Star vs the Forces of Evil

Is there a new storyboard artist or something?
Because I love it

Other urls found in this thread:!oOZyjS4Y!jyXFqsQajNeKr4VmtjIHQw!H1xkTIaD!c5JVGnJFKXE7vKJryX8xISdqoeotV0By2OM2mwm-alM

cute and perfect


Reminder that the very first metaphor Glossaryck gave Star when comparing it to dipping down was soup

"Skim off the top or go for the chunks"

I don't get that scene.

It's fucking magic bitch

What's your point? That this was a callback to the season 2 premiere?
Or are you saying that this soup analogy is some kind of innuendo?

Would you like the 1080p webrip with a shilling DuckTales watermark:!oOZyjS4Y!jyXFqsQajNeKr4VmtjIHQw

or the 720p TV rip with only the Disney XD logo?!H1xkTIaD!c5JVGnJFKXE7vKJryX8xISdqoeotV0By2OM2mwm-alM


>Eclipsa will never torture your dick with a forbidden sex magic

thanks user, ducktales has been burned into my retinas

Marco had better foot focus.

and he still needs more. post marco feet

SEVEN EPISODES aired yesterday?
the actual fuck?

Delicious. Subtle fanservice is best fanservice.

the magic in the cauldron is the magic puddin pop he grilled earlier.

It's only subtle fan-service if you have a foot fetish, and I'm pretty sure the majority of people don't have a foot fetish.


I thought it was just the movie and the episode?


The movie was just an assembly of episodes for the season premiere, I didn't count exactly how many it was but I wouldn't be surprised if it was seven. There were and are not seven additional episodes out yet, the "movie" was not exactly a movie.

Did anyone think that scene where Star didnt grasp that Ludo said Levitato, her mouth/face was animated abit more fluidly than usual? It seemed like it to me.

I believe it was 4 episodes in total.

your a moron.

its was 5 you dumb piece of shit

I'm positive it was 4 unless there's an episode I missed.

The battle for mewni/return to mewni special was 4

Again, assuming I didn't miss one. The last one I saw was toffee

Four if you're counting a standard 30 minute block, six short episodes and one full episode if you aren't.

>Live stream tomorrow at 7:30 PM EST

So.... predictions on fan questions?

Ah ok. I see how they broke it up now.

I think the plurality of people find it at least as nice as midriff or clavicle. It's not so much 'ooh how sexy' but 'ooh how vulnerable and cozy, she's in her nightgown'

It's the most common fetish that aren't tits or ass

This shit used to be so simple

Well where do we go from here? Maybe this season Star and Marco will mostly be in Mewnie since it's summer vacation? More dimension traveling?

When Star died and Marco tries to kill Toffee I feel something. Good job Nefcy

Most people at least like a nice pair of legs. Also this user is spot on

Those Quads tho

the key word is tits or ass, it is not a common fetish and only for degenerates, I'd rather break bread with a fucking furry fresh from a con orgy than a disgusting foot fag

damn, thats the third 7777 ive seen on Sup Forums today
such is the will of our god-queen

I think they should be questioning how Marco was able to punch a hole clean through Toffee like that.

I didn't know that drawing properly shaped feet was fan service. While we're on the topic, just look at those elbows. Delicious. Subtle fanservice is best fanservice. Ammaright fellas?

>Star has her near death moment to start the season
>Marco gets sad
>Now it's time for Marco to almost kick the bucket and Star gets sad

They had to make it humorous and make her not like it or it'd be too much probably.

I love how they basically made fun of that trope though, Nefcy is the real thing.

I think its cause she was tied up, so they used her head and mouth to invoke the same thing her spergy flailing usually does.

Most people in the other threads accepted one of multiple conclusions, but generally that he was recently reformed and he seemed to be made of bad magic goop almost entirely making him easily punch throughable.


Maybe it's because Marco is a badass God of War.

Kinda liked the theory that it was dormant monster arm strength.

