Let's have a thread about Magik

Let's have a thread about Magik.

- Best costume
- Best attitude
- Best powers
- Bisexual

Why is Illyana so great?


Sup Forums doesn't like Magik that much. I had two threads last week. Anyway, she's a Russian Demon Teen with big juggs and a dominatrix outfit. Of course she's great.

She kind of reminds me of Aku for some reason.

it's the head-thingies





>big juggs
Other than that time she was trying to re-take over limbo she is never shown to be big. Especially compared to the huge racks in the X-house


Daily reminder that anyone who loves current Magik is in love with a slutty demon who stole an innocent girl's face to escape hell, not the young girl who had her identity stolen in the first place.

>slutty demon
>not a naive farmgirl
>appearance of a Russian dominatrix

I fail to see the problem user.

A leather bikini must smell nasty after a day

Best costume is the Phoenix costume.
It's a shame it was only for a shit event

Black costume > Phoenix costume >>>>> every other Magik suit

Slavshits are disgusting

These edited dialogues are great

Magik just needs to ride Doom's cock already. He's into witches, she's a demoness who needs someone to dominate her.

Imagine her riding you, and as she starts getting into it, she starts transforming into her Darkchyle form. Then you start grabbing her horns as she pins you down with her goatlegs.


bad post

>he doesn't want to fuck a Russian demon with horns and goatlegs

Why are such a normiefag user? I bet you wank it to missionary and brunettes.

She regained her soul later

Why is she such a whore?

Funny thing is, she is not, at least on panel. The only time I remember her paired up with someone in recent memory was an AU version in Secret Wars: Siege.

>Illyana will never get tired of Cyclops's C-Men
What a little slut

As I read it it's still a demon masquerading as Illyana

I don't get the appeal of the Black Costume.
It seems a bit try hard and doesn't say much about her.
It doesn't feel X-many
It doesn't really feel demonic past the kirby horn thingies which I actually do like the idea of all the Rulers of Hell having horn thingies as a recurring element between them all.
It doesn't even feel regal.

Though really I guess I'm just reading into the Phoenix costume as more Regal...because dammit I really like it. Just wish it had horn thingies.
I mean if your soul is in somethings body, especially something thinks it's you, wouldn't it be you?
Or is Real Illyana in some kind hell in which she's trapped in the body of a broken form of herself.

I'd call her a homunculus. A magically created construct resembling a human but not quite.

It has Illyana's mind and her body, her powers and her memories so its pretty close

But it's not Illy

She got Illyana's soul later

Owning the Soulsword doesn't make her Illyana.

Nightcrawler, Angel, Kitty, and Colossus have all owned it at one point or another.

>owned ultimate expression of Illyana's being at some point
Girl is going around.

Does that mean Illyana has been inside all of them?

Because she can defeat the cock!

Magik once had a dream about Kitty tickling her and causing them to phase through a bed

This art is gross. She's a teenager

Fuck sake Victor
Isnt night time in latveria?

>This art is good because she's a teenager
FTFY faggot.