Dumbing of Age

Patreanon is dead. Patreanon remains dead. And a janitor probably killed him.

What cruel world is this where Rapin' Ryan lives and a guy who ponies up cash to a manchild who doesn't need it dies? Jesus was supposed to have died for our sins.

Anyways, I guess Danny is implying here that Dorothy is in trouble from people who are probably also quantum rapists like Ryan was, and is also breaking up with Joe. I don't get it either.

Other urls found in this thread:


Willis sent Amber after patreanon.

is the twist going to be that danny was the "hacker"?

god how pathetic is your life that you would give money to Willis who you hate just to get earlier access to his comic, which you hate.

Is joe the only non retarded character of the main cast?

go away willis.

Why in fuck would wiley try to stop someone from giving him money?

Y'know, I still want to know what happened during that three-day time skip.

Apparently Ryan was grievously wounded to the point that police set up a crime scene situation, yet he was apparently healthy enough to be identified as a sexual offender and was arrested. The stress and trauma of witnessing Amber attacking Ryan was enough to send Dorothy to therapy. Amber herself appears to have gone MIA, though we know from preview panels that she will reappear in the future. Ethan, however, has apparently gone missing, or at least has left the campus for unknown reasons, possibly for reasons related to all of this. Meanwhile, a bunch of other shit went down that I don't care to list because in all honesty I've kind of forgotten what it was. I know Mary's happy for reasons that will soon be torn from her; I know that Billie is worried about moving out ten minutes away from Her One True Love For Eternity (Ruth); I know that Danny has decided to turn a new leaf by becoming a flamboyant and flaming fag; and I know that Becky™ is trying to hook up Leslie with a woman named Mindy, but Leslie has her eyes on a woman named Anna, all of this to Becky's chagrin due to her extremely racist views and her opinions on interracial relationships.

Or something like that.

willis openly insults people he doesn't like, even fans, or in this case, 'fans'.

besides, patreanon is ripping him off.

> all of this to Becky's chagrin due to her extremely racist views and her opinions on interracial relationships.

....she's dating an asian girl.

Becky doesn't like anna because anna is abrasive and rude as fuck, while mindy was sweet as hell.

Hence the "Or something like that."

Again, I've kind of forgotten about anything that doesn't actually matter at this very moment. The comic is already at a glacial pace; why should I compensate, or whatever the right word is?

thread died so here's my newest parody strip.

The last thread died because of you.

Jesus Christ what is this shit?
Have you no shame?

What happened to patreanon, did he get nuked off of willis' patreon for posting the comic?

>Joe, your list could be a tool for the master plan of some evil villain
>Actually I removed the names
>Well you're still bad.
What a reach. Also, if everyone's under pseudonyms, why were they so easily able to figure out who they were. There must've been a little bit of confusion, right?

Even if there were names it wouldn't be that useful anyway. That's not how rapists work in general. And wouldn't any person just go to any girls dorm if they really wanted to creep? It's not like Joe revealed where all the women are on campus, it's public knowledge.

The Dorothy part is dumb. Sure, she might be vulnerable in general from one of Ryan's friends, but other than that she isn't more vulnerable to rapists because she watched one get stabbed in front of her. It's not Darkest Dungeon.

And on top of all this nonsense, Danny facilitated making the damn list and probably knew the password. He could've just destroyed it at any point if he really thought it was that disgusting. Also, I'm still waiting for Joe to get to the part where he tells lots of girls their rating to their face and shared his list with at least one of them, Raidah (who is still my #1 culprit after the Rachel bait and switch), if not more.

I bet mods suck willis peepee and nuked patreanon off along with the thread

Our current/most recent one wasn't posting every day, so it's hard to tell if they're completely gone or just busy at this time. Maybe they even got banned!

As long as I have fans of it then no, I do not.

They said that they were warned for posting screencaps from the Patreon comments.

I told Patreanon that using greentext would let you get away with it.

You have no fans.

Willis does, so it's not like there's no prescient.

How'd they get caught?

They're screencaps.
I mean that he was warned by a janitor, not by Willis.

