Face it tiger,You just hit the jackpot

Face it tiger,You just hit the jackpot.


>Mary Jane Watson will no longer be white with red hair in cartoons because of the MCU
>Comics Mary Jane Watson will be replaced by a Black MJ because of the MCU
>RYV will be cancelled
>Mayday will never be allowed to be used

Take me to a fancy retaurant Peter

>Comics Mary Jane Watson will be replaced by a Black MJ because of the MCU

>There will never be another Spiderman show as good as Spectacular
It feels horrible

Fucking Disney/Sony/whoever I can blame for this.

ding ding ding

>b-but she's not really MJ!

She's going to say the tiger line sarcastically, ain't she.

Im still mad, I want a retcon

Gwen was the jackpot though

Why are their pupils so big

I'm loving the recent influx of spectacular spiderman threads

You can't even see their pupils


I'm normally not into trannies, but I'd make an exception for him.



>mfw I will never hit the jackpot
really deflates my will to breath

Actually, blame Sony. Sony doing the same shit but with shittier new stuff made Marvel go ALL NEW, ALL DIFFERENT Spider Man.



A n i m e

Based giv poster


>that lip bite
Sent blood right to my dingus


It's pretty screwed up when the Minimate version of May looks like Mary Jane.

Spectacular was doomed from the beginning. Kids WB was dying. Even if Sony didn't trade the TV rights or Disney didn't buy Marvel, where would the show have ended at? Cartoon Network? They treated Superhero Squad and Fantastic Four like shit!

they are gonna replace her in a move to make the new movies more like what people used to know and like from spiderman to counter homecomings disappointing performance

>face it tiger, you just hit the jackpot. You were born a white male in this racial-patriarchal hierarchy which systematically benefits white men at the expense of other genders and races.



They need to do more scenes with Jesse and Vaniity.

wtf is this American shit?


Can someone please post the original?

>Josh Keaton will never voice Spider-Man again
Why must we suffer?

Needs barf coming out of his mouth.


RYV is selling better than Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man, and Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider.

That's not how you spell MJ

I think I like this one the most.

Everyone in that show gets cucked at least once

Was expecting this edit
Am not disappointed

Causals really did want Mary Jane because of the familiarity they had with the Raimi movies. I thought this movie was doing well, second week really that bad? I know Apes was coming but damn