
>best mcu villain
>tom holland is charming

>ugly costume
>disney channel tv tone
>weight of responsibility gone
>forced try-hard humor
>constant reminder that Avengers are A-List
>ganke is in it for no reason
>hipster tweenagers are annoying
>music score is generic as hell
>the cg quality sucks
>looks like pink rubber eraser-man
>what is this? pg superbad?

You know what is the worst part? is an MCU movie, even if his movie was bad this will be Spider-Man for at least 10 years... let's hope there are no synergy in the comics, he already worked for him, but a Peter that's an Iron Man fanboy would be lame in comics.

It's like if Disney was too scared to make Spider-Man look cool because they don't fully own him, so they rather just cut his potential in half and make him the Avengers fanboy in case he needs to go back to Sony again.

Oh look another fag hating on something popular.

>tom holland is charming
AHAHAHAHAHA Nice bullshit user!
Look it's Watts trying to defend his shitty movie.

>Disney Channel tone
He's a high school kid doing high school things. He was canonically 15 when he became Spider-Man. Why is this bad?

It's not that hes a teen in highschool as much as the play it off liek a disney chanel piece of shit. It's unrealistic.

Fuck, this was the whitest "diverse" movie yet.

Because lot of his classic stories came from when he was older.

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you read Ultimate Spider-Man and that's why you're defensive of 15 yo Spider-Man. In Ultimate Spider-Man the story was about a guy trying to do good in a world that sucks and trying to hold onto his optimism as life beats his ass. Here he's just a nerdy little kid who hangs out with all his friends and makes a fool of himself.

It reminded me of a John Hughes movie. I'm sorry you hate things user.

He graduated from high school right away in comics. Most of his good stories don't happen until he's in college or afterwards.

Also each Spidey origin movie has done high school Spidey. If we don't need to see Ben die again, we don't need this shit again either.

My biggest complaint is that he didn't have spidey senses.
No spidey senses means not muh spider-man.
Still a good movie tho.

Disney Channel tone isn't actually a bad thing. I happen to really enjoy watching those Disney Channel original TV movies... it's just that, the tone places more of an emphasis on the fun side of Spidey than the dramatic side. Of course, this is simply a subjective taste thing... but I prefer Spider-Man with a lot of weight on his shoulders and that's something that the high school version of the comics never forgot to include.

>It reminded me of a John Hughes movie
This was my biggest fear walking into the movie but I was surprisingly happy that it really didn't

It'll be back in IW. It honestly feels like they are kinda paying attention to the gripes of the film. The whole MJ thing and spider sense.

>Ugly costume
Fuck off
>Weight of responsibility gone
Oh yeah, he just left Liz at the dance to be a dick

Don't insult John Hughes like that. a hack like Watts can't capture his style.

He has it, they just never illustrated it with visual/musical cues. Although they should totally bring back the half mask with motion blur like in the comics

Peter being an Iron Man fanboy makes complete sense in the context of the MCU. Personally, I don't see the fucking problem.

If it gets into the comics, then yeah, it's a problem. As it stands, I think people are just being faggots about the idea that not every Peter Parker has to be the a monolithic adherence to 616.

Also fuck you; I love the suit. It's to finally get a suit that doesn't basketball textures or that hideous elevated webbing that looks incredibly itchy and uncomfortable as fuck to wear.

Aunt May is a hot slut and can probably make Thai waiters sacrifice their lives for her. No need for Pete to worry about a fragile mother figure.

Uncle Ben is dead and it has no trauma or effect on his choices of heroism at all. He is being heroic merely to impress The Avengers (THE FACE OF MARVEL AM I RIGHT?)

You faggots will get your college aged Spidey soon. Tom should be 22-ish when Infinity War hits.

>weight of responsibility gone
This is what really bugged me. They didn't even reference Uncle Ben. Peter doesn't ever really feel or get repercussions for his actions, and if he does, it usually ends up okay for him.

At this point I don't want a college age Spider-Man, because this faggot is made for people like you who just want "lol meme" characters . He's just a douchey quip machine with brain damage who can't stop acting like an overactive middle schooler . He'll still be written as a massive cock sleeve no matter what age he is. Homecoming set the tone for this incarnation of Spider-Man and the only thing making him older will do is make him an annoying ass manchild instead of an annoying ass kid.

Knowing the MCU, they'd make it into an American Pie style flick. FUCK DISNEY. I'm ready for their rental to be over so we can get a true Spider-Man again in Sony's Venomverse.

>White contratarians

You think they rushed to film a spider-sense scene for the IW trailer because a couple of idiots misread an interview and started crying not muh?

They didn't harp on it, but I felt like it was there.

Especially evident when Peter immediately leaves the homecoming dance to go after Toomes. Like he barely even breaks his stride.

