformation to me. SSGod just barely makes it above that tier in my eyes.


And people bitched about ss4

This is true.
But its a fucking blue super saiyan.
Tho i like the multiverse approach super has taken.

Honestly I prefer this to the more overdetailed SSJ5+ fanart.

Fuck, this so much

The mean one whose name starts with S? Totally forgot about him. His design was pure deviantART.

First time I saw him I was like fuck off with this ugly piece of shit OC.

And then I learned he wasn't an OC.

Honestly, I thought you meant Bojack Horseman at first.

All of them


Shes not praticularly badass

Shes based on g2 ramjets color scheme

She embodys starscreams feminine side as well as his tendancy to belittlen people (I.E his bitchness)

She never really stands out in combat and she only evades capture because they forget about her till her cameo in the finale


hyena, especially.

If we're gonna do this show, how about this guy?



The guy who wrote it is Toriyama's second so yeah. Get hype

it's real show.

lol yeah Sombra's reveal was a disappointment. I mean, I like me some delicious brown, but her stupid haircut, overly complicated dye job, and implausible "leet haxor lol" abilities just put me off. Love her voice actress though, she's fucking sexy irl too.

I still think she's hot as fuck. I have a fetish for her nails.

Chilled and Kuriza look more like OCs to me than him tbqh. But even in the same show he's small time compared to a lot of characters introduced in the current arc.

>However, when contacted about it, Derrick J. Wyatt revealed that her color scheme was actually "loosely inspired" by the Godmaster Overlord.

So, no, she is not based on an existing Seeker

>The whole gag about Slipstream is that we are not supposed to know what aspect of Starscream's personality she represents. This, however, has not stopped fans from repeatedly asking Derrick J. Wyatt about it over Twitter and Formspring, despite his early attempt at light-heartedly brushing the question off by saying "I try not to think about that one!"[2] At this point, Wyatt has, in fact, gotten so tired of this question that he now automatically agrees with whatever theory is put forward to him, no matter how absurd

So, no, she does not represent Starscream in any obvious way, and your personal intrepretation of what she represents doesn't refute my point

The last point I could argue against, since, for example, she was the only one to come up with a strategy to try and fight Omega Supreme, but it would only be contention on either side

Either way, she STILL looks like an OC whether you agree with my points or not

Well yeah but it fits the tone of the show
It's funny how the Mexican voice for the character with a paper bag in his head is the same as double d, it seems done on purpose

>And people bitched about SSJ4
I dunno who people could shit on that conceptually creative and visually appealing design then eat up Super, the literal fanfiction of a series with Super Saiyan Blue and Gold fucking Frieza. It's ridiculous.

>conceptually creative


>visually appealing


It's funny because God was kind of meant to be a parody of fanfic forms, even in the movie Goku is like "this is kind of bad".
But it printed money so I guess we're just going to do all the colors now

That whole movie was a donutsteel.

Is this cheating?


yes, comics arent canon

The incorporation of oozaru aesthetics to create a form that incorporated the various stages of Saiyan evolution was cool. The red fur was only cuz yellow would look ugly as Tori once said, but it worked really well. I thought it looked overall perfect as the final step of a super saiyan.

As long as we're on the subject of Transformers.

If they were OCs they'd all have hair that clashes with the rest of their design and a bunch of stupid tribal tattoos.

Isnt that sort of the point of him though? That he looks just like Sonic and hates it so tries to act as unlike him as possible?

On the subject of DBZ...

thanks doc

Lady Death got him to absorb the Phoenix Force and almost got Thanos killed.

Why am I so weak for them?

Janemba, designwise is nothing really OC looking. If you look through his history of art he draws really cool shit likr him all the time.

I remember liking this show when it was on.

It's a pretty cool design, but I didn't really feel like it matched the tone of DBZ. It's a little too spiky and demonic, even moreso than King Piccolo or Dabura, who're supposed to be demon kings.

To be fair when you look at her original brief appearance it's clear that she was originally meant to be a fangirl voyeuristically watching Hater and Wander from afar, so her involvement in with them was literally an act of self insertion. But then they changed her personality as they focused more on her.

Here's a good one. Tarn


He looks really soft and squishy in my opinion. He's honestly nearly identical to Buu in a great number of ways.

I thin you're the only person who was admitted to liking this show.

Everybody loves Yellowed Skin Wacky Man

Tempest Shadow from Horse Show. I had to say it

i was kind of joking. but it's close.

R-remember me?

>this is my OC green lantern. In my AU Hal Jordan (ugh) goes crazy and kills all the gls so ganthet comes to my GL to give him the last ring and he's the only one left and Ganthet calls him the Torchbearer which represents how he's the last light and hope in the universe! He's more powerful than all other GLs ever combined, he's omniscient and he can use all the colors not just green and has no weakness, but he's also dorky and totally loves drawing anime and manga just like me xD

He had a GF who he loved a lot but then Major Force killed her which activated his Dark Rage mode and he cut off Major Force's head and sent it to live in space forever as punishment. Now he's dating Hal Jordan's GF and she thinks he's soo much better than that lame moron but he's too humble to say so.

I am trying not to.

I give it a pass because it sort of reflects how spotted female hyenas are pretty much all butches.

and hot

Don't fuck dogs

user please, reality and imagination shouldn't be confused on many things, I am aware of this.


Kyle is good lad so fuck off

She is for rape, built to take in cybermatter and pump out protoforms. Her modicum of competency is so that she has further to fall until mindbreak after mindbreak causes her to realize that she is meant to be cyberbitch to a larger, stronger, more dominant alphabot. Just like Prime Starscream but even moreso because she's a grill.

I didn't know Geoff Johns posted here.

This meme is so old now I'm beginning to think it's entirely manufactured.