There are two standard sex positions, and they are as old as our species. One is the missionary and the other doggy style (because I don't know the proper term). In both cases these parts of the female anatomy are visible and prominent:

The buttocks, vagina, legs, feet. I hope you aren't so confused as to be unable to visualise that.

Simply put feet are a visual cue, a part of a larger "available for sex/sex is about to occur" image that has been imprinted into our oldest and most primal instincts since before we were verbal. To be buttblasted about liking feet is illogical and contrary to the nature of the species. The fetish is simple and rudimentary as such, we make it complex due to our personalities etc. (preferences for socks and so on; in the end socks, stockings etc. take on a character of intimate clothing.)

He'll be back right?

The Morning Star

I really hope so. I feel like there's too much left unanswered about him.

>implying legs aren't more important for that than feet

Quit trying to wax philosophy and just fap like the rest of us

Definitely. He's got the slowest burn of any character arc on the show. Expect Toffee in the Wild later on.

i appologize for posting such an unworthy image, my plebeian computing device simply could not handle her true glory.

Woops, that was the wrong frame, this is it here.

I'm looking forward to the return of the monster arm and I'd like if it was just like its resurface to be explained later. I still think it was just goop, but I'd like monster arm too.

He's just a smart guy who happens to be part of a regenerating monster race. When he was a general he planned on taking over Mewni but after he got defeated by Moon he got so butthurt that he decided to make it his life's goal to fuck her over. What's left to answer?

Time is a circle, and we've been repeating the same cycle for an eternity. This is a prison. The only goal is to break the cycle, exit (((reality))) and join with the Absolute. However, the end of the world occurs. There are survivors. Thus the memes survive, and stories. Thus you get female goddesses, Thor, cave statuettes of waifus and so on and on. These were initialy from anime, cartoons, books and so on. As the generations unfolded the stories survivors told their children to entertain them become myths and religions. Eventually we end up with a "modern" civilization and the whole thing repeats again.

Or as we say it, "Remember, you're here forever" and "the ride never ends"

Welcome to Hell.

I wouldn't go that silly with it, I'd say it's more that we're used to bare feet in this culture meaning "i have just been in the pool / shower / my bed / basically somewhere i'm not fully dressed"

man so you mean the flintstones was real and man did walk along dinosaurs?
i mean at a time where man couldn't have evolved at all?

also what kind of weak-ass hell version is that?
tripfag get the fuck out

I really like the new ending. It's sad that Ludo died again, but we can move on to a new villian now.

I appreciate from Disney letting kids seeing Ludo being melted after that spell. Usually villians just end up disappearing after getting blasted.

you mean toffee

RIP to Spider and Eagle. Unless Ludo finds them again after his void 2.0 trip.


rip ocd user

both desu

I hope so, at some point.

It seems a really kinda meh point that Toffee is this near immortal terminator-esque regenerating tactical genius who needs some suicidal level forbidden dark magic to harm.

What is his secret? Oh, hes just a lizard. Yeah they are all basically immortal too, hes got like three on his team, hes a bit smarter so makes a good leader. One of them was hanging around in an earlier episode.

>that scene where the little tadpole girl says she sneaks off a bunch because "sometimes you just gotta go to the club and dance"

oh god i know they didn't mean it but now i can't help but think of that little frog as a month-old slut

Guarantee she's going into this form again when Marco get's mortally wounded

>Crystal Clear
>written/boarded by sabrina cotugno and amelia lorenz
>directed by giancarlo volpe

>Puddle Defender
>written/storyboarded bt gina gress, sarah oleksyk, and tyler chen
>directed by giancarlo volpe and tyer chen

What if the purpose of the movie was to build up the plot of the rest of season 3?

I want to gently choke Star while she tries to slap my hands away and lightly coughs

I heard kim already uploaded it

I don't think so, not physically at least, but he said it himself.

"You think you've won? Ha! You don't make the plans, I do, Me. Only I know how this all turns out."

He knew exactly what was going on. He knows exactly what is coming next.

