
Unsounded thread
>Ah, finally Jivi spills a bit of where he came from. Wonder why no one liked him... next page on Friday!

Jivi has a cousin that makes wine and yet he has a pirate mom. Interesting family

I'm guessing on his father's side? Doubt anyone on that side of the family wants anything to do with someone is somewhat of a Pirate Queen or her offspring.

lookin like Saitama there, Jivi

Yes, black-and-white plus bald head plus something that looks like it could be his fist in panel 8 from the thumbnail had me wondering if this thread was a joke and someone had pasted One Punch Man panels into Unsounded.

>dindu nuffin: the page

It'd be really cool to read more about how seafaring works. If I recall, people unaccustomed/untrained in being on the sea away from the khert could die from the shock. Since Jivi was born at sea and lived there for a while, so I wonder if his body reacted oddly to the khert?

The whole deal where the khert only goes so far out to sea is so damn mysterious. I really wanna know if there's other continents and if the khert is only limited to Kasslyne.

My suspicion is that the khert is rooted in the ground and only goes so far up, explaining why it has a limited vertical extent over the land and doesn't extend far from the continent into the ocean (because the ocean gets too deep for the seabed to project the khert all the way to the surface.)

Maybe you could travel as far from the coast as you wanted and remain in khert territory by using a submarine.

What the fuck is up with those arms in the bottom panel?

>My suspicion is that the khert is rooted in the ground and only goes so far up, explaining why it has a limited vertical extent over the land and doesn't extend far from the continent into the ocean (because the ocean gets too deep for the seabed to project the khert all the way to the surface.)
Ashley has confirmed this, actually. It's why Queen Sonorie's castle is so tall, to deter pymary-based attacks on her chambers.

The Khert as has been explained absolutely only covers Kassylne. It's been said a couple of times the Khert emanates from the continent itself, falling away as you get farther out into the ocean and as you get higher up in the sky. Perhaps other places have other Kherts?

Honestly, I think we're going to go there some day. Not in Book 1 but maybe 2 or 3. There's been a couple of times Ashley talked about it that seemed to me at least to tease the fact.

Now I'm wondering if it's some specific part of the ground that emits the khert and if you could bring islands of it with you by carrying enough 'khertite' (whatever that may be) in your ship.

Seems like something that probably would have been figured out long ago in-universe if it were simple, though.

Not only does it only cover Kassylne, it's so fundamental to how reality works there the rest of the planet basically doesn't interact with it much at all. I recall a line above people from other places just sailing right through it, with neither those sailors or those on Kassylne noticing.

Which honestly raises a multitude of questions, but the most pressing point of which would seem to be it seriously constrains the scope of what the fuck is going on here. Less like gods created the world and more like people fucking around on their own island continent Claymore-style.

Sorry to be slowpoke, but is lizardfolk!Delicieu theorized to be human!Delicieu possessing Prakhuta's body with his own human soul, or is it just an independently ensouled Prakhuta working under Delicieu's name?

I'm leaning towards the former since Bastion and Rahm talk about the silver as being typical of Delicieu (and it feels kinda underwhelming for "Cutter" to reveal himself as "Delicieu", only for that to be yet another alias).

It feels a bit underwhelming for Delicieu to just be jacking a lizard body, since a big part of the initial Delicieu reveal was it turning out to be he was the lizard man the whole time. For me, anyway. It opened up a lot of interesting avenues that "actually just human in a different body" squashes.

But Cope's one of those creators I implicitly trust to handle whatever happens well, even if it turns out to be a situation I wasn't too into initially.

I'll also add that the reveal of Cutter being Delicieu, at the time, was mostly just that it revealed Cutter to be behind the silver monster. And him to be a lot more together than he initially appeared. Still pretty crazy, though. It being another alias doesn't really matter much, since him using the name at all was the important part, to tie him into what we heard about the creator of the pain monster.



Fair enough.

On a related note, it's amusing that the Black Tongues are HFY-driven to the point of bigotry towards other species, even though they draw their name from their devotion to a non-human.

Just how things work. Unsounded is all about the imperfection of organizations. Everyone part of any organization has a bug up their butt about the others, and are equally unwilling to turn that withering, critical eye towards their own.

I like how Sette's memories were scratched, faded sepia, while Jivi's are in hard black and white. It's the little character touches.

To be fair the only sumfin we've ever seen Jivi do is help the RBB when coerced with torture and violence, and his own self-loathing over that eventually made him go berserker on the fucks.

It's generally agreeded that Delicieu tried to jack Prakhuta's body somehow, but fucked up BADLY. Could be he just got his tormentor's soul, and with it, access to the khert.

Perfectly ok with Ashley having unsounded update 2 times a week, burnout sucks bad and 3 updates felt like I was being spoiled.

I wonder what Duane's will look like.

Has the guy in front of Ruck appeared before? I couldn't spot him in the rest of the Black Tounge pages in this chapter.

That's Ballanstern.

Like thus?

To be fair, would you trust an inhuman abomination that can literally drink your soul with venom that essentially lobotomizes you?

oh shit. So he literally walked in right after Bastion then got this throat slit.