We all know it's there. We've had what, five Spiderman movies to illustrate that point. Did you really need the movie to spoon feed you a five minute flashback of uncle Ben's death?

Peter already stated in Civil War and in Homecoming that Uncle Ben's death is the reason why hes Spider Man. Hes 14, got a big head, lost track of what was important, and learned from it. That was his character arc in the movie. Peter thought he could do more with his talents to help people, and in the process realized what he was doing was where he needed to be. Uncle Ben's death was still relevant and the driving force behind his actions, you're just pissy we didnt see him get shot AGAIN when we know this shit by heart like the fucking Wayne murder. Peter ditching Liz at the dance mirrored his past choice with Ben's killer, only this time he chose to do the right thing

>fragile mother figure

Outside of a couple worried scenes, she was not portrayed like that in any way.

You serious with that post?

Who knows? I mean the backlash to Michelle was quite apparent to where Kevin had to damage control it. An integral part to spider-man more than likely raised eye brows.

>you a five minute flashback of uncle Ben's death?
No, but when a loved one dies only 8 months prior, you'll still be broken up about it.

>When a mousketeer posts a concept art that looks better than what the costume looks like in the movie.

Its the exact fucking same

>white contrarians
When did I say shit about the races bothering me? The movie was shitty, and Holland's Spider-Man is just shitty meme bait. Fuck off.
You're delusional if you don't think that's the plan. His "oh so endearing" antics are going to be a lot less "charming" when the character is doing the same shit 10 years from now.

The only people that hate things for the sake of being different are white people. Prove me wrong.

The shitposters on Sup Forums aren't very smart.

Dude, you're just dreaming the damage control, in both situations. First off they never said the spider-sense was gone, secondly you don't just rewrite a different movie's script to address such a silly "issue" about a move that's been out for barely 2 weeks and film a scene about it. The scene from the trailer was planned and filmed long before HC hit theaters

And about Michelle, they've only said whatever they planned for the character didn't matter because of the "she's playing Mary Jane" leak was the only thing that got everyone's attention, forcing them to repeat again and again that it wasn't true, and they only reaffirmed that in the interviews you're mentioning, Michelle is her own character. The nickname doesn't make her Mary Jane, but Feige teased it's significance by saying they know it reminds people of a certain dynamic between the characters. Where's this damage control you and other anons keep speaking of? You guys are so eager to declare victory over a conflict that never existed

its not. eyes are bigger, the red is brighter and the stupid black lines are not there

user, thumbnails are meant to be opened to see the real picture

>pointing out the cons of a piece of popular meda means you are a hater and not looking for actual discussion

eat dick nigger

You idiots have shit eyes. Do you think the webbing on his outfit had that much contrast in the final costume? It was so light, that when you see Spider-Man from far away shots, he basically doesn't have webbing. Do you think the blue on his outfit, is the nice dark blue in the concept art? Why is he always being lit in ways that cause him to be pink in the movie? I bet you guys are the type that read only the word bubbles in a comic and don't give a fuck what the art looks like. Go back to thinking a Playskool action figure looks the same as a Hot Toys statue.

>Stupid black lines are not there
user confirmed to be either retarded or fucking blind.
You're trying too hard

I wish Sony would just say fuck it and make Spider Man 4

It would make more money than this shit

You think I didn't keep up with the movie to know that they were going to down play it? And never did I officially give a specific judgement I said "who knows?" in my inital post.

user the thing is I don't really have a problem with how he was potrayed. And guess what, I enjoyed the movie either way you spin it.

Only Raimi can save us now.

>best mcu villain
The best shit in a pile of shit is still shit, op.

you know what i'm talking about, don't act stupid

Mousketeers are in denial. To them, the MCU can do no wrong.

Go home Sup Forums.

>disney channel tv tone
This is why they cast Zendaya, cross-promotion with the Disney Channel audience.

If nothing else, Vulture was indescribably fantastic in this film. Both in costume and out, he had the air of a family man desperate to support his family at any cost.

His suit was beyond cool too in my personal opinion.

Her character was honestly a waste of time for the few minutes she was on screen.


That's fair. Lots of people like dorky fuck up characters, enjoy your Spider-Man flicks.

I once thought as you did. I thought Vulture couldn't live up to the hype. I saw the movie and was proven wrong. Everything else besides the villains sucked though.

dubs of truth


Most of your cons are not justified and are aesthetic or general opinion level complain.

CG is great. I'd argue the suit material being without texture is to blame for the eraser-man effect, but they managed to blend CG and the actual suit very well with this trick.

>>music score is generic as hell
Welcome to the MCU.

It's been a decade since the MCU started and not a single memorable tune.