Wow, you sure know a lot about a fucking random talentless hack.

I've been on this board for over half a decade and I still don't understand why we have daily, ongoing generals about webcomics that are universally agreed to be garbage like questionable content or Dulbing of Age.

Like, holy shit, how stupid do you have to be to spend that much time on something that you KNOW is garbage, regardless of whether or not you're being "ironic."

"Parodies" are supposed to be funny.

Go back to AStabbing-Girl, Willis. Tell us what happened!

>over half a decade
>thinking that's impressive

Get the fuck out.

Sup Forums, and by that I mean every board on Sup Forums, shows love to things by heaping hate and scorn on them. user cannot tell the difference between positive and negative attention.

When Sup Forums hates something, it shows it by showing it no attention whatsoever. Remember that.

>half a decade
wooooow. So impressive.

I'm here to practice voice work while laughing at a piece of shit.

There's a clear difference between:
Sup Forums's attitude towards Hellboy
Sup Forums's attitude towards Deus Ex
/Lit/'s attitude towards Herman Hesse

Sup Forums's attitude towards the Jews.
Sup Forums's attitude towards Ctrl-alt-del
Sup Forums's attitude towards Dobson or other hacks

>a list of who is attractive and who is it not is dangerous in the hands of a predator
Fucking what? Is the predator blind? Surely they can figure out who they want to rape on all their lonesome

What if he's a socially insecure sexual predator? He seeks out external validation for his choice of victim, terrified he'll be known as the ugly chick rapist.

Just gonna point out if all that data pretty much made a map of what girl lived where then it's likely everyone is getting reassigned rooms at the least. Which means Billie and Ruth are probably gonna be in the same hall still to Mary's annoyance.

>Patreanon is dead. Patreanon remains dead. And a janitor probably killed him.

Maybe you should just take this as a sign to stop posting this garbage here.

It's literally a list of girls with vague descriptions and ratings. There's no location data or anything like that. (I guess aside from that hijab girl works at a front desk). They did say that everyone in the hall is in the list, which is pretty extreme.

Willis is just having his characters make it seem like a bigger deal than it is. Sure it's a shitty thing to see, especially if you don't ask for it, and I guess maybe someone could see it and try to find someone on it based on their attractiveness/traits, but there's not really anything more dangerous on there than what one could see walking around campus or trolling social media. There's not even any pictures, just text.


Keep killing these threads Dewd, it's the only way to save these poor dumb bastards.

Oh, phew, I thought it was because I shown distaste for Mary

I love that Willis is treating the real scandal here as if it were about doxxing and not the fact that a grown man maintains an excel spreadsheet of every woman he wants to have sex with in his dorm like a fucking serial killer.

I love how Willis is burying an actual interesting event under so much bullshit that it is killing any interest that the audience could possibly have.

Tell that to the simpsons writers

Mary is too pure to be harmed by your opinions.

I'm not dead you peasants, I just got LAZY

So they are saying Ryan knew where to go because of a list. Not because he's able to see who a lunatic is because a mask like that doesn't do shit to hide and identity.

I mean, there's a difference between knowing who someone is and knowing where to possibly corner them alone.


pretty sure the whole point was that it was in depth descriptions of all the girls in that same building so once you're at the building it would be pretty easy to find any of them and stalk them

best strip in a couple days at least

That's actually a nice gesture

no no don't you get it it's obviously something about him self-tricking himself in eliminating his white guilt
the patriarchal oppression still stands
or something
t. cerberus

Well not Mary herself, like maybe the janitor is a maryfag

best girl

I like this one a lot

Six boxes of donuts, those things either hold one or two dozen, based on their size probably one dozen. So 72 donuts, seems about right for one dorm wing. That's like $60 bucks he doesn't need to have spent on this, which in college student money is a lot.

Also, the list wasn't mean. The fact that he made a list online for his own tracking is weird, and slightly voyeuristic, but if it was only intended for his eyes then it's not fucking mean. Oh no, someone objectified you without your knowledge and now you learned of it, he was so mean to you? Fucking how? He didn't DO anything.