On Unrelated news, I think my favourite thing about this arc was showing that Ludo was learning magic. Taking this goofy fuck up of a villian and showing that no, he isn't quite just a lazy spoiled creature looking to throw his weight and status around. He is a runt, a weak little runt who has fought tooth nail and claw for everything. He gets the magic wand and what does he do, he wants to learn, he wants to master this magic and he wants to fight for it. It would have been nice to see a reflection of that with him trying to rule the kingdom but I guess the important thing was showing his mental dependance on the wand/toffee.

Also two little things that I must have misunderstood or not noticed, why was magic dying out all over the kingdom, and why did Toffee not care about Moon casting that cursed spell again or was he just that confident that magic was dead and the wand was useless.


I understand that Star learned to do magic without a wand but what I don't get is how her doing that fixed the Fritz.


Just don't imagine those big eyes of hers staring up at you when she has half the head of your cock in her mouth. Forget about feeling her tongue wiggling around your tip, sometimes sneaking out to rasp the rim. Perish the thought of her newly-developed legs and feet weakly grasping your shaft, pumping her up and down to get more of you deeper inside her. And really don't visualize yourself just covering her head to toe in semen, only to see her use her tongue to lick every square inch of her body to clean herself off.

Avoid all that and you'll be golden.

>post marco feet

>marco doesn't wear socks with his shoes
>proceeds to grab a stick of butter with his foot
>puts his butter covered foot back into his shoe
Marco is disgusting.

I want to cum in Star's boots so she can walk around, squishing about her toes.

Toffee being in the wand meant that he could corrupt the magic in/connected to the wand which is apparently all of it; in doing so he rendered it unusable. Dipping down allowed Star to contact the trace of uncorrupted magic which she amped up to purge his corruption. At least that's how I think it worked, we'll have to wait for the crew or episodes to confirm.

This is a Monstar thread now

Idk that seemed like the desperate barking of someone who had been bested. As to Toffee and magic, my theory is that wand act as spoons, but also as conduits to this massive magicky soup. Toffee was able to enter through the conduit and influence this soup directly exactly how Star was able to enter after using the whispering spell. He corrupted magic's source to such an extent (the fritz, corrupting the sanctuary) that magic casters couldn't depend on the source any longer, the wand was nothing but a worthless trinket, no matter how skillfully wielded.

Star basically did the reverse of Toffee, she dipped down into herself and used her influence to purify the magical soup and thus magic returned (to Toffee's toasty chagrin).

now i really want an artist to dress her up in stereotypical rebellious whore clothes and make a short comic about her sexcapades around mewni

Reminder that the only thing toffee is good for is ryona

wetsox are disgusting

That actually makes a lot of sense.

Anyone got HD screenshots of the actual colors of her transformation? Not the glowing gold but with the white boots, red ribbons etc?

>Reminder that the only thing Monstar is good for is incestous ryona


So was the soup Stars Magic, or Everyone's Magic?

Better Monstar coming through

For such a tame, simple fetish why are you all insane?

Monstar is best girl

Yes, and I am keen on her being subjected to it.

the wand is a conduit to everyone's magic and Toffee was able to dip down and reach into everyone's magic and fuck with it all through Star's wand
I think

Sounds good to me

>furry barney-snout
shit fucking taste holy shit

The soup is everyone's magic (there are multiple wands and other users who can access this great pool with other means, though their access is limited and skimming the surface).

Star (and everyone, in my own personal theory), however also have concentrated magic within them that they can access when they are experienced at handling magic. Basically the magic soup which powers everything is like the public kiddy pool, but her own magic reserves are like a private olympic pool which she can swim in after being comfortable in the pool.

Toffee poisoned the kiddy pool but Star put chlorine into it from her own pool (that nugget of "pudding" Glossaryck made).

>Says he wants monster girls when he really just wants a normie in face paint.

Casual. Sickening pleb casual.


An autistic slightly monstrous princess is still better than whatever the fuck that thing is