The Raccoons: The New Adventures

Did this series really need a reboot?

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For comparison.

The girl raccoon is cute so yes

>Motion Tweens
>Those designs

I could never get over the bent noses as a kid

That kinda worked for me since in the original it was a fake Atari thing

Kinda glad it's not real though. No Cyril cigar!

I never liked the designs on The Raccoons

Never understood what the hell the pink critters where, or why he had pig henchmen.

A stand-in for Jews.

sHIT, niqqas I think I actually really, REALLy like this girl raccon. Can we get a drawfag on this shit

So universal boogeyman that everyone think is different yet all hates?

It's kinda nice, would give a chance if it were to become a thing again.

>Kinda glad it's not real though. No Cyril cigar!

It is real, it's probably a pitch and the OP is most likely involved with the making of The New Adventures.

As of now the youtube video only has 17 views, was uploaded today and his op pic isn't a screen from the youtube video but a screenshot of the actual video file 624435488.mp4_snapshot_00.29_[2017.07.17_06.42.59]

They're probably hoping for it to go viral.

Oh man, I was 13 when I used to watch that show back in the day when it was specials before it became a regular cartoon series. Hard to say how well it will do, I mean, it looks all right except for Cyril Sneer... he looks a bit off. I liked the specials better than the regular series... the Christmas Raccoons was my favourite.

would give it a shot if they still use that rocking 80s track. It's in the trailer so I hope it's in the show proper

Almost everyone's design in this reboot seems passable, but that Cyril Sneer just doesn't settle well with me. Don't know if he's just not expressive enough or if he doesn't seem as unkempt or frizzy or even just borderline slimeball, but there's something.

So OP how's things coming along on F is For Family season 3?

Put the cigar back in Cyril's mouth and with decent writing the reboot has it made.

>Cyril Sneer plays Mein Kraft
Ruined forever, not even watching the first episode. Fuck this member berries flavored nostalgia cash grab bullshit.

>we won't get to hear a namefags opinion on something
And nothing of value was lost

You namefag on Thursdays, so you're not the one to talk.

I don't know who you're implying I am but I am a proud user, don't associate me with that trash

Shut up namefag

I'm not sure why they have bent noses anyway. It's a terrible design choice.

THIS is actually pretty good, I was always a fan of the raccoons and this looks pretty nice, also that 80's music, if they keep it I will be forever glad.
8/10 will watch if it becomes a thing.

Why didn't they get Bert's original va back

Necromancy is illegal in Canada.

the original was perfect

they're jews

Question, who the hell was asking for a reboot of this show?

The creator, apparently. He's been pushing it for years, but it only recently got traction.

fucking leafs
they have to ruin everything again

is there a mega?

Well its just as ugly as the original I guess.

I see myself loving this. Never got the chance to watch the original series so I want to see how this goes.

I hope that they keep "Run with us" and it's not only for the trailer tho.

I think she was my first cartoon crush, desu.

I fucking wish its been a nightmare getting any shows from the 80s, Ive still yet to see a half decent Galaxy High rip

My first reaction on seeing this was honestly how ugly the remake looked and how I missed the charm of the older animation

Bert will probably be voiced by Dwayne Hill, who replaced Len Carlson on Atomic Betty.

>OP being a shill instead of just admitting he's one of us and asking us what he thinks of his little college assignment

>female characters not wearing trousers in CURRENT YEAR

I follow Jetpack Distribution because I'm interested in three of their shows, mainly Kitty Is Not A Cat. I saw the video for this Raccoons reboot on their vimeo today.

I think you misread my post, it's not a college assignment but an actual pitch/pilot.

>female bottomless
>post 9/11
what is this

Does the original series hold up well? Most things from the 80s have aged poorly.

shit, this was an actual show? I always thought I dreamed it up

Awww... suck it up, buttercup. ;-)

Wait, this also get a reboot? It's a miracle.

Has there ever been another character with as much believable character development as Cyril Sneer? Especially for antagonist?

Because RIP.

But do enough people associate it with Hobo with a Shotgun now? (or is it just that obsessive YouTube fan who blocks people who refuse to agree that Gillis raped their childhoods by letting it in an R-rated movie. True story.)