That seems so out of character for Joyce. More concerned with how Joe sees her rather than how she might have hurt him.

Actually it's probably that guy who posts the imgur link

Just reading this shit in passing it seems like the writer is ripping plots straight out of tween Netflix shows like 13 Reasons Why

Jesus that reads so poorly. Willis writes the clunkiest dialogue.

Her and her fat ass.


I preferred the notion that Ryan was able to identify Dorothy from the articles she wrote about Amazi-Girl and followed her throughout the day until leading him to Amber. It showed a willingness to pursue a goal.
I don't like this idea that Joe was directly responsible for Ryan's discovery, because that's just lazy.

The descriptions were hardly in-depth. I believe that out of those that we DO know, the longest descriptions were only, like, four to six words. That's barely enough to make for a concrete decision; if you put three girls who would be considered "mousy" or three girls with gun tattoos in one room, the description of "mousy girl" or "gun tattoos" would hardly be enough to single out one of the girls.

Willis seems to forget that "Dumbing of Age" takes place on a college campus, not only within a single dormitory.

>Willis writes the clunkiest dialogue.
I think the problem is that Willis writes most if not all of his characters in the same way. That is, you could mix and match characters and dialogue and you'd hardly find a difference in tone and delivery were it not for specific comments.

Plus, Willis seems to have a sort-of blase approach to writing with tact. He treats everything sarcastically, as if he doesn't actually care.

The word is "precedent"

And Willis's comic is better. 1/10 still beats 0/10, and 0/10 is a generous rating

>I'm especially sorry to "Beanbag with Glassess"

I'm amused

I wonder what Dina's rating was. "Too pure/10"?

Ironically Dina was thrilled about being rated as she felt validated by Joe recognizing her as a sexual being rather than treating her as some kind of sexless womanchild. After some negotiation over a rating Dina felt was too low, Joe agreed to raise her rating to a seven due to Dina's bisexuality, and get her a raspberry bismarck.

Also, I'm assuming "bean bag with glasses" is Other Rachel.

i mean i'm totally taking this from the comments section but apparently Joe wrote shit like Billie is easy and/or how she's an alcoholic or something?

Is this fanfiction or am I missing something here?

I'm making it up, but Dina's recurring character plot before she was consumed by Becky was that she was upset at people treating her like a child.

Almost certainly.

>....she's dating an asian girl.
As someone who hangs around ____Sup Forums____ I can tell you that plenty of racists make an exception for Asians and consider them "honorary Aryans" so if you ask me Becky "A Mac-10 for all black men" MacIntyre is well on her way to being a Grand Wizard.

>Not dead just not here at new comic time
I figured as much. Glad you didn't get banned or anything!

Rachel being more insulted by the number 3 rating than the description "Bean Bag with Glasses" is preposterous.

He found her because class let out early and they crossed paths, just like Joyce running out of class early and them crossing paths. The list had nothing to do with it, and I don't even think it was out at the time. I think Joe just means that security is already higher so they can't really do anything to make people safer.

"Desperate chubby cheerleader" was Billie's description . She isn't a cheerleader and hasn't referred to herself as one of those in weeks, and she isn't desperate any more, so the person would be looking for a someone who doesn't even match their extremely vague description.

>Becky "A Mac-10 for all black men" MacIntyre
That makes her sound more like a rapper than a racist.
"I got seven mac-11s, about eight .38s, nine 9s, ten Mac-10s the shits never end!"

I find Dumbing of Age entertaining because it's bad in a cartoonish, ridiculous way due to the various mental hang ups of the creator. It's not boring like QC.

>"Look, we've got to do something to fix this, Joe."

"Do what?" is such a shitty response to that. No one would say that. "LIKE what?" would be better. "What could we possibly do?" would be out of character, but better as well.

Every single sentence that Willis writes is just fundamentally janky. If I didn't know, I'd say that English wasn't his first language.

Will you fuck off already? Nobody likes you.