Screw Lisa, Melissa was my crush from this show. I like mature women. And Susan Roman's voice.


The use of the original sound makes it seem fanmade

Here's an idea for a Chrissy Special
>Near Christmas, Tommy and Julie find a golden star, they take it back home, thinking it would make a great star for their Christmas tree
>Meanwhile Cyril Sneer offers a reward to whoever finds the star (because he believes it has magical powers that he wants to exploit)
>Bert (with Cedric tagging along) finds the star and succeed in stealing it from the humans' Christmas tree (After escaping Schaeffer of course)
>After getting a penny for giving Cyril the Christmas tree, Bert goes home
>Schaeffer finds the Raccoons and after hearing about how disappointed his masters would be, The Raccoons decide to help him take back the Christmas Star
>Turns out that the power Cyril thought the star was just the power of the Christmas spirit (which isn't really power much to Cyril's chagrin)
>A new character: Doctor Tik, a Loon scientist who Cyril hires to find out what the power of the star is

>Love the shit out of Run With Us
>Decide to check out if there are any extended or flac versions out there
>mfw this song has at least 10 covers and remixes I didn't know about.

Dwayne could the entire male cast (Canuck got range)

His nose isn't long enough

I like it, hope they keep the feel of the original like they did with the video.

Didn't follow the show that closely. Elaborate?

make me

He's not like a Captain Planet villain, spreading pollution on purpose. Every bad thing he does is for some financial gain, but there are some cases where he'll give up a fortune, like if his son is in danger.

For example, in the Christmas special, Cyril only agrees to abandon his deforestation plans because his nerdy son pointed out a green alternative that would cost him less.

He is at first introduced as the bad guy but over course of the show becomes less and less evil, just greedy in nature but sometimes even taking the side of the Raccoons and showing more and more responsible behaviour towards the environment.
That is especially the case after the show introduces Mr. Know as the new main vilain which allows his character to soften up. He's also shown as under his rough demeanor having a good character and really loving his son, even throwing away his greed for him for a while.

*Mr. Knox

She better not disappear partway through the series this time.

anyone have a mega or magnet for the series?

Most of the voice actors for Raccoons are dead I think

I don't remember the girl raccoon having this much back.

post op squidward

I think the minecraft bit felt a little out of place but only because it was full 3d while the rest was 2d animation. Cyrils needs his cigar back thou, his mouth looks empty without it.

I was such a big fan of the series back in the day. I'll keep my nostalgia goggles on and not go back to re-watch it and ruin my childhood memory

it holds up

>9 months ago

No word on this existing, obvious fan made/hoax but ya, Raccoons was a fun show and Lisa was hot, you're a fag if you didn't want to fuck that raccoon. Anyway, I'm sure if there was a nu-Raccoons it would be flash animated garbage tier shit so it's better that it stays dead.

He was an aardvark.

>Kitty Is Not A Cat

I was about to say, it sounded like Bert was a direct audio rip. That was a fucking good Len Carlson imitation from those grunts he was giving.

Assuming it wasn't just a direct audio rip.

It's just a direct rip from the old opening.

Only few of them, like, Rita Coolidge (Melissa's VA) is still alive.

The cigar with the copious amounts of smoke is also missing.

I think the problem is that the design is too clean, and their design shrinks his eyes a bit too. Making it just look like someone who is a bit sleepy.

Sneer needs more harsh lines to give him some definition. As such the lines are too soft and blend in with the rest of him. This results in a muted effect of the design that counters any attempt at making him this cranky business guy.

Now he just looks like a school yard bully with think eyebrows.

That lack of cigar is hurting his design.

>inb4 he vapes

bump for raccoons

Trudeau promised he'd legalize it.

LonBlueWolf just did a really nice one of the old and new versions of Melissa.

i love lon

Trips of truth.

I can not believe how much that fucker's mangled nose is bugging me.
Like, it might be the sole reason I can't watch this shit because it irritates me to see how much it ruins a design I otherwise think is okay.

I grew up watching the raccoons as a kid

Kinda weird hearing the old audio with new animation
I wanna hear run with us as the ending still

So all I can say is the better not fuck this up

i doubt it's getting picked up