>That makes her sound more like a rapper than a racist.
Interestingly enough I have a very vague (as in almost ephemeral) connection to Tech N9ne through two separate people. One friend used to live in the city he's from and one of her friends (or her friend's sister, I forget got hit on by him) while my brother is friends with the guy who plays bass for him at his concerts. Despite that neither of them have ever heard Tech N9ne's stuff which is a shame.

Oh! I see, you were speaking with confidence

Yeah, she probably got inspired to making her own list. And when Becky excitedly please to read it inbetween saying lesbian every Nano second, she starts to sweat seeing Joyce listed as "girlfriend's holy grail"

>list is about dinosaur
>rated in a sexual contest

I bet Bean Bag with Glasses ate most of those three boxes.

Please do not joke about this.

I still like Agatha. Thank god she doesn't do anything.

it is no joke, she is great
and marcie deserves her

Reminder that Guns will never show up DoA because Willis is triggered by firearms so my headcanon is that she's busy putting bullets into ISIS fighters in Iraq or something. Guns is a Real American Hero.

Um what, toedad had a gun.

At least we have this.

Toedad was a bad guy and his wielding of a gun is part of why he's bad. Guns would have to be essentially a brand new character or else be portrayed as Mary-tier.


The main issue is that you're not going to be able to carry a gun on a college campus. In order to sell the character as what she was in It's Walky you'd basically have to make her a Becky-tier one note character. I really think Willis' concept of her as an aggressive fitness buff would work really well for a supporting character.

Hopefully this strip is a bullet in the brain of this storyline. I couldn't possibly care less who hacked Joe's list.

This one's alright. Although I do question how "mean" the lists were to people who were rated well.

>The main issue is that you're not going to be able to carry a gun on a college campus.
There are states where you can concealed carry. Indiana isn't one of them though, not yet at least. Looks like there's a proposed bill to allow it there.

I think we're operating under the idea of a feminist utopia of sorts and/or that no woman is flattered by the admittedly shallow notion that an alleged hunk like Joe would find them attractive.

Where's the joke?

Is Willis so bad that he can't even inspire good parodies?

Many colleges specifically bar concealed carry by students though. Though it would have been great if the Rapin' Ryan plot was resolved by Ryan getting shot by a woman who started carry because she was afraid of getting attacked.

Mary's been so happy lately because she's ranked pretty high since we know from Joe's interactions with Sarah that he likes them bitchy, aggressive, and judgmental.

Are we just going to roll past the notion that Amber apparently eviscerated somebody? I thought y'all would be more interested in confirmation that Amber grievously wounded the guy, if not killed him.

Ryan's confirmed to have survived and was arrested on site. Further, he was identified as a sex offender, so he'll probably end up in the same prison limbo that Toedad resides within.

I'm kinda tired of speculating around the language around his injury. Especially since it won't end up mattering that much. If someone ever goes into real specifics (Joe can be kinda colourful with his language) I guess I'll care.

Dorothy was shocked, but she would probably be shocked by Amber using the knife at all when she could've subdued him without it. It was fun to think that she went too far and killed him but I don't really bellieve Willis would let her do it. And even then I don't think the repercussions will match the actions.

I think you're putting too much emphasis on how Amber fought Ryan. Ryan showing up with a knife was the first time Dorothy was directly involved with anything. She's spent the entire strip responding to events where she wasn't present; this is the first time anything she's done has had direct blowback on her and it was guy she outed as a sexual predator coming to stab her.

>I think you're putting too much emphasis on how Amber fought Ryan.
It's important as far as my reaction (or general lack thereof) to the fight? Which is what the user I was responding to was asking about?

I'm pretty confused about this response, desu. I understand why it's important to Dorothy's story regardless of the specifics, but the user was talking about Amber... And if the user was you I'm even more confused

The problem is that we were shown him being wounded by Amber completely with blood being drawn, yet somehow there was enough time for Dorothy (I assume) to call 911, for Amber to escape without being seen, for the police and an ambulance to come, for Dorothy to be questioned about the crime, and for Ryan to be taken away, all while Ryan apparently bleeds out on the concrete outside of the dorm.

I don't know. After that car chase, I think even Korrasami was better written than DoA.

So what's with this thread not getting deleted?